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59 Cards in this Set

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Who does Charles select to carry his message to Marsiliun?
Who is Marsiliun's right hand man?
What is the relationship between Roland and Ganelon?
Roland is Ganelon's step-son.
who is the fiance of Roland?
Alde the Lovely; she is Oliver's sister.
Who is Roland's best friend?
Who strikes and kills Oliver?
What does Roland do when he knows he is going to die?
He lays under a pine tree, places his horn and his sword underneath him and he turnes his head toward Spain.
The poem was origionally written in what language?
What was Charlemagne's inner circle called?
The Twelve Peers/
What religon are the pagans in the poem?
What country is the setting for the beginning of the poem?
Who were Basan and Basil?
They were French messengers sent by Charles to Marsiliun, who beheaded them.
What does holding an olive branch in the right hand symbolize?
Who comes to take Roland to heaven?
God sent his angles, Cherubim, Saint Michael, and saint Gabriel.
What are two miracles God performs for Charlemagne?
God makes the sun stand still so that Charles can catch up to the pagans; When Theirry and Pinabel fought in Charles' court and Theirry won (even though Pinabel was the better fighter.)
What does Charles do when he reliezes that all the Franks are dead?
He orders that no wild beast touches them and sets off chasing the pagans to avenge the dead Franks (Roland).
Who were the last three Franks to die?
Roland, Oliver, and Archbishop Turpin.
Who was the Archbishop?
What is Roland's relationship with Charlemagne?
Roland is Charles' nephew.
What was the Oliphant made from?
Ivory, (his horn)
Who is Charlemagne's right hand man?
Who tells Roland to blow his horn? What is Roland's reaction?
Oliver; he doesn't want to.
Who is Bramimonde? What is her name after her conversion to christianity?
Marsiliun's wife; Juilenne.
Who fought in the duel at Ganelon's trail? who was the winner?
Theirry and Pinabel; Theirry won.
Why did Oliver get mad at Roland?
Because Roland didnt blow the horn and made the franks be slaughter.
How does Marsiliun die?
Dies of grief.
Who leads the Saracens after Marsiliun dies?
Emir of Babylon.
Who is the hero in the story after Roland dies?
Who breaks open Roland's helmet?
What are Charlemagne's first two dreams? What do they mean?
1. Charles dreams thast Ganelon breaks his lance in his fist (the lance represents Roland) 2. There is a wild boar (ganelon) biting Charles' arm and a lepord (Marsiliun) attacks Charles, then a boarhound (roland) bites the ear off of the wild boar and attakes the lepord.
Who is the author of the poem?
Who suggests that Roland lead the rear guard?
How does Ganelon die?
His limbs are tied each to a different horse, that then run in different directions tearing his body in multiple sections.
What is the first verdict at Ganelon's trial?
To set Ganelon free.
How old is Charlemagne in the poem?
Over 200 years
Where do the battles take place?
After their deaths, what happens to Roland, Oliver, and Archbishop Turpin?
Their hearts are cut out and placed in ivory boxes, then they are sprinkled in spices and wine, then they are covered in dearskin, then they are wrapped in silk, and put into seperate wagons.
Following the first battle, what happens to the dead Franks?
They are blesses by the Catholic Church and buried in a single grave.
What happens to the Saracens when they die?
They drown in the Ebro River.
What is the pagans battle cry and the name of Baligant's sword?
Who or what causes Roland's death?
His horn.
What is the name of Roland's sword?
Is Naimes one of the Twelve peers?
What is the significance of the character, Archbishop Turpin?
He symbolizes the Catholic Church.
Who is Jurfaleu? Who kills him?
Marsiliun's son; Roland decapitates him.
How do pagans die after the first battle if not killed by Franks?
By drowning in the Ebro River.
Baigant is the Emir of ____?
Whose sword is Joyeuse?
How many of Ganelon's relatives offer themselves as hostages?
What Spainish city does Marsiliun control?
What bibical character is Ganelon often compared to?
The poem often considered propaganda for what historical event?
The crusades.
What is the battle cry of the Franks?
Who is Veillantif?
Roland's horse.
Where does Roland face as he dies?
What did Charlemagne do after his dreams?
Slept on...
What filled Roland's horn?
When Saragossa falls to the Franks, what are the people forced to do?
Convert to Christianity.
Who is Gautier?
One of Roland's knights.