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64 Cards in this Set

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Why the name “subcontinent”?
Largest country
Where does the water come from that flows in these rivers?
Bay of Bengal
Year of independence for India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh? From whom?
India - 1947
Pakistan - 1947
Bangladesh - 1971
Why does India need investment in its highway system?
The average speed is 7mph, way too slow
What were the objections to the Golden Quadrilateral Highway?
Truckers were protesting the higher tax tolls, demanding underpasses for cattle crossing, homes were destroyed
carrying 40% of India’s road traffic, India’s automobile market is about to take
What are the five main environmental problems facing South Asia?
(1) flooding
(2) river deltas
(4) water and air pollution
Why is the river delta in Bangladesh so good for agriculture?
Enlarges deltas by depositing fertile river borne sediment
What is the problem with so many living in the delta?
22 million Bangladesh people were made homeless, due to flooding
What percent of Bangladesh was under water during the 1998 flood?
2/3 of the country
How does deforestation affect flooding?
Human activities, making room for agricultural and mechanical purposes
What is the monsoon?
The seasonal change of wind direction that corresponds to wet and dry periods.
Populations of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
INDIA - 1,711
TFR in India during 1950s, and today
1950’s was 6 and now its current rate is 2.7
% of population in South Asia living in cities? Is this high or low compared to rest of world?
Fewer than 1/3 of the people are living in cities
Causes of rural to urban migration
employment opportunities
What was the Green Revolution?
1960s agricultural research said they needed ti breed high yield varieties of rice and wheat.
Agricultural aspect of the Green Revolution
Doubled its annual grain production between 1970-90’s, successful
Environmental consequences?
Needed larger quantities of fertilzer, which pollutes the air a lot, frequent pesticide applications, which lack natural resistance to plant disease and insects
Social consequences?
Only the wealthiest farmers are able to afford all the new seed strains and equipment.
Also a lot of suicide deaths have occurred!
In terms of the role of religion in politics, India was founded as a ________________ state.
build up of salt in fields, major problem
What is Hindu nationalism?
Promotes Hindu values as the foundation of Indian society
What is the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)?
Hindu Nationalists have gained political power through the BJP
Indus Valley Civilization
Roots of South Asian culture, which is now Pakistan
According to Hindus, what happens to the “soul” after death?
Reincarnation, transmigration
The caste system is rooted in what religion?
Muslim, Christian, little bit of Islam
Refers to the ancient fourfold social hierarchy of the Hindu world.
Ancestors who held “impure” jobs such as those associated with leather working
“marrying within” groups that exist at the varna level
Siddhartha Gautama
the first Buddha, born in 563 BCE in an elite caste
How many Muslims live in India?
150 Million
The tension between Hinduism and Islam in Northern South Asia, which gave rise to a new religion called Sikhism
Hindi & Urdu
Originated on the plains of Northern India, the difference between the two is “Religion”
Hindi - Hinduism
Urdu - Muslim
Role of English
The colonial language of British rule, still serves to bridge the gap between the many different languages of the region
British East Indian Company
The private organization that acted as an arm of the British government
Why did Britain want to hold on to India as a colony?
They were always concerned about threats to their immensely profitable Indian colony, especially from the Russians advancing across Central Asia.
What was Partition? When did it occur?
resulted in the dissolution of the British Indian Empire. The struggle between the new dominions of India and Pakistan which resulted from the partition displaced up to 12.5 million people in the former British Indian Empire,

Who is the conflict in Kashmir between?
India & Pakistan
What do the different parties want?
Each of them want to control Kashmir and wont back down
Ethnic minorities in India’s northeast demand what?
They want autonomy, if not actual independence
In Sri Lanka, which group is the minority ethnic group?

What do they want?
Hindu Tamils

Want political and cultural autonomy
In what two locations of South Asia do we find Maoist movements?
(1) Nepal
What two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?
(1) India
(2) Pakistan
Cold War alliance structure
Pakistan allied with USA

India allied with the USSR
Present-day alliance structure
Pakistan now with China

India now with the USA
What percent of Indian children under the age of three are malnourished?
What percent of Indians live on less than $2 per day?
Bangladesh and Nepal are richer or poorer than India?
Number of Indians in the Middle Class (as defined by purchasing power)
300 Million
Which country has the highest GDP growth rate?
What country has the highest under-5 mortality rate (2007)?
In which country are women least equal?
What obstacles to development do the Himalayan countries face?
Rugged terrain and remote location, relatively isolated from modern technology and infrastructure
Silicon Plateau
Heartland of India’s high tech sector.
What explains the success of Kerala?
Universal primary education and inexpensive medical clinics.

Led by a Socialist Party that stressed education and community healthcare

relatively high social positions for women.
Why the imbalance in the population between men & women?
difference in care, sex-selective abortion, boys are usually views as a blessing and carry on the name.
Why is Vaijanti suing her husband?
he and his family insisted that she have an abortion because a scan showed she was expecting a girl.
What is the purpose of the Taj Mahal? (i.e. why was it built?)
the wife of a Mughal emperor
How is ultra-sound abused in India?
scan for female foetuses, in order to abort them.
Gender ratio of babies born in Delhi
821 girls are born for every 1,000 boys.
Why are girls a liability?
Expensive dowries must be arranged for their weddings and they frequently move into their husband's households - making it less likely they will support ageing parents.
What is the key factor that allows women in Bangalore to live very different lives?
globalisation and women's empowerment. It has young girls working in IT, making good careers, and scooting around town on mopeds, listening to their iPods.
Why are farmers committing suicide?
could not pay back loans.