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119 Cards in this Set

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Least Restrictive Environment (long)
To the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities shall be educated with their non-disabled peers.
Individuals with a Disability (long)
Any student, ages 3-22, who has been identified in accordance with Article 7 as having a disability, and who by reason of the disability, requires special education and related services.
Special Education (long)
Specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability.
Related Services (long)
Services which are supplementary and complementary to the student's instructional program and are required for the student to benefit from special education.
IEP (long)
An (annually) written document developed by the Case Conference Committee, that describes how a student will access the general education curriculum and the special education and related services needed to participate in the educational environment.
FAPE (long)
Special education and related services that are provided at public expense, that meet the standards of the stated educational agency, which includes early childhood education, elementary education, or secondary education, and are provided in conformity with an individual education program.
at risk
students who perform/behave poorly in school and appear likely to fail/fall short of their potential.
*challenged exclusion of kids w/ disabilities from public schools & their placement in non-public school settings.
*exclusion ruled neither rational nor necessary
*kids w/ disabilities are entitled to receive a free, public education at school & at district expense
Mills vs. Board of Education
elementary attention signal (give me five)
*stop what you're doing
*look at the speaker
*be quiet
*be still
secondary school attention signal
*sit up straight
*both feet on the floor
*look at the speaker
*challenged exclusion of kids w/ mental retardation from public schools and their placement in other educational settings
*exclusion ruled neither rational nor necessary
*kids with mental retardation are entitled to receive a free, public education at school & at district expense
*parents must be notified of changes made in kid's program (due process)
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
differentiated instruction
instruction varied to meet the needs of each student
philosophical belief in special education that every individual, even the most disabled, should have an educational and living environment as close to normal as possible
5 major concepts provided by law
*due process
*parent participation
Indiana Rules for Special Education
Indiana's 511 IAC Rules 32-47

Article 7
EAHCA recertified to this in 2004

schools must provide FAPE to all kids (3-21) regardless of how seriously disabled, to receive funds
Individuals with Disabilities Education (Improvement) Act'
why legal safeguards for students with disabilities are necessary (7)
*once place in program, many stay for remained of education
*special education programs were frequently of low quality and not adequately supervised by SEA's (state edu. agency)
*placement decision often based on teacher recommendation or 1 test result
*moderately-severely disabled kids were routinely excluded from public schools
*any education received was usually at parents' expense
*disproportionate number of kids from minorities placed in spec. ed.
*level of education services provided to residents of institutions was low or non existent
*challenged the practice of segregating school kids by race
*education must be made available to all kids on equal terms
*a basis for later cases about civil rights of the handicapped
Brown vs. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas
*regardless of the existence or severity of a student's disability, a public education is the right of every child
Timothy W. vs. Rochester New Hampshire School District
least restrictive (education) environment
the percentage of a population or number of individuals having a particular exceptionality
*12-18% of general population with disabilities
continuum of placement options
*general education class only
*general education class with consultation or co-teaching. -consult with spec. ed. teacher or both provide instruction
*itinerant teacher-work in various schools, visit classes
*resource teacher-provide student/teacher services in 1 school
*self contained class-special education teacher & aide. semi-separated
*day school-all day special placement
*hospital/homebound instruction-physical/emotional/behavioral disabilities option. short term. this teacher talks to general education teacher
*residential school-24 hours care away from home
Individualized Family Service Plan

for infants and toddlers w/ disabilities
IEP for kids up to age 3
disability vs. handicap
disability: inability to do something, a diminished capacity to perform in a special way

handicap: a disadvantage imposed on an individual
free appropriate public education
IEP written by CCC
individual(ized) education plan/program
Case Conference Committee
*Mainstreaming Law
*requires states to provide a FAPE for all kids w/ disabilities
*requires IEPs
*1st defined LRE
**1st major legislation talking about rights of kids with disabilities
Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
Public Law 94-142 Part B
1975 (re-certified every 7 years)
*defines "handicapped person"
*defines "appropriate education"
*prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in federally funded programs
**1st law of major civil rights
Vocation Rehabilitation Act (VRA) Public Law 93-112, Section 504
Amendment XIV
...nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
(life, liberty, property, equal protection, due process)
citizenship rights
Amendment X
the powers not delegated to the US by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

(i.e. the entire education process)
Americans with Disabilities Act

civil rights legislation for people with disabilities ensuring non-discrimination in a broad range of activities.

sec. 504 + IDEIA
*REI: regular education initiative-integrating all kids with special needs into the general education classroom
*inclusion/inclusive education: integrating all students with disabilities, particularly severe ones into gen. ed.
*mainstreaming-integrating kids w/ mild disabilities into gen. ed. classrooms for much/all instruction

**not legal terms
'rents want sign language instruction -->"appropriate"=derive meaningful benefit
*grade to grade progress
*education w/ non-disabled peers
Rowley vs. BOE of Hendrick Hudson
No Child Left Behind
traumatic brain injury
injury to brain, resulting in total/partial disability or psychosocial maladjustment
categories of disabilities
13 categories of disabilities
90% of kids with disabilities have one of 4 high incidence disabilities
*learning disabilities: 2-3%
*emotional disabilities: 2-3%
*cognitive disabilities: 2-3%
*speech/language disabilities: 2-3%
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
*right of parent/eligible students to view education records w/in 45 days of request
*right to have records explained/interpreted by school officials
*school officials can't destroy records, if request to view exists
*may request believed inaccurate/misleading/right-violating records be changed
*school must provide copies of education records if 'rents can't come in during 45 days or will be used in due process
Autism/Autistic Spectrum Disorder
autism: specific
autistic spectrum: general

a pervasive development disability characterized by extreme withdrawal. cognitive deficits, language disorders, self-stimulation, & onset before the age of 30 months
behavior intervention plan
general education intervention
council for exceptional children
founded in 1922 by Elizabeth Farrell
Multi-disciplinary (assessment) team
teacher of service
teacher of kid with disability
teacher of record
special education teacher licensed in kid's disability
*see that IEP is correctly implented
*could be TOS
the process of providing dis-equal resources to students with dis-equal abilities while expecting dis-equal outcomes
3 levels of good teaching
*direct instruction-you show them how to do it
*guided practice-you assist them in developing skill
*mastery learning-they go & do it on own
curriculum based assessment
(Indiana Standards Tools for Alternative Reporting)
-alternate to ISTEP+ for low functioning kid (decided by CCC)
response to intervention
*a way of determining whether a student has a learning disability
*increasingly intensive levels of instructional intervention are delivered & if the student doesn't achieve-they're determined to have a learning disability or are referred for special education evaluatoin
what shall I do on my first day (5)
*seating chart
*teach attention signal
*teach response signal
*teach rules
*teach behavior management plan
pull-out programs
special education programs in which students w/ disabilities leave the general education classroom for part/all of school day
peer tutoring
based on the notion that students can effectively tutor one another, the role of learner or teacher is assigned to either the student with a disability or the non disabled student
self determination
the ability to make personal choices, regulate one's own life & be a self-advocate
partial participation
an approach where students with disabilities, while in the general education classroom, engage in the same activities as non disabled students, but on a reduced basis-teacher adapts the activity to allow each student to participate as much as possible
pre-referral teams
*teams of a variety of professionals who work w/ general education teachers to come up with strategies for teaching difficult to teach kids
peer confederates
students who assist the teacher
class wide peer tutoring
instructional practice where all students in the class are involved in tutoring and being tutored by classmates on specific skills as directed by their teacher
person centered planning
planning activities and services based on a person's dreams/aspirations, interests, preferences, strengths, and capacities
universal design for learning: designing lessons that are appropriate for all learners

*universal design: design of new buildings/tools to make them usable by the widest possible population of potential users
progress monitoring
brief, frequent measures of performance used to determine whether a student is learning as expected
cooperative learning
teaching approach where the teacher places students with heterogeneous abilities together to work on assignments
interim alternative education setting
*a temporary placement outside general education for students whose behavior is extremely problematic, but in which their education is continued
functional behavior assessment
*evaluation that consists of finding the consequences (what purposes the behavior serves), antecedents (what triggers the behavior), and setting events (contextual factors) that maintain inappropriate behaviors
changes made in instruction/assessment to make it possible for a student with a disability to behave more normally
changes in curricular content/conceptual difficulty or changes in instructional objects and methods
tiered assignments
(an adaptation)
assignments varying in difficulty but on a single task
peer-mediated instruction
deliberate use of a student's classroom peers to assist in teaching an academic/social skill
changes in delivery of instruction/type of student performance/assessment method which don't change the content or conceptual difficulty of the curriculum
developmental disability
cognitive disability
attention deficit (hyperactive) disorder
barriers to inclusive education (4)
*physical environment
*physical limitations
*intentional attitudinal barriers
*unintentional attitudinal barriers
extended school year
fetal alcohol syndrome

*abnormalities associated with mom's drinking alcohol during pregnancy

*-->brain damage, facial deformities, growth deficits, & various physical/mental abnormalities
other health impairment
emotional handicap
speech language & hearing pathologist
protection and advocacy
9 reasons for inclusion
*preparation for adult living
*improved learning in general
*growth for peers-friendship development
*effective use of resources
*acceptance of differences
*individualized education
*parental involvement
*support of civil rights
*it's the law-to a point
office of civil rights
good instruction for at risk kids (5)
*self-concept building
what we know about teaching at risk kids (6)
*poor attention skills
*poor generalization skills
*poor organization skills
*poor success rates
*"failure mentality"
*poor self concept
independent education evaluation
annual case review
3 essential skills of every good teacher
*know what to teach
*know how to teach it
*know how to manage behavior
visual impairment
state education agency
emotional disability
children in need of services/supervision
local education agency
moderate mental disability
mild mental disability
department of education
cerebral palsy
occupational therapy/therapist
intelligence quotient
learning disability
positive behavior intervention & support
*systematic use of the science of behavior to find ways of supporting desirable behavior rather than punishing the undesirable behavior; positive reinforcement procedure that are intended to support a student's appropriate/desirable behavior
positive behavioral support
*positive reinforcement (rewarding) procedures intended to support a student's appropriate/desirable behavior
rules for making rules (4)
*make 5-7 rules
*have them posted around the classroom
*word them positively
*teach them to your students
manifestation determination
determination whether a student's misbehavior is a manifestation of a disability
job coach
person who assists adult workers with disabilities, providing vocation assessment, instruction, overall planning, and interaction assistance with employers, family, and related government & service agencies
supported employment
method of integrating people with disabilities who can't work independently into competitive employment; includes use of an employment specialist/job coach who helps the person with a disability function on the job
developmental delay
indicates infants/young kids are significantly behind the norm of development in one+ area
cochlear implantation
surgical procedure that allows people who are deaf to hear some environment sounds
characteristic/condition that's present at birth
physical abuse
infliction of physical injury or allowing another to do so
chronic failure to meet basic needs of a child for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education or supervision
sexual abuse
utilization of a child for sexual gratification by an adult/older child in a position of power, or permitting another person to do so
emotional neglect
chronic failure by the caretaker to provide support & affection necessary to develop a sound & healthy personality
emotional abuse
chronic attitude/acts of a caretaker which are detrimental to the child's development of a sound & healthy personality
multicultural education
aims to change educational institutions and curricula so they will provide equal educational opportunities to students regardless of their gender, social class, ethnicity, race, disability, or other cultural identity
a culture that's associated w/ or part of a larger culture; a culture that's not the entire culture of a nation or other entity
quick measures administered to determine who may need further assessment
curriculum-based measurement
formative evaluation method designed to evaluate performance in the curriculum to which students are exposed
native language emphasis
an approach to teaching language-minority pupils in which the students' native language is used for most of the day & English is taught as a separate subject
sheltered-English approach
method in which language-minority students are taught all their subjects in English at a level that's modified constantly according to individuals' needs
scaffolded instruction
cognitive approach to instruction in which the teacher provides temporary structure or support while students are learning a task; the support is gradually removed as the students are able to perform the task independently
techniques that aid memory, such as using rhymes, songs, or visual images to remember information
reciprocal teaching
a method in which students and teachers are involved in a dialogue to facilitate learning

*a cognitive teaching strategy whereby the student gradually assumes the role of co-instructor for brief periods; the teacher models four strategies for the student to use: 1) predicting, 2) questioning, 3) summarizing, 4) clarifying