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25 Cards in this Set

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Purpose: Dysfunction of hip, such as mobility restriction

Steps: 1) Passively flex, abduct, and ER LE 2) Slowly lower testing leg down to table surface

Positive Test: Pain or knee is unable to relax

Scour's Test

Purpose: DJD of hip

Steps: 1) Hip in 90 degrees flexion and knee maximally flexed. 2) Place compressive load into femur via knee joint.

Positive Test: Pain in hip joint or referred pain to the knee elsewhere

Trendelenburg Sign

Purpose: Weakness of gluteus medius or unstable hip

Steps: 1) Pt stands on one leg (flex opposite knee) 2) Observe pelvis and stance leg

Positive Test: Ipsilateral pelvis drops when lower limb support is remove

Thomas's Test

Purpose: Identify tightness of hip flexors

Steps: 1) 1 hip and knee maximally flexed to chest and held there. 2) Opposite limb is kept straight on table. 3) Observe hip flexion on straight leg

Positive Test: Straight limb's hip flexes and/or pt is unable to remain flat on table when opposite limb is flexed

Ober's Test

Purpose: Tightness of TFL and/or ITBand

Steps: 1) Lying on side, lower limb flexed at hip and knee. 2) Passively extend and abduct testing hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees

Positive Test: Cannot rest uppermost limb on table

Ely's Test

Purpose: Tightness of Rectus Femoris

Steps: 1) Pt prone, knee of testing limb is flexed at knee 2) Observe the hip

Positive Test: Hip of testing limb flexes

90-90 HS Test

Purpose: Tightness of HS

Steps: 1) Pt supine with hip and knee at 90 degrees flexion. 2) Passively extend the knee of testing limb until barrier is encountered

Positive Test: Knee unable to reach 10 degrees from neutral position

Piriformis Test

Purpose: Identifies piriformis syndrome

Steps: 1) Pt supine with foot of test leg passively placed lateral to opposite limb's knee. 2) Testing hip is adducted 3) Observe position testing knee relative to opposite knee

Positive Test: Knee is unable to pass over resting knee, reproduction of pain in buttock, and/or along sciatic nerve distribution

Craig's Test

Purpose: Abnormal femoral antetorsion angle

Steps: 1) Prone with knee flexed to 90 degrees 2) Palpate greater trochanter and slowly move hip through IR and ER

Positive Test: Normal angle= btwn 8-15 degrees IR, less=retroverted hip, more=anteverted hip

Collateral Ligament Instability Tests (Knee)

Purpose: Ligament laxity or restriction

Steps: 1) Knee in 20-30 degrees flexion

Positive Test: Valgus stress=Medial CL; Varus force=Lateral CL

Lachman's Stress Test

Purpose: ACL

Steps: 1) Knee in 20-30 degrees flexion. 2) Stabilize the femur and passively try to glide tibia anterior

Positive Test: Excessive anterior glide of tibia

Pivot Shift

Purpose: ACL integrity

Steps: 1) Pt supine, testing knee in extension, hip flexed and abducted 30 degrees with slight IR. 2) Hold the knee with one hand and foot with other and place a valgus force through the knee and flex the knee

Positive Test: Tibia relocation during test

Posterior Sag Test

Purpose: Integrity of PCL

Steps: 1) Supine with hip flexed to 45 and knee flexed to 90 2) Observe tibia for possible "sagging" posteriorly

Positive Test: Sag of tibia relative to femur

Posterior Drawer Test

Purpose: Integrity of PCL

Steps: 1) Pt supine and hip flexed to 45 and knee flexed to 90 degrees. 2) Passively glide tibia posteriorly following the joint plane

Positive Test: Excessive posterior glide

Reverse Lachman

Purpose: Integrity of PCL

Steps: 1) Pt prone with knee flexed to 30 2) Stabilize femur and passively try to glide tibia posteriorly

Positive Test: Ligament laxity

McMurray's Test

Purpose: Meniscal tears

Steps: 1) Pt supine with knee in max flexion. 2) Passively IR and Extend the knee

Positive Test: Lateral Meniscus; Test medial meniscus with ER the knee

Apley's Test

Purpose: Differentiate's between meniscal tears and ligamentous lesions

Steps: 1) Pt prone with knee flexed to 90. 2) Stabilize thigh with your knee. 3) Passively distract the knee joint then slowly rotate tibia IR and ER

Positive Test: Pain=Meniscus

Hughston's Plica Test

Purpose: Dysfunction of the plica

Steps: 1) Pt supine and knee flexed with tibia IR. 2) Passively glide patella medially while palpating the medial femoral condyle. 3) Feel for popping as you passively flex and extend the knee

Positive Test: Pain and/or "popping" noted

Patellar Apprehension Test

Purpose: Past history or patellar dislocation

Steps: 1) Pt supine while patella is passively glided laterally

Positive Test: Pt does not allow and/or does not like patella to move in lateral direction

Clarke's Sign

Purpose: Patellofemoral dysfunction

Steps: 1) Supine with knee in extension on the table. 2) Push posterior on superior pole of patella. 3) Next, have pt perform an active contraction of the quadriceps muscle

Positive Test: Pain in the knee

Ballotable Patella

Purpose: Indicated infrapatellar effusion

Steps: 1) Pt supine, knee in extension on table. 2) Apply a soft tap over the central patella

Positive Test: Patella is floating

Fluctuation Test

Purpose: Knee joint effusion

Steps: 1) Pt supine, with knee in extension on table. 2) One hand over suprapatellar pouch and other over anterior aspect of the knee joint. 3) Alternating pushing down with one hand at a time

Positive Test: Positive finding is fluctuation

Q-Angle Measurement

Purpose: Measure angle between quadriceps and patellar tendon

Steps: 1) Normal is 13 deg for men and 18 for women

Positive Test: Angle less than or grater than normal may indicate knee dysfunction and/or biomechanical dynsfunctions within lower limb

Noble Compression Test

Purpose: ITband friction syndrome

Steps: 1) Pt supine with hip flexed to 90 degrees 2) Apply pressure to lateral femoral epicondyle then extend knee

Positive Test: Reproduces same pain over lateral femoral condyle

Tinel's Sign

Purpose: Dysfunction of common fibular nerve posterior to fibular head following fibular nerve distribution

Steps: 1) Tap region where common fibular nerve passes through posterior to fibular head

Positive Test: Reproduces tingling and/or paresthesia into leg