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58 Cards in this Set

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Alfredo Sanchez
Madrid, Spain. A reporter who meets Raquel.
Angel Castillo de Valle
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Son of Fernando Castillo Saavedra and Rosario del Valle.
Angela Castillo Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Daughter of Angel Castillo and Maria Luisa Soto
el Dr. Arturo Iglesias
Buenos Aires, Argentina. A psychiatrist and the son of Rosario and Martin Iglesias
Blanca Nunez
San Juan, Puerto Rico. A real estate agent.
Carlitos Castillo
Miami, Florida. Son of Carlos and Gloria and grandson of don Fernando.
Carlos Castillo Marquez
Miami, Florida. One of don Fernando's sons and director of the Miami office of the family company.
Carlos Soto Contreras
San Juan, Puerto Rico. One of Angela's uncles.
Carmen Contreras de Soto
San German, Puerto Rico. Angela and Roberto's grandmother.
Carmen Marquez de Castillo
La Gavia, Mexico. Second wife of don Fernando and mother of their four children, Ramon, Carlos, Mercedes, and Juan
Carmen Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico. One of Angela's aunts.
el ciego
Sevilla, Espana. He sells lottery tickets.
Estancia Santa Susana, Argentina. A gaucho and ex-employee of Rosario.
Consuelo Castillo
La Gavia, Mexico. Don Fernando's daughter-in-law, she lives at La Gavia with her husband Ramon and daughter Maricarmen.
Dolores Acevedo
San German, Puerto Rico. A longtime household employee of dona Carmen and her family.
Elena Ramirez de Ruiz
Sevilla, Espana. Daughter-in-law of Teresa Suarez and mother of Miguel and Jaime. Her husband is Miguel Ruiz.
Federico Ruiz Suarez
Madrid, Espana. Son of Teresa Suarez, Federico is a guitar maker.
Fernando Castillo Saavedra
La Gavia, Mexico. Patriarch of the Castillo family, don Fernando initiates the investigation that is carried out by Raquel Rodriguez.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Wife of Jose, a sailor.
Gloria Castillo
Miami, Florida. Carlos's wife and mother of Juanita and Carlitos.
New York, New York. Pati's assistant director at the university theater.
Hector Condotti
Buenos Aires, Argentina. An experienced sailor and friend of Angel.
Isabel Santiago
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Angela's boyfriend and a professor of theater at the University of Puerto Rico.
Buenos Aires, Argentina. A sailor and friend of Hector.
Juan Castillo Marquez
New York, New York. The youngest child of don Fernando and a professor of literature at New York University; married to Pati.
Juanito Catillo
Miami, Florida. Daughter of Carlos and Gloria.
el Dr. Julio Morelos
Toluca, Mexico. The Castillo family physician.
Laura Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico. One of Angela's cousins and the daughter of tio Jaime who tagged along with Angela and Raquel.
Luis Villarreal
Los Angeles, California. The former boyfriend of Raquel.
La Gavia, Mexico. A household employee of the Castillo family at La Gavia.
Manuel Diaz
Sevilla/Madrid, Spain. A schoolteacher who meets Raquel.
Manuel Dominguez
New York, New York. The producer of Pati's current play.
Madrid, Spain. Federico's girlfriend, who teaches flamenco dancing.
Maria Luisa Soto de Castillo
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Daughter of dona Carmen and wife of Angel Castillo (los dos: habia muerto)
Maria Orozco de Rodriguez
Los Angeles, California. Raquel's mother.
la Harmana Maria Teresa
un pueblo, Mexico. A nun who gives Angela and Raquel a place to rest and bathe.
Maricarmen Castillo
La Gavia, Mexico. Daughter of Ramon and Consuelo (elle es muy joven)
Buenos Aires, Argentina. A storekeeper in the La Boca district.
Martin Iglesias
Buenos Aires, Argentina. Second husband of Rosario, stepfather of Angel Castillo, and father of Arturo Iglesias
Mercedes Castillo Marquez
La Gavia, Mexico. Don Fernando's only daughter, who lives at La Gavia with her father.
Miguel Ruiz Ramirez
Sevilla, Spain. Grandson of Teresa Suarez and son of Miguel Ruiz.
Miguel Ruiz Suarez
Sevilla, Spain. Son of Teresa Suarez and father of Miguel and Jaime.
Miami, Florida. Carlos's Cuban-born secretary/maid.
Olga Soto Contreras
San Juan, Puerto Rico. One of Angela's aunts.
Sevilla, Spain. A dog purchased by Miguel and Elena Ruiz for their sons Miguel and Jaime
Pancho Rodriguez Trujillo
Los Angeles, California. Raquel's father.
Pati Castillo
New York, New York. The wife of Juan and professor of theater at New York University as well as a writer/director.
Pedro Castillo Saavedra
Mexico DF, Mexico. Law professor at the National University of Mexico and brother of don Fernando.
Sevilla, Spain. A barber in Sevilla.
Ramon Castillo Marquez
La Gavia, Mexico. The oldest son of don Fernando. He runs Castillo Saavedra, SA
Raquel Rodriquez Orozco
Los Angeles, California. A lawyer contracted by Pedro Castillo to conduct the investigation.
Roberto Castillo Soto
San Juan, Puerto Rico. Son of Angel Satillo and Maria Luiso Soto. (Got in mining accident)
Roberto Garcia
Sevilla, Spain. A taxi driver from the Triana district
el Padre Rodrigo
un pueblo, Mexico. A priest who offers comfort to Raquel and Angela during mining incident.
Rosario del Valle de Iglesias
Buenos Aires, Argentina. First wife of don Fernando Castillo. They both thought the other was dead, had a son Angel. (All died.)
el Dr. Salazar
Guadalajara, Mexico. A specialist who examines don Fernando.
Teresa Suarez
Madrid, Spain. Friend of Rosario who writes the letter on don Fernando that initiates the investigation.
Virginia Lopez Estrada
Mexico, DF, Mexico. A real estate agent.