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25 Cards in this Set

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an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
Flow of the speech
Group think
the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that discourages creativity or individual responsibility, just goes with the flow
Empower groups
Impact the group, ongoing purpose
Emergent leader
Leader that isn't designated, takes on a leadership role naturally
Designated leader
Leader that has been put in a leadership position
Task role
Stays focused on goal
Maintenance role
Collaborate information, self-centered role
Psychological process of persuasion
Speaker should speak in a way that emotionally drives the audience to feel or act a certain way (monroe's motivated sequence)
Monroe's Motivated Sequence
5 steps that follow psychology of persuasion:

-Need: need for change, why audience needs to change
-satisfaction: plan that will remedy
-visualization: benefits of plan and the horror if you do not implement this plan
-call to action: urge audience to take actions; state specific details of what the audience should do
Primary factors of credibility
Competence & character
Hasty generalization, false cause, invalid analogy
Difference between graph and chart
Chart is not visual, just words, blocks of info
Aristotle's three ancient words
Ethos- ethics, credibility
Logos- logic, organize thoughts
Pathos- passion, emotions of the audience
Chronological pattern
In order by chronology
Topical order
Organization, 2-4 main points/ideas
Spatial order
Directions, places, focus
General purpose
To inform, to teach, to persuade, to entertain
Specific purpose
What you want to teach/inform/ persuade, should be one distinct idea
Central idea
Main points, thesis, outline
Audience centered
What do I want my audience to know & how is it going to impact them?
Overcoming communication anxiety
Practice 1 hour for every 1 minute that you speak; positive thinking, reframing; visualization, concentrate on communicating with the audience
Communication process
Speaker- message -audience

Interference can come in the way of the delivery

The audience gives the speaker feedback- verbal or nonverbal