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21 Cards in this Set

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No necesitas tener la culpa para pedir perdón.
You don't need to be guilty to ask for forgiveness.
Todos tienen la culpa menos yo.
Everyone is to blame expect for me.
Por qué siempre termino pidiendo perdón sin tener la culpa?
Why do I always end up asking for forgiveness without being at fault?
Es preferible tener culpa de hace algo, que quedarse con las ganas.
It is preferable to be guilty of doing something than remaining with the desire to do it.
Yo no tengo la culpa de haber nacido tan sexy.
It's not my fault that I was born sexy.
Creen que tengo la culpa de todo?
Do they think that everything is my fault?
Tú no tienes la cupla, mi amor, que el mundo sea tan feo.
You are not to blame, my love, that the world is so ugly.
It's not your fault, my love, that the world is so ugly.
Si, circulando, golpeas por detrás a otro vehículo, siempre tendrás la culpa del accidente.
If, driving, you hit another vehicle from behind, you will always be at fault.
Los bebés no tienen la culpa de los errores que cometemos los adultos.
Babies aren't to blame for adult's mistakes.
Aquel que dijo "más vale tener suerte que talento" conocía la esencia de la vida.
That person who said "it's better to have luck then talent" understood(knew) the essence of life.
Cristiano no tiene suerte con su carro.
Cristiano is not lucky with his car.
Tenemos suerto de vivir el momento que estamos viviendo.
We are lucky to live in the moment we are living.
Tuve suerte porque no iba muy rápido.
I was lucky because he/she/it was not going very fast.
Crees que tienes buena suerte o mala suerte?
Do you believe you are lucky or unlucky?
Por qué no tuvo mucho éxito el Windows Vista?
Why wasn't Windows Vista very successful?
Yo también creé páginas que no tuvieron éxito.
I also created pages that weren't successful.
Siempre que jugué, tuvimos éxito.
Everytime I played, we were successful.
Alguna vez has tenido éxito en convencer a tu niño a comer brócoli?
Have you ever been successful at convincing your child to eat broccoli?
Google music tendrá éxito o será un fracaso más en la industria de la múscia?
Will google music be successful or will it be a another failure in the music industry?
La mayoría de la gente tendría éxito en las cosas pequeñas si no estuviera tan preocupada por grandes ambiciones.
Most people would be successful at the small things if they weren't so worried about big ambitions.
En qué reality show tendrías más éxito?
In what reality show would you be most successful?