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30 Cards in this Set

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Bring Me
La cuenta, por favor
the check please
I would like
El gusto es mio.

Permita usted que me presente
The pleasure is mine.

May I introduce myself
Permitame presentarle a mi amigo

Tanto gusto en conocerle...
allow me to introduce to you my friend....

I'm very glad to know you
El gusto es mio,senor, senorita
The pleasure is mine,sir, mam
Mucho gusto en conocerla

Buenos dias
I'm glad to know you

Good Morning
El gusto ha sido mio.

Adios. Hasta otra dia
The pleasure was mine.

Good-bye. See you soon
Hasta la vista.

Muy Buenas
See you soon. So Long

Good Night (very good)
Hasta manana.

He tenido un verdadero gusto.
See you tomorrow.

It's been a real pleasure.
Que' tal?

Bien, y tu'?
How are you?

fine. And how are you?
Es verdad.

Es suyo.
It's true.

It's yours.
Esta' claro.

Es necesario.
It's clear. It's obvious.

It's necessary.
Es temprano.

Es tarde.
It's early.

It's late.
Es lastima.

Esto es de 'el.
It's a pity. It's too bad.

This is his.
Dame esos.
Give me those
Dame esas.
Give me those
Dame Aquella.
Give me that one over there.
Dame Aquellos.
Give me those over there.
Dame aquellas.
Give me thos over there.
Vaya usted todo derecho.
Go straight ahead
Doble usted a la derecha.
Turn to your right.
Double usted a la izquierda.
turn to your left.
Por aqui'
this way
Esta en la
It's on the
Esta a la izquierda
It's on the left
es aqui mismo
It's right here
Por alli'
That way