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24 Cards in this Set

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The subjects usually are simple, but the expression is ornamented, opulent, sumptuous, loaded of surprising metaphors, cultured voices and syntactic twisting.
Rompe el equilibrio clásico haciendo predominar el contenido sobre la forma o expresión.
Francisco de Quevado
Reunir el máximo número de ideas y conceptos en un mínimo de palabras. Lo intelectual prevalece sobre lo sensorial.
-Elitismo: Uso exagerado de cultismos, alusiones mitológicas.
-Uso violento del hipérbaton: alteración exagerada del orden de las palabras en un verso y de los versos en una estrofa.
-Uso del neologismo (nuevas palabras)
Laconismo y concisión: “Lo bueno, si breve, dos veces bueno”
Luis de Gongora
Tendencia humorista y/o satírica (interpretación humorística --a veces irónica-- llena de pesimismo y desengaño)
La agudeza y el ingenio: sutileza intelectual para presentar ideas con dificultad; habilidad y perspicacia para exponer ideas.
-Recargo y ornamentación de la forma: mundo sensorial, acumulación de imágenes.
-Elaboración de metáforas sorprendentes y difíciles: se acumulan en una palabra o en una frase diversos significados. Hay una constante substitución del objeto común por un objeto poético (“pájaros” por “esquillas de sonoras plumas”).
-Uso frecuente de la hipérbole, la alegoría y la perífrasis.
personification, humanity built of wood, destroyed by flood for not acknolewding them, descendents become monkeys for not obeying the gods
He was a business man writing a convincing letter, embellishes everything all in exchange for "muy poquita", tells king and queen of spain that the people there are like children and can be easily defeated
Cristobal Colon
de las casas
enriquillo, valenzuela, hernando de san miguel
priest for the indigenous people, wrote about Enriquillo, wants to defend the indigenous people but talks about them as animals (contradiction)
Bartolome de las casas
indian by blood, learns the laws of the spanish, marries an indian in a catholic church, speaks spanish, becomes acculturated to the spanish culture
villian who treats Enriquillo and his family terrible, Spainard, beats E with a stick and rapes his wife
brings peace to the 13-14 year rebellion, this treaty helps spaniards economically
Hernando de San Miguel
humanizes la malinche in his writings, opposite of octavio paz
Diaz del castillo
Diaz del Castillo characters
Jeronomo de aguilar, guerrero, dona marina (la malinche)
one of the two people taken as slaves, and wants to go back when rescued
jeronomo de aguilar
"El conquistador conquistado", one of the two men taken as slaves, does not wish to go back to Spain, became acculturated
mother betrayed her by choosing her son over her daughter and throwing her out, very intelligent and multi-lingual/cultural
la malinche
archbishop of New Spain, hates women, signs his name as a woman in response to so Juana's document
sor Filotea de la Cruz
knowledge was very important, wrote against a theological text, wrote poems about the double standard for women,
sor Juana