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56 Cards in this Set

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what is adipose?
it is a form of connective tissue
what does adipocytes do?
sythesize and store fat
what happens to the nucleus of an adipocyte as lipid accumulates in cell?
the nucleus becomes flattened.
When is not fat preserved?
in sections processed routinely for paraffin embedding.
what happens when lipids are preserved by formalin?
lipids are preserved by formalin, but not made insoluble.
what will happen when adipose tissue is stored in formalin?
It will result in a gradual loss of lipids.
what will make lipids insoluble?
Osmium tetroxide will chemically combine with lipids to make them insoluble.
What can adipose tissue be demonstrated with?
formalin fixed frozen sections, fresh frozen sections, osmium tetroxide fixed paraffin embedded sections or sections embedded in insoluble.
what does Oil Red O for neutral demonstrate?
demonstrates neutral lipids in frozen sections.
What does Oil Red O for Neutral fats demonstrate?
can demonstrate fat in abnormal places and identify tumors of lipid origin. Also lipfuchsin on ciroid.
What kind of method is Oil Red O?
it is a physical method of staining.
Is the dye more soluble in tissue or solvent?
The dye is more soluble in the tissue lipid than in the solovent in which it is dissolved.
In an Oil Red O what is critical?
The solvent used is critical.
what removes a minimal amount of lipid?
what does propylene glyclol not remove?
it removes no lipids.
what are sections cut at in an Oil Red O?
Frozen sections are cut at 10 microns.
what happens if the tissue is not fixed in formalin prior to sectioning?
the section is fixed in 40% formaldehyde.
what can be used to improve microtomy when doing and oil Red O?
formalin fixed tissue may be infiltrated with 30% sucrose to improve microtomy.
what kind of mounting medium must be used when doing a Oil Red O stain?
aqueous mounting media.
what can be used to seal the edges of an Oil Red O stain?
Nail polish can be used on the edges of the slide.
what kind of hematoxylin can be used as a counterstain of an Oil Red O stain?
alcohol free hematoxylin
what are the results of an Oil Red o stain?
fat is intense red and nuclei is blue.
what should you know about an Oil Red O stain?
Do not put pressure on coverslip as fat droplets, will be displaced from their original location.
What does Sudan Black in Propylene Glycol demonstrate?
Demonstrates neutral lipids in tissue sections.
What is Sudan Black soluble in?
Sudan Black is soluble in phospholids and somewhat soluble in cerebrosides.
Sudan Black in Propylene glycol is also used where?
in hematology.
What kind of dye is Sudan Black?
it is a basic dye that will combine with acidic groups in compound lipids such as phospholipids.
What are sections cut at in a Sudan Black?
frozen sections are cut at 10 microns.
Is Sudan Black a physical or chemical?
It is both physical and chemical, but mainly physical.
what kind of mounting medium should be used when doing a Sudan Black?
aqueous mounting medium.
what are the results of a Sudan Black stain?
fat is blue-black and nuclei is red.
What does Osmium Tetroxide demonstrate?
lipids can be demonstrated following routine processing.
What kind of method is Osmium Tetroxide?
a chemical method, the osmium tetroxide combines with the lipid imparting a black color to the fat.
What does the Osmium Tetroxide do to the fat compound?
it makes the fat compound insoluble and can be processed for paraffin embedding.
Osmium tetroxide does not process fast, so what should happen to the tissue?
It should be cut at 2 microns to assure penetration.
When using Osmium tetroxide, processing should begin at ?
70% alcohol and large amounts of fat are not fixed. also cytoplasmic stains are affected.
Where should you use Osmium Tetroxide?
Under a fume hood. It has a PEL of .002 ppm.
what can happen when using Osmium Tetroxide, if not careful?
Vapors can fix nasal mucosa or conjunctiva of the eye.
What is used as a differentiator when staining with Osmium Tetroxide?
periodic acid is used to clear the background and leave the fat stained black.
when using Osmium Tetroxide, when does staining take place?
Staining takes place the same time fixation does.
After using Osmium Tetroxide for fixation and staining what do you do?
After routine processing an H&E can be done or other special stains, such as a trichrome.
What are the results of Osmium Tetroxide?
Fat is stained black and other tissue elements are stained according to what other method was used.
What are urate crystals considered to be?
endogenous deposits.
Where are the urate crystals deposited?
Urate crystals are deposited in tissue on around joints in patients with gout.
What are the urate deposits in tissue called?
Gouty tophi.
Why must urate crystals be fixed in alcohol.
Because they are soluble in water.
When does processing begin?
It will begin in absolute alcohol.
Why is it that urate crystals can be seen by polarizing microscopy or by an argentaffin reaction?
Because urate crystals are birefringent.
What demonstrates urate crystals (gouty tophi)?
A modified Gomori Methenamine-Silver method.
What do the urate crystals react with?
Silver, which then is reduced to its metallic form.
When doing a modified GMS for urates, what are the urate crystals fixed in?
the urate crystals must be fixed in alcohol. Slides are brought through alcohol for staining.
what are slides incubated in?
Methenamine silver until urate crystals are black.
In a GMS for urate crystals, after sections are deparaffinized, what should you do next?
rinse in absolute alcohol and do not hydrate then place slides in methenamine-silver.
what do you counter stain with when doing a modified GMS?
After removing the unreduced silver with sodium thiosulfate, counterstain with Light Green
what are the results of a modified GMS when staining for urate crystals?
Urate crystals are black and background is green.
What reduces the urates crystals to its metallic form?
Argentaffin properties of urates will reduce the silver to its metallic form.