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47 Cards in this Set

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abnormal behavior and brain function could be predicted by examining shape of the skull
Paul Broca
loss of ability to speak is often called bruca's aphasia
Johy Hughlings Jackson
showed that areas of brain are intimately linked, damage to one part reduced overall general functioning
James Hinshelwood
word blindness inability to interpret written or printed language despite normal vision
What criteria adhd sympotms have to meet?
1 severity
2 early onset (7)
3 duration (6 months+)
what is most common emotional disturbance?
Conduct Disorder
what constitutes have a emotional disturbance. 1 of the following.....
over a long period of time
marked degree
adversely affect education performance
what can define a ED
inability to learn not cause by sensory, intelligence or health
general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression
physical symptoms or fears associated w/ personal or school problems
WHat 2 laws make children w/ add eligible for services?
1991 - clarified parents to address need of children with
1997 IDEA
what is the prevalence and gender of ADD/ADHD
6-10% and Males 3:1
Females are inattentive
What are the 2 classifications for ED
Externalizing and Internalizing
observable acting out; disruptive or aggressive
ADHD educational considerations
classroom structure & teacher direction.
self management
ADHD def?
inattentive type, hyperactive impulsive, combined.
Chronic neurlogical condition characterized by developmentally inappropriate attention skills, impulsivity and some hyperactivity
Learning Disabled educational considerations
strategies for learning, self instructions, self-monitoring, scaffolding, reciprocal teaching, content enhancement, direct instructions, peer tutoring
what is prevalence of LD? Gender?
5-6% 3:1 boys
what is a learning dis?
disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in the acquisition of use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mat abilities.
at what age do you see autistic regression
what is prevalnece of autism and gender
6% 4:1 males
autism & asperger's definition
developmental disability affecting verbal & nonverbal cmmunitication and social interaction as well as core feartures of repetitive motions, stereotyped behaviors, resistance to change, unusual responses to sensory experience. Milder forms of autism the IQ's and communication go up.
Autism characteristics
Impaired social interaction
2 impaired communication
3. repetitive / stereotypes beh
4. impaired cognition
5. abnormal sensory perception
Asperger's characteristics
1 impaired social interactions
2 impaired communicaiton
Hobson vs Hansen
1967 required schools to discontinue practice of tracking
Virginia dept of ed. VS. Riley
1997 federal funds can be withheld from states if they don't comply w/ regulations and legislation concerning education of students w/ disabilites
Parc vs common wealth of PA
1972 required public ed for students w/ MR
what is def of MR
a disability characterized by significan limitations both in intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills.
Larry vs Riles
similar to diana but w/ African Americans students
Brown vs Board (topeka)
1954 desegregation. end of seperate but equal
Board of ED Vs. Rowley
1984 appropriate doesnt mean optimal. (no ace on a 4)
Mills Vs. Board of Ed
districts prohibited from decidng that they had inadequate resources to serve children with dis. b/c of equal protection of 14th amendment
Diana vs state board of education
1970 non discriminatory assessment. students need to be compared ot their peer group
The independent school distric vs. Tatro
1984 Spina Bifida district didn't want to provide related services of clean intermittent cathetization
Amendment PL 94-142
1986 3-5 year olds
permitted a general non categorical diagnoses to be used w. 3-5
Education for all handicap children act PL 94-142
1975 mandate spec system in public schools.
FAPE, MFE, IEP, LRE, procedural safe guards and parents part of shared decision making. applicable to 5-21 year olds
PL 99-457
Provide incentives for serving 0-3 IFSP, "at risk" diagnosis, clearinghouse
Individuals w/ disabilities act PL 101-476
1990 IDA, changed language, transition planning, autism, TBI, service coordination to related services
PL 85-926
1958 incentives to encourage the preparation of spec teachers
Vocational rehab act amendments
1973 included section 504. bill of rights for individuals w. disabilities, civil rights fro handicaps
2001, accountability, reduced red tape, expanding options for parents of children from disadvantaged backgrounds, HQT
Americans w/ disabilities Act
1990 clear & comprehensive national mandate for elimination against ind w/ disabilties. reasonable accomm. clarified issues with contagious diseases (AIDS)
Vocational Rehabilitation act
1920 provided employment training for people with all types of disabilities
civil rights act
alignment of IDEA w. NCLB
Amendment to IDEA
1997 regular teacher @ IEP
Parents invited to meetings
manifestation determination, FBA for ED, IAT reg classroom prior to spec services
Facilities based orientation 1890 -1960
changed for caring about individuals to protecting from society. training facilities changed.
Services-based orientation 1960 - 1985
concept of normalization, right to education
supports based orientation 1985-present
maintaining individuals in inclusive settings with supports
Goldstein & sheerer (1947) 4 characteristics of brain injury
1 catastrophic reaction
2 rigidity
3 distractibility
4 concrete mode of thinking