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131 Cards in this Set

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Te presento a mi novia, Claudia.
Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Claudia.
Me permite usar el telefono?
May I please use the telephone?
Con permiso
With permission
Como va todo?

Todo va bien, y tu?
How is everything going?

Everything is going well, and you?
Disculpa, como te llamas?
Excuse me, what is your name?
Vamos a comenzar
Lets begin
Gracias por tu mensaje. Pronto nos comunicaremos contigo.
Thank you for your message. Soon we will communicate with you.
Me lo dijeron.
They told me it.
Quienes están invitados? No se las detalles. Las mujeres están invitados?
Who is invited? I don't know the details.
Es un lugar tranquilo, podemos hablar aquí.
It is a quiet place, we can talk there.
Podemos tomar unos apuntes.
We can take some notes.
La lista de los invitados, tengo que pedir la lista.
The list of invitees, I have to ask for the list.

Pedir = ask for / order
No se cuantas personas vienen.
I don't know how many people are coming.
La pedí cuando me dijeron de la reunion.
I request it when they told me about the reunion.
Immediatamente, voy a pedirla otra vez.
Immediately, I'm going to ask for it again.
No hay nada mas que hacer. Bueno, podemos tomar otro cafe.
There is nothing else to do. Well, we can drink another coffee.
La pedio?

Pedio un taxi?
Did you ask for it?

Did you ask for a taxi?
Es seguro por aqui.
It is safe around here.
Puedes esperar me? Regreso en unas horas.
Can you wait for me? I will return in a few hours.
A donde fueron ayer?
Where did they go yesterday?
Fuiste a la fiesta? No, no fui, por que tuve que trabajar.
Did you go to the part? No, I didn't go, I had to work.
Tuviste que estudiar?
You had to study?
Fue divertida la fiesta?
Was the party fun?
Me hubiera gustado ir ahí.


Me hubiera encantado verlo
I would have liked to go there.


I would have loved to see it
Nadie te dijo de la fiesta? Creo que estabas invitado, yo estaba invitado.
No one told you about the party? I think you were invited, I was invited.
Estaba invitado a una fiesta y fui con unos amigos mío.
I was invited to a part and I went with some friends of mine.
Los mujeres no se quedaron. Ellos se fueron.
The women didn't stay. They left.
Por que no se quedaron para el almuerzo?
Why didn't they stay for lunch?
No oi el discurso.
I didn't hear the speech.
Que dijo el gerente? El gerente dijo que la empresa tiene problemas.
What did the manager say? The manager said that the company has problems.
Todos hablaron entre ellos.
They all talked amongst themselves.
Deben están enfermos.
They must be sick.
Creo que vas a estar contento.
I think your going to be happy.
Entre el cinco, cual queda cerca del centro?
Among the five, which is located close to the city?
Enfrente del edificio, había mucho juguetes.
In front of the building, there were a lot of toys.
Puedes aparcar tu camioneta atras en el estacionamiento.


Se puede aparcar
You can park your truck out back in the parking lot.


One can park
Quisiera pedirte un favor, necessito ver los apartamentos / departamentos.
I wanted to ask you a favor, I need to see the apartments.
Se venden artesonias en esta tienda.
They sell arts and crafts in this store.
Prende la tele.
Turn on the TV
Que tengas muy buen provecho.
Hope you have a nice dinner.
Me corto mi pelo.
Cut my hair
Atajo o camino corto
Short cut
Brindis or brindemos
A toast, we toast
Lento o letamente
Slow or slowly
Duro tanto

No puede duro tanto
It lasted long

It can't last that long
Que tal la junta de ayer?
How about the meeting yesterday?
Por que se quedo?
Why did you stay?
Cuanto va a durar el junto?
How long is the meeting going to last?
Debemos con seguir un interprete.
We should get an interpreter.
Este informe es difícil, necesito una traducción.
This form is difficult, I need a translation.
Es bastante dificil.
It is rather difficult.
Un sabor dulce, o sin sabor
A sweet flavor or without flavor
Sopa de cebolla
Onion soup
Puedo pasar?

May I enter?

Come in
Pontelo o pontela
Put it on
Por que sudaste?

Sudo o sudas
Why did you sweat?

I sweat, you sweat
Levanta las manas muy letalmente
Raise the hands very slowly
Tienen variedades
They have variety
Voy a probar miel
I'm going to try honey
Bromeas? No, no estoy bromiendo.
Are you kidding? No, i'm not kidding.
Gracias, eres muy amable.
Thanks, your very nice.
Mi programa favorita es The Big Bang Theory.
I favorite show is
Muy considerada
Very considerate.
Vaya o genial
Wow or great
Absolutamente ridculo
Absolutely ridiculous
Quien se casa? Mi mejor amiga.

Ana ya se caso.
Who is getting married? My best friend.

Ana is already married.
Esta casado, verdad? No esta divorciado.
She is married, right? No, she is divorced.
Ojala pueda casarse otra vez. Ha querido casarse otra vez.
I hope she can marry again. She wanted to marry again.
Que lesvaya bien.
Have a good one.
Nos quedamos hasta la 2 de la mañana.
We stayed until 2 in the morning.
Me hermana acaba de cercarse.
My sister just got married.
Acabo de terminar.
I just finished.
Tengo buenos noticias. O malas noticias.
I have good or bad news.
A donde ha viajado?
Where has she traveled?
Ojala tenga sufficiente dinero.
I hope she'd have enough money.
Sin embargo, no pago los pasajes (o boletas).
However, she didn't buy the tickets.
Ademas, todavía hay mas noticias.
Besides, theres still more news.
Hola, buenas tardes, encuentro Vicky?

Bueno? Hola, Quien habla?
Hi, good afternoon, can you find Vicky?

Good? Hi, whose speaking?



Little pillows

Pillow case
Mi canasta para la lavanderia
My laundry basket for the laundry
Chispas de chocolate
Chocolate chips
El desayuno es la comida mas importante del dia.
Breakfast is the most important food of the day.
Esta rico afuera, o esta dia bonita
It is nice outside
Cuanto duro tu viaje?
How long did you trip last?
Quise quedarme mas tiempo pero tuve que regresar.
I wanted to stay more time but I had to return.
De que stan hablando? De los diferencias a los países.
What are you all talking about? About the difference among countries.
Prefiero oir tus opiniones.
I prefer to hear your opinions.
Cual es la diferencia principal?
What is the main difference?




Como te fue tu viaje? Me fue bien
How did you trip go? It went well
El viaje fue un éxito.
The trip was a success.
Voy a hacerte preguntas.
I'm going to ask you questions.
Puedes contestarlas?
Can you answer them?
Sobre la ropa para clima frio y caliente.
About the clothes for cold and warm weather.
Preguntas sobre que? Sobre muchas cosas.
Questions about what? About many things.
Por que me dices eso?
Why do you tell me that?
Huele rico / feo.
Smells good or bad.
Se ve bien / bonita.
It looks good / pretty.
Save bien / rico.
Taste good / great.
Buen trabajo, intento.
Good job, try.
Cual es tu puesto?
What is your job?
Todos vendemos ropa.
We all sell clothes.
Tuve problemas en la autopista o carretera.
You had problems on the highway.
Hay demasiado trafico en la autopista.
There is too much traffic in the highway.
Manejas rapido? Relativamente.
Do you drive fast? Relatively.
A cuantos kilómetros por hora o mijos por hora?
How many kilometers or miles per hour?
Normalmente manejo lentamente.
Normally I drive slowly.
Me oyes?
You heard me?
Me puede traer la cuenta por favor?
Can you bring me the check please?
Vas a perderte la
Your going to miss it
Tuve que terminar un projecto.
I had to finish a project.
Ojala vayamos otra dia
Hopefully we go another day.
Cuerda de saltar. Voy a saltar la cuerda.
Jump rope. I'm going to jump rope.
Brincar y saltar. la caja


Dominadas en bara fija
Jump the box.


Estirar, estirando

Entrenar, entreno, entrenando

Intento ir al gimnasio por lo menos 5 veces a la semana.
I try to go to the gym at least five times a week.
Normalmente, estoy en el gimnasio desde las 5 hasta las 6.
Normally I'm in the gym from 5 to 6.


Quiero mejorar mi cuerpo.
I want to improve my body.
Me esposa esta arriba (no abajo), pero viene ahora mismo.
My wife is upstairs (not down), but she is coming now.
Despierto, despierta
I awake, you awake
Mientras tanto, le gustaría tomar algo?
In the mean time, would you like to drink something?
Me olvido
I forgot
Puedes salir al jardín
You can go out to the garden.
Fue una noche muy agradable.
It was a pleasant evening.
Micro ondas
Eso es! Es la hora!
Thats it! Its time!
Se siente bien
it feels good
estoy lleno

estoy satisfecho
i'm full

i'm satisfied