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42 Cards in this Set

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Indirect object: yo
me ("to me")
Indirect object: tú
te ("to you")
Indirect object: él, ella, ud.
le (or "se" if followed by a direct object beginning with 'L') ("to him/her/you")
Indirect object: nosotros
nos ("to us")
Indirect object: vosotros
os ("to you")
Indirect object: ellos, ellas, uds.
les (or "se" if followed by a direct object beginning with 'L') ("to them/you")
Direct object: Yo
Direct object: tú
Direct object: él, ella, ud.
Lo, La
Direct object: nosotros
Direct object: vosotros
Direct object: ellos, ellas, uds.
Los, Las
Reflexive Object: yo
me ("myself")
Reflexive Object: tú
te ("yourself")
Reflexive Object: él, ella, ud.
se ("himself/herself")
Reflexive Object: nosotros
nos ("ourselves")
Reflexive Object: vosotros
os ("yourselves")
Reflexive Object: ellos, ellas, uds.
se ("themselves")
Object of Preposition: yo
mí ("from/with/to me")
(When used with "from", becomes "conmigo")
Object of Preposition: tú
tí ("from/with/to you")
(When used with "from", becomes "contigo")
Object of Preposition: él, ella, ud.
él, ella, usted ("from/with/to them")
Object of Preposition: nosotros,-as
nosotros, -as ("from/with/to us")
Object of Preposition: vosotros, -as
vosotros, -as ("from/with/to you")
Object of Preposition: ellos, ellas, uds.
ellos, ellas, uds. ("from/with/to them")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: yo
mí ("from/with/to myself")
(When used with "from", becomes "conmigo")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: tú
tí ("from/with/to yourself")
(When used with "from", becomes "contigo")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: él, ella, ud.
sí ("from/with/to him/her/your-self")
(When used with "from", becoomes "consigo")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: nosotros, -as
nosotros, -as ("from/with/to ourselves")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: vosotros, -as
vosotros, -as ("from/with/to yourselves")
Reflexive Object of Preposition: ellos, ellas, uds.
sí ("from/with/to them,your-selves")
(When used with "from", becomes "consigo")
Possessive Pronoun: yo
mío, -a, -os, -as ("mine")
Possessive Pronoun: tú
tuyo, -a, -os, -as ("yours")
Possessive Pronoun: él, ella, ud.
suyo, -a, -os, -as ("his/hers/yours")
Possessive Pronoun: nosotros, -as
nuestro, -a, -os, -as ("ours")
Possessive Pronoun: vosotros, -as
vuestro, -a, -os, -as ("yours")
Possessive Pronoun: ellos, ellas, uds.
suyo, -a, -os, -as ("theirs")
Possessive Adjective: yo
mi, mis ("my")
Possessive Adjective: tú
tu, tus ("your")
Possessive Adjective: él, ella, ud.
su, sus ("his, her, your")
Possessive Adjective: nosotros, -as
nuestro, -a, -os, -as ("our")
Possessive Adjective: vosotros, -as
vuestro, -a, -os, -as ("your")
Possessive Adjective: ellos, ellas, uds.
su, sus ("their")