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82 Cards in this Set

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El colegio


Primary (elementary) or middle/junior high.

Cuadno Pedrito comience a ir al colegio que vaya a una escuela pública.

When Pedtrito starts going to school, we want him to go to a public school.

La escuela


Generic term for school, used to avoid ambiguity

Cuadno Pedrito comience a ir al colegio que vaya a una escuela pública.

When Pedtrito starts going to school, we want him to go to a public school.

El instituto

High school, institute

standard for public high school in Spain.

Cuando Juanita terminó el instituto fue a estudiar a una Universidad canadiense.

When Juanita finished high school, she went to study at a Canadian university.

El liceo

Spanish-American, public high school, escuela secundaria more common.

Cuando Juanita terminó el liceo (escuela secundaria) fue a estudiar a una Universidad canadiense.

When Juanita finished high school, she went to study at a Canadian university.

La academia

Academy, school

Private institution above primary school level that specializes in particular skills.

Ahora, en Europa, hay muchas más academias de lenguas para estudiar ingles que antes.

In Europe there are now many more language schools for studying English than before.


to walk

A Roberto le gusta caminar desde su casa a la oficina.

Robert likes to walk from his house to his office.


to walk

A Roberto le gusta andar desde su casa a la oficina.

Robert likes to walk from his house to his office.

Ir a pie

to walk

emphasize motion on FOOT rather than something else.

Como hoy hace tan buen tiempo, hemos decidido ir a pie a la Universidad.

Because the weather is so beautiful today, we have decided to walk to the university.


To stroll, walk

recreational walking

Los domingos nos gusta pasear por el parque

On Sundays we like to stroll in the park.


To wander (walk) the streets

aimless walking in streets

Cuando Manuel perdió el empleo, comenzó a callejear por las calles de Buenos Aires

When Manuel lost his job, he began to wander the streets of Buenos Aires


To wander (walk) the streets

aimless walking in streets (less common)

Cuando Manuel perdió el empleo, comenzó a deambular por las calles de Buenos Aires

When Manuel lost his job, he began to wander the streets of Buenos Aires

La píldora


small, round medicinal pill.

El médico le recetó a mi padre unas píldoras de cortisone para la artritis.

The doctor prescribed my father cortisone pills for his arthritis.

La pastilla

tablet; cake of soap (non-medical)

larger and not necessarily round.

El médico le recetó a mi padre unas pastillas de cortisone para la artritis.

The doctor prescribed my father cortisone pills for his arthritis.

La tableta

tablet; pill

tends to be small and flat.

Cuando fuimos a Manaus tuvimos que tomar unas tebletas de quinine contra la malaria.

when we went to Manaus, we had to take some quinine tablets for malaria.

El comprimido



los nuevos comprimidos de vitamin C son difíciles de tragar.

The new vitamin C tablets are hard to swallow.

La gragea

small, sugarcoated pill (candy or medicinal)

Las grageas que me recetó el medico eran tan pequeñas que apenas las podia coger con los dedos.

The pills the doctor prescribed for me were so small that I could hardly pick them up with my fingers.

La cápsula


Yo prefiero tmoar el aciete de hígado de bacalao en cápsulas de gelatnia.

I prefer to take cod-liver oil in gelatin capsules.


to shake, tremble, quake

widest range of contexts

Nuestro enemigos temblaban de odio, de envidia y de rabia.

Our enemies were shaking with hatred, envy, and rage.


To shake

moving back and forth

En España, algunas mujeres sacuden en los balcones el polvo de las alfombras.

In Spain, some women shake out the dust from their rugs at their balcony windows.

Estremecer (se)

to shake, shudder

from horror or other strong emotion

La sangre hizo estremecer de horror a todo el mundo.

The (sight of) blood made everyone shudder with horror.


to shiver, shake

cold or fever, etc.

Joaquín asó la tarde tiritando porque se le había olvidado el abrigo.

Joaquín spent the afternoon shivering because he had forgotten his overcoat.


To answer, respond, reply

less common

La pregunta sorpredndió a todos y nadie pudo responderla.

The question surprised everyone, and nobody was able to answer it.


To answer, respond, reply

More common

La pregunta sorpredndió a todos y nadie pudo contestarla.

The question surprised everyone, and nobody was able to answer it.


To answer (back), talk back

-- Cuando te doy una orden, ¡no me repliques!

When I give you an order, do not answer (talk) back to me!


To object

Mi colega tuvo nada que objector a mi propuesta.

My colleague had nothing to object to in my proposal.


to contradict

Cuando el abuelo negó la existencia de Papá Noel, el nieto le contradijo inmediatamente.

When the grandfather denied the existence of Santa Claus, his grandson contradicted him immediately.


to refute

El líder de la oposición rebatió punto por punto el plan del president para estimular la economía.

the leader of the opposition refuted point by point the President's plan for stimulating the economy.


To love

Idealized or abstract in nature, sexual relationship.

Patrick Henry amaba la libertad por encima de todo.

Patrick Henry loved freedom above all.


To love

more familiar, more common translation

María no sabe cuánto la quiero.

Maria doesn't know how much I love her.

Enamorarse de

To fall in love with

Cuando Carlos conoció a Isabel, se enamoró de ella locamente.

When Carlos met Isabel, he fell madly in love with her.

Estar enamorado de

To be in love with.

Luis y Teresa etaban enamorados desde el primer día que conocieron.

Luis and Teresa were in love from the first day they met.


To adore, worship

Highest degree of love

Bernardo adoraba a su hija pequeña.

Bernardo adored his younger daughter.


To love

popular, indirect object, "love"

Me encanta la música de Mozart.

I love Mozart's music.


To love

popular, indirect object, "love"

Me fascina la música de Mozart.

I love Mozart's music.


To love

popular, indirect object, "love"

Me entusiasma la música de Mozart.

I love Mozart's music.

La cáscara

Shell, thick skin

Shrimp, nuts, eggs, etc., and fruits (oranges, etc.)

El niño tiró la cascara de la sandía al suelo.

The boy threw the watermelon rind on the floor.

El caparazón

Shell (of a crustacean)

La langosta estaba tan rica que dejamos limpio el caparazón.

The lobster was so tasty that we picked the shell clean.

La corteza

bark, rind, crust

Outer covering of trees, cheese, and bread.

La corteza dal pan que hacemos en casa es muy rica.

The crust of our homemade bread is very tasty.

La piel

Skin (peel)

natural skin of a fruit or vegetable

la piel de la patata es muy nutritiva.

The skin of the potato is very nutritious.

La mondadura


peel once it has been removed from fruit

Dábamos las mondaduras de las verduras a los cerdos.

We used to give the vegetable peelings to the pigs.



peel once it has been removed from fruit

Dábamos las peladuras de las verduras a los cerdos.

We used to give the vegetable peelings to the pigs.


To hull

To shell nuts

Los muchachos pasaron la tarde descascarillando avellanas.

The boys spent the afternoon shelling hazelnuts.


To crack, split.

Breaking eggshells or cracking nutshells.

Para hacer una tortilla para dos personas hay que cascara cuatro huevos.

To make a Spanish omelet for two, one must crack four eggs.


to peel

peeling a fruit with hands or a knife, standard term for peeling.

¿has pelado la fruta para el postre?

Have you peeled the fruit for dessert?


To peel, pare

Peel fruit with a sharp object

¿has mondado la fruta para el postre?

Have you peeled the fruit for dessert?


to crawl

Like a reptile

La Leona retaba tratando de soprender a la cebra.

The lioness crawled on her stomach trying to catch the zebra by surprise.


To crawl

to drag oneself, standard term for crawl/creep

El soldado tuvo que arrastrarse bajo las alambradas para llegar al fortín.

the soldier had to crawl under the barbed wire to reach the bunker.


To creep, crawl

on all fours, mainly children

Los niños son muy graciosos cuando empiezan a gatear.

Children are very cute when they begin to crawl.


To crawl, meander

literary, highlights winding nature of the motion

Desde lo alto de la colina veíamos serpentear el río por el valle.

From the top of the kill, we saw the river as it meandered through the valley.


To wait

more common, also to expect/hope

El pueblo español esperó la democracia durante cuarenta años.

The Spanish people waited forty years for democracy.


To wait (for)

Waiting isn't very long

Los aviones no aguardan a nadie.

Planes don't wait for anybody.

hacer cola

To wait in line

Para renovar mi pasaporte tuve que hacer cola durante dos horas.

To renew my passport, I had to wait in line for two hours.

El cerro


isolated, rocky

En la Edad Media, muchos castillos en España fueron construidos sobre cerros.

In the Middle Ages, many castles in Spain were built on (rocky) hills

La colina

Hill, knoll

En medio del llano podíamos ver una colina cubierta de encinas.

In the middle of the plain we could see a hill covered with shrub oak.

La loma


low, long hill (Spanish-America)

Van a comprar una casa enlas Lomas de Chapultepec.

They are going to buy a house in Chapultepec Hills.

La cuesta

Slope, hill

slope of a hill, street, road, etc.

La cuesta era tan empanada que el ciclista tuvo que subirla andando.

The hill was so steep that the cyclist had to walk up it.

La ladera

Hillside, slope

Mi primo Emilio ha plantado mansanos en la ladera del monte.

My cousin Emilio has planted apple trees on the slope of the mountain.

El acantilado

Cliff, palisade

marine context/river context

El transbordador nos llevó desde Calais hasta los acantilados de Dover

The ferry took us from Calais to the cliffs of Dover.


To endure, stand

Suffer through something

Mario no soportaba a su cuñado.

Mario couldn't stand his brother-in-law


To support, maintain

Pablo ha prometido mantener a su madre mientras ésta viva.

Pablo had promised to support his mother as long as she lives.


To support

propping or backing (up) something/someone

El Senado no apoyó la propuesta del presidente.

The Senate didn't support (back) the President's proposal.


To endure, stand, put up with

Como no podía aguantar la humedad de la costa, José se fue a vivir a Nuevo Mexico.

Because he couldn't stand the humidity on the coast, José went to live in New Mexico.


To stand, withstand, bear

Energetic opposition

Como no podía resistir la humedad de la costa, José se fue a vivir a Nuevo Mexico.

Because he couldn't stand the humidity on the coast, José went to live in New Mexico.


To endure, bear

Patient endurance of a burden/difficult situation

María Teresa sobrellevó los últimos meses de su enfermedad con gran dignidad.

María Teresa endured with great dignity the last months of her illness.



Disparaging attitude

Sentimos una gran pena cuando vimos a aquel viejo tartar de cruzar la calle corriendo.

We felt a great sorrow when we saw that old man trying to run across the street.


old, elderly

Gives respect to subject

El anciano, agobiado por los años, necesitaba bastón para andar.

The old man (gentleman), weighed down by his years, needed a cane to walk.


Old (older, oldest)

Don Eugenio es un señor mayor. Acaba de cumplir ochenta años.

Don Eugenio is an elderly man. He just turned eighty.


Very old.

decaying or crumbling.

Un vetusto caserón coronaba la loma.

A crumbling old house crowned the hill.


Old, rancid.

tradition, customs, ancestry/positive with wine, ham, bacon, etc.

Mi tía Castilda hizo una sopa excelente con un poco de jamón rancio y unas verduras.

My aunt Castilda made a wonderful soup with a little bit of well-aged ham and vegetables.


Ancient, old, former

Positive evaluation

Mis padres se casaron en una iglesia muy antigua.

My parents got married in a very old (ancient) church.


To assemble, put together, put up

pieces of something

Tuvimos armar la bicicleta que habíamos comprador para el niño.

We had to assemble the bicycle we had bought for our child.


To assemble, put together

A mi padre le encanta desmontar y montar el (reloj) despertador que tenemos.

My father loves taking apart and putting together our alarm clock.


To build, construct

Construimos una pequeña cabaña de troncos cerca del lago.

We built a small log cabin near the lake.


to build, erect

Restricted to masonry

Para edificar la nueva oficina de correos, usaron ladrillos rojos.

To build the new post office, they used red brick.

La ira

Ire, wrath, anger

Strong anger accompanied by loss of self-control

Las uvas de la ira es la novella más famosa de John Steinbeck.

The Grapes of Wrath is John Steinbeck's most famous novel.

El enojo


Causé gran enojo a mi padre cuando tuve el accidente con su coche.

I angered my father very much when I had the accident with his car.

El enfado

Anger, annoyance

lesser degree of anger

Eric siempre se enfada cuando le decimos que arregle su cuarto.

Eric always gets angry when we tell him to straighten up his room.

La rabia

Rage, madness

explosive anger

Cuando descubrí que habían robado en casa, sentí una rabia enorme.

When I discovered that they had burglarized our house, I felt tremendous anger.


To annoy, anger; (to become annoyed/angry)


To annoy, anger; (to become annoyed/angry)


To rage, get angry

Sacar de quicio

To exasperate, drive crazy, unhinge

not only anger, also upsets/exasperates

¡Luis, me sacas de quicio con tus constants quejas!

Luis, you drive me crazy with your constant complaints!