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85 Cards in this Set

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(conj) so then; well then
¡Mejor precaver que tener que lamentar!
"Better safe than sorry."
acomodarse a
(v phrase) adapt onself (to s.t.);
make oneself comfortable (with s.t.)
(v) paw or fondle; handle roughly
(v) balance (s.t.)
la cazuela (de barro)
(n) earthenware stewing pan without a handle, used in poor folk's cookery, similar in use to a casserole
la cazuela (comida)
(n) thick soup made from cooking several meats and vegetables together in the pan of the same name; the liquid part is taken first, then the big bits of meat, potato, and vegetable.
repetidas veces
(phrase) repeatedly
¡Qué chulo(-a)!
"How nice (or pretty)!"
(v) verify or prove (something already proposed)
("probar" applies to something not known before; ="to try")
(v) sweeten or soften
I sweetened
cerciorarse que + subj.
(v phrase) make sure that
¡No chabe!
=¡No moleste!
"Don't bug me!"
Para el gusto se hicieron los colores.
"To each his own."
el regatón
huckster, peddler, haggler
¡Qué mucho jode!
"What a pain in the butt!"
"Knock it off!"
(Not as strong as ¡Qué chavón!)
abordar (2 sentidos)
to board a ship;
to approach (a person), to undertake or deal with a matter
"El niño chiquito y bonito,
El señor de los anillos,
El tonto y loco,
El lamecazuelas,
El matepiojos."
the Mexican equivalent to the "little pigs" verses
saber a
(v phrase) taste like

("Eso ____ _ limón.")

el elevador
no obstante
= sin embargo; (nevertheless, notwithstanding)
(v) peck (also said of people),
strike with the beak
la morada
(n) abode, habitation
el aparecido
(n) apparition, the spectre of a dead person that appears before the living

Cuando me voy

En casa Tío Peña

Con la patita

Le hago la seña.

Mexican counting rhyme (like "Ikka bikka...")

la cuenca

(n) river basin

(n) river basin

prevalecer (prevalezco)

(v) prevail, predominate

la indumentaria

(n) = ropa; clothing, dress

(n) = ropa; clothing, dress

un chilango

(n, Mex.) person from Mexico City

(n, Mex.) person from Mexico City


(adv) clearly (rhet.)


(adj) neat, pure, unadulterated

el porcentaje

(n) percentage


(adj) = gradual; slow

sin trabas

(adj phrase) unhindered, unimpeded

el preguntón

(n) inquisitive person, someone who asks a lot of questions


(adj) cutting, sharp

la barrera

(n) barrier, fence

(n) barrier, fence

la jerarquía

(n) hierarchy 

(n) hierarchy

a secas

(adv phrase) simply

(Se considera a sí mismo como "american" __ ______.)

de poca monta

(adj phrase) of little importance

la monta (equitación)

(n) act of riding

(n) act of riding

la monta (ganado)

(n) breeding, mounting

(n) breeding, mounting

el rocío

(n) dew

(n) dew

la ristra

(n) string of onions, garlic, or dried peppers tied together

(n) string of onions, garlic, or dried peppers tied together

el pequeño comercio

(n phrase) small business

(n phrase) small business


= furioso 

= furioso

el ahinco

(n) zeal, determination


(adj) peripheral

(adj) peripheral

la urna (política)

(n) ballot box

(n) ballot box

la urna (cenizas)

(n) urn

(n) urn

la traba

= obstáculo


(v) strip, despoil of property

la colaboración

(n) collaboration

tachar (de)

(v phrase) censure, blame as


(adj) rooted, having roots (in a community), grounded

el jerife

(n) descendant of Fatimah, daughter of Prophet Muhammad (SAAW)

¡Hace tanto calor que seca mojones de perro!

It's so hot that...

la vinculación

(n) linkage

el debate

(n) debate

En el fondo...

At the bottom of it all...

el esquenazi

(n) askenazi Jew of eastern Europe

(n) askenazi Jew of eastern Europe

el sefardita; sefardí

(2 x n) Sephardic, Spanish-speaking Jews

(2 x n) Sephardic, Spanish-speaking Jews

atestiguar (a)

(v) bear witness (to)

un blanco de la propaganda

(n phrase) dupe of propaganda

(n phrase) dupe of propaganda


(adj) valuable

el revés de esta medalla

(n phrase) other side of the matter

¡Me deja dinero!

It pays!


(v) break off, split off (e.g., a state)

(v) break off, split off (e.g., a state)

intregarse a

(vr) integrate oneself into


(vr) begin to crack or split

fehaciente (leg)

(adj) genuine, bonafide

hacer hincapié en

(v phrase) stress, insist on

la deriva

(v) drift, drifting

ahondar la división

(v phrase) deepen the division

Lo hago porque paga.

I do it because it pays.

el guacho



(adj) red-haired

be de burro

ve de vaca

how to distinguish similar letters over the phone

la misma noña

(n phrase) same old crap

¡créamelo usted!

Believe me


(adj) = marrón; brown

la alondra

(n) lark

(n) lark

Me lo suponía.

I supposed it.

el vestíbulo

(n) lobby