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312 Cards in this Set

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Spanish: acute
Spanish: the antacid


Spanish: the contraceptive
Spanish: bald
Spanish: the cesarean
Spanish: blind
Spanish: eat
Spanish: confused
Spanish: conscious
Spanish: contagious
Spanish: chronic
Spanish: heal
Spanish: weak
Spanish: defecate
Spanish: to digest
Spanish: to digest
Spanish: dislocated
el abdomen
Spanish: the abdomen
el aborto
Spanish: the abortion
el aborto
Spanish: the miscarriage
el absceso
Spanish: the abscess
el ácido
Spanish: the acid
el acné
Spanish: the acne
el adormecimiento
Spanish: the numbness
el alcohol
Spanish: the alcohol
el analgésico
Spanish: the analgesic
el ano
Spanish: the anus
el antibiótico
Spanish: the antibiotic
el apéndice
Spanish: the appendix
el apetito
Spanish: the appetite
el asma
Spanish: the asthma
el bastón
Spanish: the cane
el brazo
Spanish: the arm
el bulto
Spanish: the lump
el calambre
Spanish: the cramp
el callo
Spanish: the callus
el calor
Spanish: the warmth
el cáncer
Spanish: the cancer
el catéter
Spanish: the catheter
el cerebro
Spanish: the brain
el chancre
Spanish: the chancre
el chlamydia
Spanish: the chlamydia
el cigarrillo
Spanish: the cigarette
el cirujano
Spanish: the surgeon
el cirujano ortopédico
Spanish: the orthopedic surgeon
el coágulo
Spanish: the clot
el codo
Spanish: the elbow
el cólera
Spanish: the cholera
el colesterol
Spanish: the cholesterol
el colon
Spanish: the colon
el condón
Spanish: the condom
el conocimiento
Spanish: the consciousness
el corazón
Spanish: the heart
el cráneo
Spanish: the skull
el cuello
Spanish: the neck
el dedo
Spanish: the finger
el dedo del pie
Spanish: the toe
el defecto congénito
Spanish: the congenital defect
el dentista
Spanish: the dentist
el diafragma
Spanish: the diaphragm
el diagnóstico
Spanish: the diagnosis
el diente
Spanish: the tooth
el dolor
Spanish: the pain
el dolor de cabeza
Spanish: the headache
el dolor de oídos
Spanish: the earache
el eczema
Spanish: the eczema
el efecto secundario
Spanish: the side effect
el ejercicio
Spanish: the exercise
el electrocardiograma
Spanish: the electrocardiogram
el embarazo
Spanish: the pregnancy
el enrojecimiento
Spanish: the redness
el equilibrio
Spanish: the balance
el eructo
Spanish: the burp
el esófago
Spanish: the esophagus
el esteroide
Spanish: the steroid
el estómago
Spanish: the stomach
el estreñimiento
Spanish: the constipation
el examen
Spanish: the examination
el excremento
Spanish: the excrement
el ganglio linfático
Spanish: the lymph node
el ginecólogo
Spanish: the gynecologist
el glaucoma
Spanish: the glaucoma
el grano
Spanish: the pimple
el herpes
Spanish: the herpes
el hígado
Spanish: the liver
el hombro
Spanish: the shoulder
el hongo
Spanish: the fungus
el hormigueo
Spanish: the tingling
el hospital
Spanish: the hospital
el hueso
Spanish: the bone
el infarto cardíaco
Spanish: the myocardial infarct
el infarto cerebral
Spanish: the cerebral infarct
el insomnio
Spanish: the insomnia
el intestino
Spanish: the intestine
el labio
Spanish: the lip
el laboratorio
Spanish: the laboratory
el laxante
Spanish: the laxative
el lunar
Spanish: the mole
el músculo
Spanish: the muscle
el nacimiento
Spanish: the birth
el nervio
Spanish: the nerve
el nutricionista
Spanish: the nutritionist
el obstétrico
Spanish: the obstetrician
el oftalmólogo
Spanish: the opthalmologist
el oído
Spanish: the hearing
el ojo
Spanish: the eye
el olor
Spanish: the odor
el oncólogo
Spanish: the oncologist
el orgasmo
Spanish: the orgasm
el ovario
Spanish: the ovary
el páncreas
Spanish: the pancreas
el papanicolau
Spanish: the pap smear
el paramédico
Spanish: the paramedic
el párpado
Spanish: the eyelid
el pecho
Spanish: the breast
el pecho
Spanish: the chest
el pediatra
Spanish: the pediatrician
el pelo
Spanish: the hair
el pene
Spanish: the penis
el pezón
Spanish: the nipple
el picazón
Spanish: the itching
el pie
Spanish: the foot
el polen
Spanish: the pollen
el polvo
Spanish: the dust
el psicólogo
Spanish: the psychologist
el psiquiatra
Spanish: the psychiatrist
el pulmón
Spanish: the lung
el pulso
Spanish: the pulse
el pus
Spanish: the pus
el quirúrgico
Spanish: the surgical
el quiste
Spanish: the cyst
el radiólogo
Spanish: the radiologist
el retraso mental
Spanish: the mental retardation
el riñón
Spanish: the kidney
el sarampión
Spanish: the measles
el sedativo
Spanish: the sedative
el semen
Spanish: the semen
Spanish: the AIDS
el síntoma
Spanish: the symptom
el sudor
Spanish: the sweat
el tampón
Spanish: the tampon
el testículo
Spanish: the testicle
el tétanos
Spanish: the tetanus
el timo
Spanish: the thymus
el tipo de sangre
Spanish: the blood type
el tobillo
Spanish: the ankle
el útero
Spanish: the uterus
el virus
Spanish: the virus
el vómito
Spanish: the vomit
el yeso
Spanish: the cast
el zumbido del oído
Spanish: the tinnitus
Spanish: pregnant
Spanish: constipated
Spanish: cold
Spanish: gastrointestinal
Spanish: swelling
la alergia
Spanish: the allergy
la ampolla
Spanish: the blister
la anemia
Spanish: the anemia
la ansiedad
Spanish: the anxiety
la arritmia
Spanish: the arrythmia
la arteria
Spanish: the artery
la arteriograma
Spanish: the arteriogram
la arteriosclerosis
Spanish: the arteriosclerosis
la articulación
Spanish: the joint
la artritis
Spanish: the arthritis
la barbilla
Spanish: the chin
la bebida
Spanish: the drink
la biopsia
Spanish: the biopsy
la bronquitis
Spanish: the bronchitis
la cabeza
Spanish: the head
la cadera
Spanish: the hip
la cardiología
Spanish: the cardiology
la caspa
Spanish: the dandruff
la catarata
Spanish: the cataract
la ceguera
Spanish: the blindness
la cirugía
Spanish: the surgery
la cocaína
Spanish: the cocaine
la contusión
Spanish: the bruise
la convulsión
Spanish: the convulsion
la coordinación
Spanish: the coordination
la costilla
Spanish: the rib
la costra
Spanish: the scab
la deficiencia
Spanish: the deficiency
la dentadura postiza
Spanish: the denture
la dermatología
Spanish: the dermatology
la diabetes
Spanish: the diabetes
la diálisis
Spanish: the dialysis
la diarrea
Spanish: the diarrhea
la difteria
Spanish: the diptheria
la digestión
Spanish: the digestion
la droga
Spanish: the drug
la droga ilícita
Spanish: the illicit drug
la edad
Spanish: the age
la endocrinología
Spanish: the endocrinology
la enema
Spanish: the enema
la enfermedad
Spanish: the disease
la erección
Spanish: the erection
la escarlatina
Spanish: the scarlet fever
la espalda
Spanish: the back
la fiebre amarilla
Spanish: the yellow fever
la fiebre reumática
Spanish: the rheumatic fever
la fiebre tifoidea
Spanish: the typhoid fever
la flatulencia
Spanish: the flatulence
la flema
Spanish: the phlegm
la fractura
Spanish: the fracture
la garganta
Spanish: the throat
la ginecología
Spanish: the gynecology
la glándula suprarrenal
Spanish: the adrenal gland
la gonorrea
Spanish: the gonorrhea
la gota de líquido
Spanish: the drop of liquid
la hemorragia
Spanish: the hemorrhage
la hepatitis
Spanish: the hepatitis
la herida
Spanish: the injury
la hernia
Spanish: the hernia
la hernia femoral
Spanish: the femoral hernia
la hernia inguinal
Spanish: the inguinal hernia
la heroína
Spanish: the heroine
la hipertensión
Spanish: the hypertension
la hospitalización
Spanish: the hospitalization
la ictericia
Spanish: the jaundice
la impotencia
Spanish: the impotence
la indigestión
Spanish: the indigestion
la infección
Spanish: the infection
la inflamación
Spanish: the inflammation
la inmunización
Spanish: the immunization
la insulina
Spanish: the insulin
la leche
Spanish: the milk
la lengua
Spanish: the tongue
la lesión
Spanish: the lesion
la mancha negra
Spanish: the blind spot
la mandíbula
Spanish: the jaw
la mano
Spanish: the hand
la marijuana
Spanish: the marijuana
la medicina
Spanish: the medicine
la médula
Spanish: the marrow
la médula espinal
Spanish: the spinal cord
la menopausia
Spanish: the menopause
la menstruación
Spanish: the menstruation
la muleta
Spanish: the crutch
la muñeca
Spanish: the wrist
la nariz
Spanish: the nose
la náusea
Spanish: the nausea
la neurología
Spanish: the neurology
la nutrición
Spanish: the nutrition
la obesidad
Spanish: the obesity
la oreja (outer), el oído (inner)
Spanish: the ear
la orina
Spanish: the urine
la ortopedia
Spanish: the orthopedics
la peca
Spanish: the freckle
la pediatría
Spanish: the pediatrics
la pelvis
Spanish: the pelvis
la piel
Spanish: the skin
la pierna
Spanish: the leg
la píldora
Spanish: the pill
la pituitaria
Spanish: the pituitary
la poliomielitis
Spanish: the polio
la presión arterial
Spanish: the blood pressure
la próstata
Spanish: the prostate
la psicología
Spanish: the psychology
la pulga
Spanish: the flea
la pulmonía
Spanish: the pneumonia
la pupila
Spanish: the pupil
la radiografía
Spanish: the x-ray
la receta
Spanish: the prescription
la rodilla
Spanish: the knee
la rubéola
Spanish: the rubella
la salud
Spanish: the health
la sangre
Spanish: the blood
la sangre de la nariz
Spanish: the nosebleed
la sarna
Spanish: the scabies
la sed
Spanish: the thirst
la sífilis
Spanish: the syphilis
la tiroides
Spanish: the thyroid
la tos
Spanish: the the cough
la tos ferina
Spanish: the whooping cough
la transfusión de sangre
Spanish: the blood transfusion
la tráquea
Spanish: the trachea
la tuberculosis
Spanish: the tuberculosis
la úlcera
Spanish: the ulcer
la uña
Spanish: the fingernail
la vagina
Spanish: the vagina
La varicela
Spanish: the Chicken pox
la vejiga
Spanish: the bladder
la vena varicosa
Spanish: the varicose vein
la verruga
Spanish: the wart
la vértebra
Spanish: the vertebra
la vesícula biliar
Spanish: the gall bladder
la viruela
Spanish: the smallpox
la visión
Spanish: the vision
la visión doble
Spanish: the double vision
la voz
Spanish: the voice
las amígdalas
Spanish: the tonsils
las bacterias
Spanish: the bacteria
las nalgas
Spanish: the rear end
las paperas
Spanish: the mumps
las relaciones sexuales
Spanish: the sexual intercourse
Spanish: mild
los anteojos
Spanish: the glasses
los órganos genitales
Spanish: the genitals
los piojos
Spanish: the lice
los seguros de salud
Spanish: the health insurance
los vértigos
Spanish: the dizziness
Spanish: urinate
Spanish: scratch
Spanish: to breath
Spanish: to bleed
Spanish: healthy
Spanish: dry
Spanish: severe
Spanish: deaf
tener hambre
Spanish: hungry