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40 Cards in this Set

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eso me resulta facil/bastante dificil
it is easy or hard for me
esta fuera de/a mi alcance
it is outside/within my reach
me cuesta trabajo hacer
it takea lof of work for me to do
no me es nada dificil
its not hard for me at all
soy capaz de hacer
i am able to do it
ya caigo
i get it
hay algo que se me escapa
there is something i just cannot grasp
no logro entender
i cant seem to understand
no me cabe en la cabeza
i cant understand it
vaya! por fin capto la idea!
finally! i got the idea!
muy estimado sr o sra
dear sir or madam
le/les adjunto un
i am enclosing a
muy atentamente,
most sincerely
por medio de la presente
the purpose of this letter
reciba un cordial saludo
kind regards,
me interesaria estudiar para ser
i would be interested in studying to be
siempre he querido ser una
i have always wanted to be ___
se cuenta que de pronto
the story goes that all of sudden
segun nos dicen, el malvado
from what we've been told, the villian ___
al final, nos dimos cuenta de
in the end we realized
a partir de entonces, vivieron siempre felizes
from then on, they lived happily ever after
hace tiempo vino un desconocido
some time ago, a stranger came
el sueno de mi vida es de vencer a
my life long dream is to defeat/overcome
es de esperar que
ojala que los paises aun en guerra lleguen a un acuerdo
i hope that warring countries can reach an agreement
es lamentable que
its too bad that..
les agradecieron que
they thanked..
se arrepiente de que
she/he regrets that
a pesar de que hubo por otro lado...
although there was/were... on the other hand
aunque estoy de acuerdo... creo que...
although i agree.. i think that...
creo que vale la pena acordarse de
i think its worth remembering that
lo que noto es que...
what i notice is that
me parece que...
it seems to me that
ten en cuenta que
keep in mind that
a que va a bajar la tasa de
i bet that the rate of... won't go down
calculo que can a implementar
i predict that they are going to implement
es muy posible que el trafico aumente con
its quite possible that traffic will increase with...
se advierte que
they advise that..
te apuesto que
i bet you that...
ya veras que van a promover
you will see that they are going to promote...