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20 Cards in this Set

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What are you like?
Como eres ?
what are .. like?
como son.. ?
I use a wheelchair
estoy en una silla de ruedas
i get up
me levanto
i take a bath
me bano
to ride a bike
montar en bicicleta
dark haired
what do your friends do on weekends?
que haven tus amigos los fines da semana?
what do you do every morning?
que haces todas las mananas?
i have brown hair and brown eyes
tengo pelo castano y ojos de color cafe
I like cheese
mi gusta queso
he/she/you loves
le encanta(n)
he/she/you likes to watch tv
le gusta ver la television
he/she/you prefer to spend time alone
prefiere pasar el rato solo
what would you like to do?
Que te gusta hacer?
do you like.. or .. more?
te gustan mas.. o..?
and your friends? what do they like to do?
y a tus amigos? que les gusta hacer?
to mow the lawn
cortar el cesped
dont forget to wash the dishes
no te olvides de lavar los platos
can i help you?
Puedo ayudarte?