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85 Cards in this Set

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Donde fueres haz lo que vieres
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Y con esto y un bizcocho, hasta mannana a las ocho.
Now, it's all said and done.
Afloja la lana.
Don't be stingy.
Estaa padre!
It's cool.
Meter las cuatro.
To put one's foot in one's mouth.
No se apure para que dure.
Don't worry and you'll live longer.
Pa' luego es tarde.
The sooner the better.
Bebe como una tuba.
He drinks like a fish.
Come como preso poliitico.
He eats a lot.
Es el vivo retrato de su padre/madre.
He looks exactly like his mother/her father.
Ni chicha ni limonada.
That's neither fish nor fowl.
No estaa en la flor de la juventud.
He is no spring chicken.
A mal tiempo buena cara.
Grin and bear it.
Cuando Dios cierra una puerta, abre una ventana.
When one door closes, another door opens.
Mannana seraa otro diia.
Tomorrow's another day.
Naciste de pie.
You were born lucky.
No hay mal quer dure cien annos ni cuerpo que lo resista.
There's no evil that lasts forever.
Te salista con la tuya.
You had your own way.
A las muerte de un obispo.
Once in a blue moon.
A quien madruga, Dios le ayude.
The early bird gets the worm.
Auun no ha salido del cascaroon, y ya tiene presuncioon.
He's still young, but he's already arrogant.
En menos de lo que canta un gallo.
Quick as the wind.
Maas vale tarde quen nunca.
Better late than never.
No dejes para mannana lo que puedes hacer hoy.
Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today.
No gastes tu dinero antes de haberlo ganado.
Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.
Me lo contoo un pajarito.
A little bird told me so.
Se enrolla maas que las persianas.
She makes a mountain out of a molehill.
Primero haraas, y despuees diraas.
First do things, then tell about them.
!A que no sabes a quieen vi!
I bet you don't know who I ran into!
Deejame contarte algo.
Let me tell you something.
Eso me recuerda el diia cuando...
That reminds me of the day when...
Habiia una vez...
Once upon a time...
!Te apuesto que no adivinas quee me pasoo!
I bet you won't guess what happened to me!
!Me pasoo algo increiible!
Something incredible happened to me!
!No me vas a creer!
You are not going to believe me!
Pero, deejame terminar...
But, let me finish...
Teng algo que decirte.
I have somethingt o tell you.
Una vez...
Yo estaba caminando por la calle cuando de repente...
I was wakling down the street when suddenly...
Volviendo al tema...
Getting back to the subject...
Dime, por favor...
Please tell me...
Discupla, pero me puedes decir si...
Excusee me, but could you tell me if...
?En quee puedo servirle?
May I help you?
Molestaba su atencioon porque..
The reason I wanted your attention was...
Quiero preguntarle si...
I want to ask you if...
Quisiera decirme, por favor...
Would you tell me please...
Quiesiera saer...
I would like to know...
Una pregunta
I have a question.
!Benditos los ojo s que te ven!
What a thrill to see you!
?Coomo andan las cosas?
How are things?
?Coomo estaan por tu casa?
How is everyone at home?
!Encantado de verte!
How nice to see you!
!Me vienes como caiido del ceilo!
You're heaven sent!
!Quee milagro!
What a surprise!
!Tanto tiempo sin verte!
Long time no see!
Come in.
Muchas gracisa por recibirme.
Thank you for seeing me.
Mucha gracias por venir.
Thank you for coming.
Tome aseinto, por favor.
Please, sit down.
Pase Ud., por favor.
Please, come in.
Gracias for su gentileza.
Thank you for your kindness.
Muchas gracias. Muy amable.
Thank you very much. You're very kind.
Mucha gracias for su atencioon.
Thank you for your kindness.
No se preocupe.
Don't worry about it.
El gusto es miio.
It's my pleasure.
Es un placer.
It's a pleasure.
Take care.
Ha sido un placer.
It's been a pleasure.
Te llamo.
I'll call you.
Nos vemos.
See you soon.
Nos hablamos.
We'll talk.
Saludos a todos por tu casa.
Say hello to your family.
!Buen trabajo!
Good job!
!Cuanto me alegro!
I'm very happy!
Hay que celebrarlo!
We have to celebrate!
Lo lograste.
You made it.
!Que lo disfrutes!
You deserve it!
Te acompanno en el sentimiento.
I sympathize with you.
Me sentido peesame.
My deepest sympathy.
Cheer up!
Cuenta conmigo.
Count on me.
Echa pa'lante.
Hang in there.
Estoy a tu dispocioon.
I'm at your service.
Vas a salir adelante!
You're going to make it!