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56 Cards in this Set

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IDEA Principles

1. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), Zero Reject

2. Least Restrictive Enviroment (LRE)

3. Individualized Education Program

4. Appropriate and non discriminatory evaluation

5. Parent and Student Participation in process

6. Procedural Safeguards (due process)

IDEA Goals

1. Equal Opportuinity

2.Full Participation

3. Independent Living

4. Economic Self-sufficiency

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Federal legislation passed in 1990, reauthorized in '97 and '04, which gave us our modern special education system.

Brown v. Board of Education

Separate facilities are unequal 1954

Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Aid to handicapped children, but not enforced with 3 million not receiving public education.

MA Chapter 766

1972 first SPED law in the nation

Education for All Handicapped Children

1975 culmination of the disability rights movement

Free & Appropriate Public Education

no cost to parent, determined by IEP team, not the same as everyone else

Least Restrictive Enviroment

Gen ed least restrictive>home/hospital most restrictive (continuum of placement)

Individualized Education Program Content (IEP)

-Description of student (performance levels)

-Content/Method of instruction

-Placement and Rational


-Goals/objectives (vision statement)

-Related services


-participation in statewide assessment

MA SPED Eligibility

1. Does the student have one or more of the following types of disabilities?

2a. Is the student making effective progress

2b. is the lack of progress a resuult of the student's disability

2c. does the student require specially designed instruction or related services


the over representation of students with racial, cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in SPED (RCELD)

Checklist to Address Dis-proportionality in Special Education (CADSE)

1. Culturally Responsive Beliefs and Practices of Schools and General Education Classrooms

2. Culturally Response Coordinated Early Intervening Services (EIS) and Referral to SPED

3. Culturally Responsive IEP Team Decision Making-Evaluation and Determination of Eligibility

Section 504

Civil rights law that provides accommodations to students with physical or mental impairment that limits one major life activity

Students served under IDEA

Specific Learning Disabilities

Speech and Language impairments

Other Health Impairments


Intellectual Disabilities

Emotional Disturbances

Developmental Delay

Multiple Disabilities

English Language Learners

1.Assessment of interpersonal and academic language proficiency (English and home lang.)

2.Implementation of evidence based instruction Bilingual/ESL support

3. Progress monitoring (performance level and rate of progress)

IEP #1

1. Parent and/or Student Concerns

2. Student Strengths and Key Evaluation Results

3. Vision Statement

IEP #2

1. Present Levels of Educational Performance-General Ed.

2. Accomodations, specially designed instruction, content, methodology/delivery of instruction, performance criteria

IEP #3

1. Other Educational Needs- adapted phys ed, braille needs, language needs, travels needs, etc.

2. Age specific considerations-age 3-5 participation in appropriate activities, 14+ students course study, 16-22 transition to post school activities

IEP #4

1. Current performance levels

2. Measurable annual goals

3. Objective benchmark

Given...student will...action word...frequency,%,rate,duration,latency...for X of days/classes

IEP #5

1. Indirect service to school personnel and parents

2. Special education and related services in general education classroom

3. Special Education and related service in other settings

IEP #6

Nonparticipation justification (refer to IEP5 Sec C)

-Identifies when the is removed from gen ed

-Describes the reasons for the removal (benefit)

-Presence of a disability is not a justification

Schedule modifications

Transportation Services

IEP #7

State or Distric-Wide Assessment

1. Regular assessment (MCAS or PARCC)

2. ...with accommodations

alternate assessment (MCAS Alt)

IEP #8


a. is on the autism spectrum=automatic

b. affects social skills development

c. makes the student vulnerable to bullying, harassment, or teasing

Criterion referenced test

compare against a pre-established level of mastery (criterion) i.e. statewide assessments`

Currciculum based test

reading/math skills and content area

Instructional planning

Norm-referenced tests

Compare against a norm sample

-Intelligence tests

-achievement tests

-Eligibility determination


Curriculum, Rules, Instruction, Materials/Assessment, Environment

High incidence disabilities

Specific Learning disability, Behavioral disorder, ADHD

Tier III

Intensive Intervention (individualized)

Tier II

Research-based interventions/progress monitoring

Tier I

Rsearch-based core instruction, Universal screening, Progress monitoring

Operational Deviance Disorder

Persistent patterns of negativistic, hostile, or defiant behavior directed primarily toward adults

Conduct disorder

consistent patterns of behavior in which they violate the rights of others or transgress age appropriate norms

IQ-Achievement Discrepancy

Gap between academic achievement score (WIAT) and IQ score

Implicit instruction

teacher-developed activities that elicit student discovery

Explicit instruction

teacher demonstration, guided practice, independent practice at specific levels of mastery

Intellectual disabilities

IQ (70 +-5) and adaptive behavior both below average

low incidence disabilities

Intellectual disability, Autism, orthopedic impairments, communication impairments, visual impairments

Production Response

Spoken response, signed response, written response

Direct selection response

pointing or eye gaze at picture options

Direct selection

activating an AT device

Scanning method

partner-assisted scanning or scanning with a device (nods or shakes)

Learning Media Assessment

choosing appropriate media for student who is visually impaired

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Representation, Action/Expression, Engagement

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

1. Describe purpose of discipline system

2,Write expectations give observable examples

3.Develop a system to team appropriate behaviors

4. Identify procedures to acknowledge appropriate behavior

5. Consequences for violations

6. Data collection/decision making

Individualized Behavior Support Plans

Why does my student do "blank"

Manifestation Determination

Process to determine whether a students behavior problem is due to the students disability

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)

Antecedent, behavior, consequence, student reaction


More/less often


More/less often (different observation period)


For a longer shorter period of time


Within a shorter amount of time from when the initial instruction is delivered

Time Sampling

Accuracy vs. feasibility

Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior

Reinforce incompatible behavior

Differential Reinforcement of Alternate Behavior (DRA)

Reinforce alternate behavior