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67 Cards in this Set

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to look good
tener buena cara
to be very calm
tener mucha calma
to be/feel very hot
tener mucho calor
to be very jealous of
tener muchos celos de
to be very careful
tener mucho cuidado
to fell like, have urge to do
tener deseos de
to have a sore throat
tener dolor de garganta...
to take into account
tener en cuenta
to be very envious of
tener mucha envida de
to be very successful
tener mucho exito
to be very cold
tener mucho frio
to be very hungry
tener mucha hambre
to be blamed for
tener la culpa
to have the floor
tener la palabra
to feel very sorry for
tener mucha lastima de
to take place
tener lugar
to be very afraid of
tener mucho miedo de
to be pleased to
tener mucho gusto en
to keep in mind
tener presente
to be in a big hurry
tener mucha prisa
to have to
tener que + inf
to have to do with
tener que ver con
to be right, wrong
no, tener razon
to be very thirsty
tener mucho sed
to be very sleepy
tener mucho sueno
to be very lucky
tener mucha suerte
to be very ashamed of
tener mucha verguenza de
andar mal de salud, de dinero
to be sick, broke
to memorize, learn by heart
aprender de memoria
to make a good, bad, impression
caerle bien, mal, a alguien
to drop dead
caerse muerto
to be...years old
to change one's mind
cambiar de idea
to rely on
contar con
to be difficult for someone
costarle trabajo
(not) to think so
creer que si, no
to drop
dejar caer
to sleep like a log, soundly
dormir a pierna suelta
to earn one's living
ganarse la vida
to knock on the door
llamar a la puerta
to carry out, to accomplish, to finish
llevar a cabo
to get, not get, along with
llevarse bien, mal, con
to hold one's intrest
mantener el intres
to die laughing
morirse de risa
to be good for nothing
no servir para nada
to pay cash
pagar al contado (en efectivo)
to call the roll
pasar lista
to have a good (bad) time
pasarlo bien ,mal,
to borrow
pedir prestado
to waste one's time
perder el tiempo
to agree
ponerse de acuerdo
to stand up
ponerse de pie
to behave/misbehave
portarse bien/mal
to pay attention
prestar atencion
to look good,bad, on somebody
quedar(le) bien (mal)
to mean
querer decir
to taste like
saber a
to get a grade, on a paper or assigment,
sacar una nota
sacar una fota(grafia)
to take a picture
to agree with one, to suit one
sentarle bien
to be a fan of, to be fond of
ser aficionado a
to be time to
ser hora de
to be one's turn
tocarle a uno
to sunbathe
tomar el sol
to pull someones leg, foll someone
tomarle el pelo alguien
to be worthwhile
valer la pena
to go crazy
volverse loco