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50 Cards in this Set

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mente nf.

mind, mentality

leña nf.

firewood, hiding, rough play, beating

ameno adj.

pleasant, enjoyable, nice

aplacar v.

to soothe, to satisfy, to quench, ease

desalmado adj.

cruel, heartless

zanjar v.

to resolve, settle

honrada adj.


exaltar v.

to promote, to raise, to exalt

prepotente adj.

arrogant, very powerful, overbearing

embarcación nm.

vessel, boat

bahía nf.


lidiar v.

to deal with, to cope with, to fight, to struggle

tiroteo nm.

shooting, shootout, exchange of shots, gunfight

difundido adj.

widespread, broadcast, disseminated

cotidiano adj.

daily, everyday

obrero n./adj.

worker, laborer

preocupación nf.

concern, worry

restar v.

to subtract, to take away, to minimize, to remain; be left

portador/a n./adj.

bearer, carrier

desprendimiento nm.

release, emission, detachment, generosity

reposo nm.

rest, repose

rueda nf.

wheel, circle, tire

temor nm.

fear, dread

demorar v.

to delay, to hold up, to take

limar v.

to file down, to polish, to iron out

aspereza nf.

roughness, unevenness, abruptness

estancar v.

to hold back, to block up, to bring to a standstill, to suspend

extraviar v.

to lose, to misplace, to mislead

incursionar v.

to venture, to dabble

albergar v.

to house, to accommodate, to harbor, to hold, to cherish

desistir v.

to give up, to cease, to stop

debidamente adv.

properly, correctly, duly

gozar v.

to enjoy, to take, to have; possess

transcurrir v.

to pass, to go by, to take place, to happen

emprendedor n./adj.


ámbito n.

field, circle, world, scope, range

bursátil adj.

stock market

rotundamente adv.

emphatically, categorically, flatly

emblemático adj.

emblematic, symbolic

degustación nf.

tasting, sampling

desechar v.

to throw away, to get rid of, to discard, to reject, to drop

olla nf.

pot, pan

cocción nf.

cooking, boiling, cooking time

trasera nf.

rear, back

cosechar v.

to harvest, to pick, to reap, to grow

aluvión nm.


pudrición nf.

rot, decay

agrupar v.

to group, to gather

albergue nm.

shelter, hostel, refuge

denegar v.

to deny, to turn down, to refuse