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20 Cards in this Set

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What are three major cities in India?
Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata (Calcutta), and Dehli
What is the significance of Mumbai (Bombay)?
Mumbai is a main port on the Arabian Sea and is the largest city in India, with a population of more than 18.3 million.
What is the significance of Kolkata(Calutta)?
Kolkata (Calcutta) is a thriving port city on a branch of the Ganges River and is the center of India's iron and steel industries.
What is the significance of Dehli?
Dehli is India's third largest city and is part of a megalopolis (chain of closely linked metropolitan areas)
Decribe the Caste System/ Jati.
The Caste System, or Jati, was created by Aryans and is a system of social positions in life that one is born into. This shows a major lack of social mobility, seeing as one had to stay in whatever position they were born into.
Who was Mohandis K. Ghandi? How was he important in India's History?
Mohandis K. Ghandi was a peacemaker who led India's fight for independence from Britain and eventually won them their freedom in 1947 using nonviolent protests such as boycotting.
What are some languages of India?
India has 18 official languages and hundreds of local dialects, Hindi being the most widely spoken. English is among some of these languages.
What is the most densely populated country in South Asia?
What is the capital of Pakistan?
Describe the city of Dhaka.
Dhaka is the third most populated city in the world.
Describe the Indus Valley Civilization.
The Indus Valley Civilization began in what is now Pakistan in 250 B.C. This culture developed a writing system, a strong central goverment, and a thriving overseas trade. The people built what may have been the world's first cities., Mojendo Daro and Harappa. These cities boasted plumbing and other technology taht would not be matched again for centuries.
What are the languages of Bangladesh and Pakistan?
Bangladesh- Bangla
Pakistan- Urdu (official language), but Punjab is spoken more than any other language.
What is the main religon for both Pakistan and Bangladesh?
Describe Kathmandu Valley.
Kathmandu Valley is the most densely populated are in Nepal.
Name the languages of Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.
Nepal- Nepali
Bhutan- Dzongka
Sri Lanka- Tamil, Sinhalese
Maldives- Dhivehi
What is Chittagong?
Chittagong is a Bangladesh port. They recycle iron and stel here, such as old ships, planes, etc. This is considered a heavy industry.
What is known as "India's Silicon Valley"?
Bengaluru(Bangalore) and Hyderbad are called this because of their large hi-tech industry.
What are the Pros and Cons of the Green Revolution?
Pros- increased food production, hunger is alleviated.
Cons- chemicals and fertilizers used pollute both water and soil.
What did India do in the 1990's?
India's government opened it's economy to foreign investment.
What percent of India's labor force is Agriculture?