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37 Cards in this Set

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Legiimate Power

person believes you have a right by virtue of your position

come from leadership roles

Ex: teachers, parents have legitimate power over children, doctors, judges, managers, police officers.

referent power

person wishes to be like you/identified with you

-referent power increases over another person when you're well liked/respected.

-when your seen as attractive/prestigious same gender and attitudes/experiences as the other person.

reward power

have ability to give that person rewards. either material(money,promotions,jewelry) or social (love respect family)

we like those who reward us and give us rewards

coercive power

have ability to remove rewards/administer punishments.

-if you have reward power you also have coercive power.

ex: parents grant as well as deny privileges to their children.

expert power

group members regard you as having expertise or knowledge wether you truly passes this or not.

-increases when you're seen as unbiased and having nothing to gain personally from influencing others.

information power

aka persuasive power

-can communicate logically and persuasively

-seen as having significant info and ability to use that info in presenting well-reasoned arguments

what are the 6 steps to problem solving sequence

1.define and analyze

2.establish criteria for evaluating solutions

3. IDENTIFY possible solutions

4. evaluate solutions

5. select the best solutions

6. Test selected solutions

Whats step one of the problem solving sequence

Define and analyze

-define problem as open ended question

-revolve around duration causes and effects

whats step 2 of the problem solving sequence

-Establish criteria for evaluating solutions

-allows you to rule our any unacceptable solutions;devote time on solutions that are possible and workable.

-2 types of criteria. Practical and value

whats step 3of the problem solving sequence

identify possible solutions

- focus on quality rather than quality. produce many solutions possible. Brainstorming

whats step 4 of the problem solving sequence

Evaluate solutions

evaluate according to the criteria established

whats step 5 of the problem solving sequence

Select the best solutions

-best solutions are put into operations

whats step 6 of the problem solving sequence

test selected solutions

Test effectiveness of solution after they've been put into operation.

What are the three types of groups

nominal delphi method and quality circles

What is nominal group

method of problem solving that uses limited discussion and confidential voting to obtain a group decision

-helpful especially if members may be reluctant to voice their opinions in a regular problem solving group.

Delphi method

group of experts established but theres no interaction among them.

-communicate through questionnaires

-useful for people who are geographically distant from one another

- and when you want to minimize effect of dominant members or peer pressure.

What is quality circle

group of workers usually 6-12; task is to investigate and make more recommendations for improving the quality of organizational functions.

-investigates problems using any method they feel useful including delphi and nominal

Why do formulas work

standardized news is safe

- must constantly conquer their product w/that of their competition

whats the new hole

news organization must fill a minimum "news hole" everyday

a journalism term that stands for the amount of space available daily for news in a newspaper.


in-depth reporting on a particular issue, sector, organization or institution over time.

-produced each day; your familiar run of murders, accidents, public hearings etc.

what are special assignments in journalism

to break daily routines reporters have are given special assignments to cover big stories

ex; elections assassinations and floods

costly but must be kept going

what are bureas

Geographically assigned crew

- crews stationed in big cities such as Chicago, new york houston L.A and miami

Public relations and news

reduce staff, shrink bureaus and become more conscious of budget.

small market, tv stations, and low budget papers thrive from PR fare.

- large news companies avoid packaged PR fare.

whats idex

images that document on event that happened or took place.

ex: fossilized footprint shows indicates that large reptiles once roamed the earth

-smoke then theirs a fire

whats an icon

resemble the things they represent. sums up concepts.

ex; stick figure on pedestrian sign, stop sign, white house, u.s flag, uncle same, bald eagle

whats syntactic indeterminacy

can convey precise relationship between things.

- can imply any associations w/o saying so.

- up to the observer to guess the relationship

the meanings of icons are predictable

repetition (stop sign in the same place every time)

- words and other meanings

the meaning of icons are unpredictable

audience diversity

individual perspective

What are the formal elements of advertising

shape color and placement

What are Sharp angles

high potency and high activity

what are right angles

high potency and medium activity

what are curved lines

low potency and low activity

what is potency


Activity equals


What is advertising and overall style

composition and editing

Explain gender role in Advertising and overall style

Feminine=slow and fade editing

ex: Pantene ad ( curved lines and pastel colors)

Masculine= fast and sharp

ex: droid razr

Explain youth role in advertising and overall style

MTV ads edit 3x faster

ex; microsoft surface tablet.