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90 Cards in this Set

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Basic Colors
red, blue, green, yellow
quality that distinguishes the 4 colors from one another
precieved lightness/brightness
shorter light wavelengths
all light put together in the spectrum that gives white light
light bulb
longer light wavelengths
yellow light
not true white light aka sunlight
Monocromatic colors
produced by single wavelength
for objects-- it's the light reflected off of the surface is the precieved color
white paper--reflects light/ black paper absorbs light
Achromatic color
contains no hue
eg-- white, black, grey
Subtractive color mixing
mixing of PIGMENT
each pigment is added, and absorbs (subtracts) more light
additional pigment reflects fewer wavelengths
EX: blue paint-- all color spectrum absorbed except for blue and some green
EX yellow paint-- all spectrum absorbed, some green and yellow reflected
EX-- green paint, all spectrum absorbed, green is the only color left that reflects.
Additive Color mixing
mixing LIGHT of different color wavelengths
wavelength of each light reaches photopigments.
EX blue and yellow light-- complementry= colors opposite of each other
The each light that is added, reflects the wavelength of color.
Color Wheel
furhter from center, more saturated-- center very UNSATURATED
line drawn from center to circle is the HUE
Real World Additive
sunlight is the true world additive
TV-- RBG spectrum-- little dots all squished together, projected as one picture
pointillism-- tiny dots all put together to form a picture
Trichromatic theory of color vision
Young and Helmholtz (1800)
3 receprtors respnsible for color vision:
need 3 wavelengths of light
need 3 cones, small medium and large
Behavioral evidence (trichromatic theory)
color matching experiments
need 3 different wavelengths of of light to mathc color perception
Physiological Evidence (Trichromatic Theory)
3 types of cones, each with different spectral sensetivity
small-- short wavelengths=419
medium-- med. wavelength=551
large-- large wavelengths=558
need combo of all 3 cones firing to tell us where specific colors actually fall onto color spectrum
Small Cones
none in center of foveal region
Medium & Large Cones
even amount of each, but can vary by individual.
colors that are perceptually similar
can be casued by different physical stimulus
530+620 and 580 can both produce same stimulus regardless of varied light
HOWEVER trichromaic theory cannot expalin the american flag (black, yellow, blue)
Opponenet-Process Theory
CAN explain American Flag
Hering (1800)
color vision is caused by opposing responses
Behavioral Evidence
(Opponent-Process Theory)
color afterimage
caused by fatigue in photoreceptors or later in visual system
BASICALLY--- photoreceptorsa are tired of firing
Opponenet neuron Pairings (Opponet-Process Theory)
respns in an excitatory manner to one wavelength and in an ihibitory manner to another.
possibly in LGN
3 sets of oppontent pairings
3 sets of opponent pairings (opponenet-pairing theory)
red/green-- M/L
yellow/ blue-- S(M/L)
black/white-- M/L (no S)
after image is caused by the chromatic adaptaion which is photoreceptors or opponent neurons
Trichromatic VS Opponent-Processing
Both correct! Explain differnt points of process along the visual system
Trichromatic-- retina and photoreceptors
Opponent-Process-- cells after photoreceptors and LGN
Color Constancy
percepion of colors is fairly consistent regardless of changing light source
Color Constancy
Chromatic Adaptaion
casued by prolonged exposure to chromatic color
"readjustment" of color
probly happens in retina and LGN
Color Constancy
Color in Comparison to Surroundings
best when objects is surrounded by many colors
*think anchoring!!
Color Constancy
Memory and Color
knowledge of an objects color can impact perception
Color Constancy
Simultaneous Color Contrast
contradicts Memory and Color
wehn surrounding and area with color, you can change the center color
Normal Color Vision
Abnormal Color Vision
anomalous trichromat
one system of cones has an abnormal absorbtion pattern
Gender Difference: 6% more in men due to X chromosome... only have one!!
more common in females
One eye expresses 3 cones, one expresses 4
usually no functioning cones
only rods
truly color blind
sensetive to light
difficulty with acuity
2 out of 3 types of cones
L missing-- red green mix up
more common in men
M missing-- red green mix up
more common in males
S missing-- blue yellow mix up
common in females
Unilateral Dichromat
2 cones one eye, 3 cones other eye
Cerebral Achrromatopia
cortical loss of color vision
~WHAT pathway
ventral pathway damage-- occipital/temporal
there is no single pathway for color perception
mixture of senses
unique associations
most often chromatic
~pain, taste, vision, hearing-- one can be directly associated to another, e.g, eat chicken and associate it with the color green
Cultural Differences in Color Perception
Not really
the classification and complexity can be atered
less evolved language= less evolved color names
color processing is due to the way colors are grouped together
as further educated, natural grouping occurs similarly to educated grouping
Perceptual Sound
sound is an experiance we have when we hear
Physical Sound
sound is pressure changes (aka vibration)
Sound Waves
alternating high and low pressure through the air
sound ONLTY occurs when pressure changes
sound travels through the air at 344 m/s
Pure Tone
a simple sin wave
measured in amplitude (diff in pressure between peaks and troughs of wave)
Sound Pressure Level
measured in decibles (dB)
computed from LOG of pressure ratio==log of amplitude
each 6 additional dB's is an increase is pressure
80-100dB's casues damage
Sound Frequency
number of cycels within a given time period
measured in Hertz (Hz)
1Hz is 1 cycle per second
range is 20-20,000Hz but depends upon dB
low sound neeeds higher dB and vise versa
Phase Angle
the phase of the sound wave cycle you're in
example: 2 waves identicle in frequency but PERFECTLY out of phase== silence (used in noise reduction technology)
3 main parts
outer, middle, inner
Outer ear
primary function to localize sound
Auditory canal
protects tympanic membrane
resonant frequency-- 1000-6000Hz=conventional speech
Middle ear
Eustachian tube
contains 3 ossicles
~mallius-moves due to tympanic membrane vibration
~stapes-transmits vibration to inner ear via oval window
Acoustic Reflex
~middle ear muscle
Function of Ossicles
pressure change
sound wave change from air to fluid
able to concentrate pressure change onto smaller surface area
damage to ossicles?
need hearing aid with 10-20x more amp
Inner ear
semicircular canal
responsible for balance
main structure for hearing
snail shaped
contains:vestibular canal, cochlea ducts, tympanic canal
basilar membrane
located below the cochlea ductabove tympanic canal.
movement of sound from stapes end of basilar membrane to helicotrma end of basilar membrane.
Organ of corti
this is where transduction occurs
it lies with the tectorial membrane above it and basilar membrane below it
contains hair cells
Hair cells
Oter hair cells are embedded in tectorial membrane and shear across basilar membrame when it moves. they "bounce up and own on the basilar membrane. The inner hair cells slide across basilar membrane and send a signal to the neruve attatched to the hair cell
auditory pathway
from cochlea to cochlear nucleus to superior olive to inferior colliculi to MGN to auditory cortex in primary auditory cortex.
auditory cortex
tonotopic map
low anterior
high posterior
ringing in ear
35% of ppl 2% severe
damage of cochlea
this casues no nerve signal to be sent through auditory nerve at specific site of damage, so the cortex takes over the nearby tones, causing an overstim of cortex and spontaneous neuron firing
conductive hearing loss
occurs before hair cells
difficulty delivering sound stim to receptors
vibrations are not conducted from outer ear to cochlea
sensorineural hearing loss
damage to cochlea or auditory nerve
hair cell damage
cortical hearing loss
middle ear disorders
otitis media
otitis media
ear infection
blockage of eustachian tube
calcification of the ossicles
mainly stapes
corrected by surgery
"old hearing"
loss of sensitivity to high pitches
acoustic trauma
one loud explosive noise
eg firework.
noise-induced hearing loss
permanent damage to hair cells= permanent threshold shift
can be temporary, but last for as little as 2 weeks
PLACE theory
which fibers are firing
different frequencies of vibration disrupt different places on basilar membrane
The envelope of the wave is used to find the peak of maximum displacement
place theory is less effective for low frequency sounds due to peak being too indistinguishable.
Temporal theory
nerve cells fire at the rate that matches the vibration.. but can only fire 1000x a second due to necessary refractory period following action potential
SO there are multiple neurons firing at once in synchrony with frequency... HOWEVER breaks down at 5000Hz and above, so not good for high frequency.
a tone's sound quality
character of a sound
correspond to physical quality of complexity
pure sin waves of the complex tone
go up by multiples of 2 from fundamental tone
sounds other than harmonics
anything besides fundamental frequency
440-880-1320---- 880&1320 are overtones
missing fundamental
play all of the harmonics except for fundamental, and the pitch still sounds the same
cues for sound location
binaural cues
comparison of signals to left and right ear
plane from left to right we use to measure location
Interaural time difference
cues of arrival time to either ear
6ms difference
Interaural intensity difference
intensity decreases over distance
acoustic shadow
head is a barrier to sound-- high frequency sound bounces off of head
monaural cues
pinna affects intensity of frequency.. sound bounces off folds in ears.
tone chroma
pitch class
similarity between all tones that share the same name
each tone come at different frequency(increased or decreased
Simultaneous tone combos
build up of tones
sustained part and final release of tones
a single sound comes from a single location
*think Gestlat common fate
Similarity in Pitch and Timbre
similar sounds are grouped together
eg boys choir
SImilarity in timbre and harmonics
Wessel effect
voices, instruments
Proximity in time
sounds that occur in rapid succession usually come from the same source.
Good continuation
sounds that stay constant or transition slowly are usually from the same source
Effect of past experience
familiarity with notes depends upon how we perceive it.
if two melodies occur at once, we can only perceive one at a time(think Gestalt figure ground)
also may not be able to distinguish one tune from the other until told what one is.
Direct Sound
reach ear straight from source
Indirect sound
reflected off environment THEN reaches ear
Architectural acoustice
concert halls (red rocks) use the reverb that naturally occurs to amplify and enrich sound.. only 2 second delay is the perfect acoustic.