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31 Cards in this Set

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además de eso
in addition to that
alguien le daría un premio
someone would give him a prize
aprendería todo acerca de
s/he would learn everything about
aunque le gusta
even though s/he likes it (it is pleasing to him/her)
averiguó que costaba mucho dinero
s/he found out that it cost a lot of money
estaba desilusionado(a)
s/he was disillusioned
esto me da miedo
this gives me fear / makes me afraid
el (la) estranjero(a) sobrevivirá
the foreigner will survive
hará un viaje
s/he will take a trip
le sucedió algo asombroso
something astonishing happened to him/her
lo que haría
what s/he would do
lo único malo fue
the only bad thing was
navegará en una canoa
s/he will navigate a canoe
no se despedirá de nadie
s/he will not say goodbye to anyone
podría disfrutar de
s/he would be able to enjoy
?Qué adivinará?
What will s/he guess or predict?
quería hacer algo asombroso
s/he wanted to do something astonishing
quiere conocer mejr el mundo
s/he wants to get to know the world better
resulta que
it turns out that
se acordó que
s/he remembered that
se atreverá a pelear
s/he will dare to fight
se consideró una mujer afortunada
she considered herself to be a lucky woman
se pondrá loción bronceadora
s/he will put on sun tan lotion
se quema la lengua
s/he burns his/her tongue
(la) selva amazónica
the Amazon jungle
sería mejor que no lo hiciera
it would be better if s/he didn´t do it
si tuviera más dinero, podría comprar
if s/he were to have more money, s/he would be able to buy
sobrevivirá el clima duro
s/he will survive the harsh climate
tendrá aventuras inovidables
s/he will have unforgettable adventures
tendría que cruzar el puente
s/he would have to cross the bridge
(no) tenía bastante dinero
s/he would (not) or did (not) have enough money