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190 Cards in this Set

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What is a reinforcer?

strengthens the connection between S-R

Controlling associations are revealed by sensitivity to what 2 things?

outcome devaluation

contingency degradation

What is an RI30?

random interval 30--> get reward approx every 30 secs

What are habits?

learned sequences of behaviour that are acquired by repetition

Specific satiety

won't eat one food that already eaten when full but will eat another different food

unless formed habits then will eat both regardless of full or not

Examples of mental disorders involving habits

OCD, Tourette syndrome, schizophrenia, Huntington's disease

What do habits reflect a shift from/to?

from evaluation-based circuitry to performance-based

transition from exploration to exploitation

What is meant by exploration vs. exploitation?

exploring the many possible choices in behaviour vs exploiting the certainty of a single action

Transition from A-O→ S-R involves what areas of the brain?
the PFC, amygdala & striatal systems

What are these circuits called?

cortico-striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical loops

Describe the circuits and the shift from A-O to S-R.

The striatum receives input from the entire cortex (except primary visual and auditory cotices); the striatum integrates information from a number of (related) cortical areas; these areas represent convergent information in the striatum outputs to the globus pallidus and sustantia nigra; these structures send outputs via the thalamus back to cortical areas that include the original cortical input to the loop and regions of the motor cortex

What are basal-ganglia loops?

hypothetical segregated circuits connecting the basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebral cortex

the 5 circuits are named according to the primary cortical target of the output from the basal ganglia

Limbic regions

processing of reward, whats good/bad, evaluation of reward, emotional bits

What is the transition in the brain?

transition from areas in the brain that are emotional and care about rewards to reas that just care about motor

over time, shift in which neural circuits are underpinning response

logical pathway in brain

cortical regions--> subcortical regions

Large loops summarised

excitation coming into cortex--> subcortical regions where processed and inhibited--> single outputs back through thalamus to cortex

integrates info from subcortical regions

puts all info together to produce a response which produces the best outcome

spit back out to cortex to update what think about world and produce appropriate response

What are the basal ganglia and cerebellum responsible for?

ensuring movement is carried out in a smooth and fluid way

What is a instrumental/operant response?

a situation where the responses made by an organism bring about changes in the environment

the critical thing that defines and instrumental response is that there is a contingency between an outcome and an outcome

What 2 processes does instrumental learning depend on?

goal-directed actions (A-O)

stimulus-response habits (S-R)

What is initial learning and what does it become?

Initial learning is A-O, gradually dominated by S-R

After more extensive training...

behaviour becomes habit based

Overtrained rats will press a lever when full for that food and for a different food. What does this show?

Outcome devalued, are just pressing lever, don't know why

What is loss of cognitive control in terms of habits?

loss of ability to displace habits

What is critical in disorders such as OCD and addiction?

circuit controlling change from goal-directed to automatic

What systems does the transition from A-O to S-R areas of the brain involve?

PFC, amygdala, striatal systems

As habits and procedures are learned there is a dynamic shift in activity....

in cortical and striatal regions

Where is the anterior cingulate cortex?

bit down middle at front

What are associative areas?

transition between 2 different forms of processing e.g., reward processing--> motor processing; visual--> recognition

What does the thalamus do?

The function of the thalamus is to regulate the body's voluntary motor control, consciousness and its sleep/wake cycle. ... The thalamus decides which signals from the ears, eyes, mouth and skin to relay to its area in the cerebral cortex.

What do these large loops do?

Integrates info from subcortical regions

excitation coming into cortex--> subcortical regions where processed and inhibited--> single outputs back through thalamus to cortex

Puts all info together to produce a response which produces the best outcome

cortex--> subcortical regions--> thalamus--> cortical regions

acts as a filter; lots of exitation and inhibition going through; critical in controlling GD, SR actions

How does Parkinson's affect the brain?

degenerative disorder affecting nerve cells in deep parts of brain in basal ganglia and substantia nigra

What are nerve cells in the substantia nigra responsible for?

produce dopamine and are responsible for relaying messages that plan and control body movement

What is the caudate and ventral striatum?

striatum= caudate putanem

ventral striatum= nucleus accumbens

Every bit of the cortex has a projection that goes through...

the striatum

What does the globus pallidus do?

The globus pallidus is a structure in the brain involved in the regulation of voluntary movement. It is part of the basal ganglia, which, among many other things, regulate movements that occur on the subconscious level.

Basal ganglia loops are spatially segregated within the brain. What commonalities is there between them?

all go through striatum and thalamus and all go to cortex but all connect to slightly different bits of these structures (small differences, but v distinct loops)

What is at each end of these loops?

one end= reward process, cares about value

other end is an S-R process cares about SR habits

value-based system to non-value base system

What is critical in the transition between habits and GD responding?

prelimbic and infralimbic regions of medial PRF

What do lesions of the prelimbic cortex do?

abolish GD lever pressing

similar effects of dorsomedial striatal lesions

Killcross & Coutureau (2003): give animals small amount of training, respond on lever for food.

Test with food valuable vs not valuable (satiety).

What will normal animals show with a small amount of training?

What about if you take out the prelimbic medial PFC?

What happens if you damage the infralimbic medial PFC which is right next to the prelimbic?

Normal animals with a small amount of training will show a devaluation effect

If you take out the prelimbic medial PFC, then this is blocked so animals looked as if they were overtrained

They no longer were able to learn or represent R-O association; so just left with underpinning S-R associations

Damage IL- has no impact

After damaging the PL, what happens when you look at the cortico-striato-pallido-thalama cortical loop?

If go next step down (currently in cortex), and look at striatum, then see same sort of effect on anterior dorsal medial striatum and posteriorDMS; show again, absence of devaluation effect- hints at circuitry

Circuit for supporting R-O associations

What do lesions of the infralimbic cortex do?

abolish habit-based lever pressing

Animals are overtrained; normal animals (sham lesion) vs damage to prelimbic cortex vs damage to the infralimbic cortex. What did these animals show after being overtrained?

Normal, sham lesion, animals show no devaluation effect

damage PL show no effect (didn't anyway in undertraining scenario)

damage IL and they still show G-D responding even though even though you've got rid of GD behaviour by overtraining in the normal animal

IL lesion in terms of A-O and S-R responding

can show AO association but not SR

How would you describe the IL and PL in relation to each other?

double dissociation between them

can be tracked to striatum too

What happens if you lesion the dorsal lateral striatum?

persistance of devaluation even when normal animals show SR

Reversible lesions of the IL cortex

produce G-D performance despite overtraining

What do these lesion studies highlight?

A-O and S-R transitions are not all or nothing, but remain fluid- we can break a habit and the underlying value-based system is not lost

Overtrain all animals with lever press--> food.

Temporarily activate IL region or sham infusion of vehicle

Inject muscimol into IL region, turning off temporarily.

Temporarily inactivating IL region--> impairs S-R responding; converts animals from S-R habits to showing GD responding

Sham infusion: show habit based performance

What dos muscimol do?

GABA agonist, stimulates GABAergic receptors, inhibition causes cells to shut down

Similar effects are also seen following manipulation of the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala. Describe these

Train animals, devaluation; normal animals show devaluation effect

Take out BLA- abolish this effect

How do you know if an animal is dominated by RO associations?

see if values outcome (responds because knows what the outcome is and values it)

has to know there is a relationship between the response and outcome

What do orbitofrontal lesions do to devaluation?

no effect on instrumental devaluation

Neural systems underpinning habits depend on the performance-related areas of what circuitry?

evaluation<-> selection <-> chunking <-> habit

Circuits mediating evaluation of actions gradually lead to what?

selection of particular behaviours that, through the chunking process, become habits

What 3 systems do S-R habits depend on?

Depend on PFC, striatal and thalamic systems

What signal to habits depend on?

habits depend on a reinforcement signal to 'stamp in' the SR association

it seems likely that dopamine serves as this reinforcement signal

Why are these systems important?

the controlling aspect of habits in everyday life

the interaction of controlled and automatic processes in cognition

the disruption of systems in mental illness and drug addiction

Describe how do these systems lead to addiction

over-evaluation--> over-selection--> chunking-> extreme habits, addiction

How does amphetamine sensitisation before training affect lever pressing?

enhances acquisition of lever press habits

overactive dopaminergic system is sensitised, producing more than normal

similar patterns are seen with cocaine and other psychostimulant drugs of abuse

show loads of pressing whether devalued or not

system more potent, transition directly into habits

Contingency degradation: free outcomes that are the same anyway as if do response.

Lesion BLA?

can perform instrumental response, not because know going to get particular outcome

Contingency degradation: free outcome that are same anyway.

NAc core vs shell.

What does devaluation look like?

Devaluation is normal in lesion of shell, but not in lesion of core.

Lesion core and act as if both contingencies are devalued

Disrupting ability to know which response is associated with which outcome--> generalising devalued outcome to everything

Dissociation between core and shell when you look at contingency degradation

What do amygdala lesions do?

produce effects on contingency degradation and devaluation

What does taking out the amygdala core do?

affects devaluation but doesn't affect contingency devaluation

Describe how the substantia nigra is involved with dopamine in forming habits.

sn releases dopamine in the dorsolateral striatum--> dopamine stamps in that 'this is a good circuit to use'

comes to dominate RO circuit, dominates performance rather than GD

How are reinforcement and reward the same?

big distinction between reinforcement and reward

reward: outcome in a GD action

reinforcement: the thing that makes that association stronger, reinforcing association

What regions are important in a whole range of different mental illnesses and drug addiction?

regions of frontal cortex and striatum

Is there any evidence that number of rewards, or degree of exposure to reward vs consistency of reward is important?

use a variable interval schedule; varies from vi5 to vi90, about a mean of vi30; shifts every 2 mins across training, 9 sessions, 40 rewards per session; compare to consistent vi30 group that gets, on average , the same rewards and makes the same number of responses

Change vi5-->vi90 every 2 mins: very rich--> very long periods between reinforcement; vi90 might not get anything in 2 mins (1.5 mins=90); animal experiences as very rich reward and low levels.

Both have the same training average vi30, just experienced differently.

What is found?

static vi30--> normal transition to habits; doesn't decrease responding when devalued

varying--> still goal-directed

What can be concluded develops habits?

It's not the absolute amount of training, it is the consistency that develops habits

No effect of number of rewards, exposure to reward, or number of responses

What is a variable interval schedule?

Variable-interval schedule is a schedule of reinforcement where a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed. This schedule produces a slow, steady rate of response

(VI-30) schedule. This means that the pigeon will receive reinforcement an average of every 30 seconds. It is important to note that this is an average, however. Sometimes the pigeon might be reinforced after 10 seconds; sometimes it might have to wait 45 seconds.

Transition from GD--> habitual responding may occur when...

there is a consistent (predictable?) pattern of reward expectancy

So, can habits be reversed when this expectancy is violated?

Rats given 9 sessions on a RI60, earning 40 rewards in each (360 in total)

Then receive 1 session of RI9, earning 40 rewards or a further RI60 session, followed by devaluation treatment and extinction test.

What happens?

animals think know whats going on/reward every minute, but suddenly get reward every 9 secs--> flip back to being GD

reward no longer consistent and predictable, become GD again, show devaluation effect

When do we let the S-R system dominate?

When are we able to reestablish cognitive control?

when the world is predictable but this can change

are able to reestablish cognitive control when need to change behaviour e.g., change side of the road when driving in different countries

When are we more likely to lapse back into habits?


Cognitive load is depleted; can't exert top-down control and habits re-emerge

What stamps in the S-R?

dopamine reinforcement says its something nice, stamps in SR

How do GD and habitual exist?

exist within parallel circuitries

Animals will alter responding in order to avoid aversive consequences. When is this most obvious?

in the case of negative reinforcement (avoidance responding) e.g., press lever can offset shock

This also occurs in the case of conditioned punishment. What is this?

where an aversive cue punishes an instrumental response

appetitive responses e.g., to get food, response occasionally produces food, sometimes a shock

cue paired with shock occasionally

rat can look at trade-off

What responses do you see in involuntary, reflexive Pavlovian condition of tone (CS)--> footshock (US)

skeleto-muscular: freezing, fear potentiated startle, conditioned suppression; autonomic: BP, HR, galvanic skin responses; endocrine: stress hormones via alterations in HPA axis

What do aversive outcomes emphasise the importance of?

the amygdala

important distinction between lateral (basolateral) and central nuclei

What is fear largely tested through the assessment of?

freezing or fear-potentiated startle

Describe the circuit of the CS & US with the amygdala

CS (tone)-->auditory thalamus--> auditory cortex--> lateral amygdala

US (shock)--> somatosensory thalamus--> sensorymotor cortex--> lateral amygdala

-->--> lateral amygdala--> central nucleus-->freezing/BP/hormones

Compare sham lesioned animals with BLA lesion and CE lesion in terms of looking for food when shocked

Sham lesioned animals- normal suppression, stop looking for food when shocked/lever pressing when see cue for shock

Lesion to Bla should in theory mean animal is unable to form fear responses; have stopped CS & US coming together and projecting down to central nucleus of amygdala but shows normal suppression

Lesion central nucleus of amygdala or lesion BLA & Ce, show reduces suppression

There are multiple outputs for these 2 regions of the amygdala.

Where does the BLA project to?

The BLA projects to NAc and PFC and these regions project to the amygdala

What are the shell and core of the NAc important in?

What about the PL, IL and anterior cingulate of the PFC?

reward value

important in instrumental

The info in the BLA does 2 different things

either projection into the central nucleus is telling you to do reflexive things or other stuff (nucleus/PFC)

What's wrong with measuring freezing as fear?

tells us the neural basis of conditioned freezing not the neural basis of fear--> not an option to show fear in another way, can only freeze in this procedure

need a system to measure multiple outputs at once to see if the animal is frightened

What is conditioned suppression and conditioned punishment?

conditioned suppression is more reflexive, animal just stops responding when an aversive outcome comes on

conditioned punishment looks at choice behaviour of animal--> 2 levers, both produce food, but one produces aversive cue (shock) so animal has choice--> another way to tell if the animal is scared; when cue comes on can stop responding or can make a choice

Lever 1= pellets and occasionally 10 sec and 1/2 sec shock

Lever 2= pellets and 10sec train of clicks with no further consequences

What was found?

a lot more pressing on lever 2 than 1, even though same amount of reward

animal is making active choice to choose 2; changed representation of value of lever 1 vs 2

animal stops pressing 1 when hears the tone but also stops pressing on lever 2--> conditioned suppression, just stops what doing

measures: relative responding on 1 & 2 and also amount of presses when aversive vs neutral cue is on

What does conditioned punishment depend on in the amygdala?

Where else?

the BLA not the CE

also depends on the infralimbic medial PFC

and the shell subregion of the NAc

The value of an outcome may be encoded in (at least) two ways..

How might the interaction of these 2 systems be observed?

reflecting the expected consequences of an action and hence the likelihood of that action

reflecting the expected consequences of an event in the world (and hence independent of response)

via PIT, which examines the influence of the cue-outcome associations and A-O relationships

What 2 effects can be observed in Pavlovian-instrumental interactions?

motivational: changes in arousal or activation influence the vigor of responding (outcome general)

outcome specific: can prime specific RO associations and hence bias response choice

How are there Pavlovian-instrumental interactions in drug addiction?

if in environment where would normally take drugs

What happens if you expect something bad?

damps down appetitive system activity

2 cues: s1 & s1--> o1 & o2 (outcomes)

One Pav session (S1=O1; S2=O2)

One instrumental session (R1=O1; R2=O2)

Play S1 & S2--> choice between R1 & R2, record responding, compared with with no stimulus.


transfer effect of s1 and s2 on responding

more likely to press lever that relates to cue (specific)

more likely to press lever if there is a cue than if not (general)

What affect does BLA have on PIT? (lesioning)

general pit- none

no BLA--> don't show outcome specific PIT

BLA lesion, increase general processing but not more to same lever rather than different

Know something good is going to happen, don't know if O1 or O2

Lesion BLA get rid of same-different transfer, but general transfer stays

What about the central nucleus?

impair general but same-different is intact

How do PL/ OFC/ BLA lesions affect value/PIT?

PL lesions influence instrumental devaluation, but do not influence PIT or Pavlovian devaluation

OFC lesions influence PIT & Pavlovian devaluation but not instrumental devaluation

bLA lesions influence Pavlovian and instrumental devaluation and PIT

What is dissociable in value?

Dissociation of value from action and value from cue

True value and info about the value seem to be dissociable

What is Pavlovian devaluation?

devalue food

value that is simply cued--> pure info, pellets arrive regardless of actions

What is true value?

value including cost

What about value in an instrumental system?

Don't know the value of an action/outcome until learns

What is surprising about instrumental learning and value?

the instrumental system does not seem to have obligatory access to value

Value is learned through a process known as...

incentive learning

Animals are trained to lever press in a low deprivation stat and tested in a high deprivation state.

What happens?

lever pressing is not sensitive to this shift unless animals have had a chance to learn about the value of the reward in a high state

If given the opportunity to learn that food pellets taste good while hungry and that they are more valuable when in a hungry state then rats will lift their responding rate

Particular instrumental outcomes are more valuable in particular motivational states. If rats learn that when they're not hungry the pellets don't taste so good...

they won't then lever press later on even if hungry

There are multiple forms of learning with multiple neural systems such as...

Pavlovian, goal-directed, habitual

Different representations of the motivational impact of events through what different values

value of action outcomes (goals)

value of info about outcomes

reinforcing impact of motivationally important events

Appetitive and aversive systems are mutually...


A strong appetitive cue can overcome an aversive cue

Appetitive and aversive systems are in conflict

Give an example of conflict and cognitive control

Stroop task

What two processes are there in conflict and cognitive control?

one well-practiced, automatic (read word)

competition between well-trained almost habitual response and one that requires really strong cognitive control

What is CPT-AX?

continuous performance task based around A & X

Need to respond to an X but only if it occurs after A, if almost all trials are A then X, becomes almost automatic and then throw in an X--> do badly

Can manipulate responding

Hardly any AX then are very slow

e.g., bank can prime as to whether money/pond with cues beforehand

contextual cues telling you what something is most likely to mean

CPT-AX and Stroop task share much in common with several other executive tasks..

require that participants make use of info about a real cue held in mind to disambiguate target cues with multiple other meanings or outcomes

CPT-AX: hold in mind presence of cue A in order to disambiguate responding to cue X

Stroop: hold in mind rule cue 'respond to colour' to disambiguate colour naming from word reading

When does response conflict occur?

in situations where there is an explicit conflict due to bivalent cues

typified by the Stroop task, similar characteristics may be made for many tasks, including aspects of lexical ambiguity and the continuous performance task

Ambiguous cues activate a couple of input channels...

PFC remembers the context you are in: top-down cognitive control to decide which S-R decides behaviour

anterior cingulate doesn't care whether colour or reading

Need top-down control for colour naming--> DL PFC ramps up activity

The PFC is not heavily connected with primary sensory or motor cortices but instead connected with higher level 'association' and premotor cortices

Excitatory signals from the PFC feed back to other brain systems to allow task-relevant neural pathways

See face, need to look right to get reward; other pic need to look left for other cue--> simple rule--> object task; pick what saw, need to integrate what stimulus is with rule in the first task.

Where is there a lot of firing?

Lot more firing in the DL PFC when need to hold rule and manipulate it

The neurons in the PFC are responsible for...

producing response at conflict level

Rats receive training with conditional cues, which are then combined at test to create congruent and incongruent compound cues. Correct responding may be determined by the environment in which the compound occurs.

Training: 2 sessions a day, 1 in each context

Test: audiovisual compounds of training stimuli in extinction

1 test session a day, 1 in each context

If you're in context A, should respond to the noise, not the light.

What is acquisition to each bioconditional task like?

What is performance like?

Acquisition to both bioconditional tasks is equivalent.

Test performance reveal contextual control of responding to incongruent cues

Performance better in congruent than incongruent trials

Slightly better at solving visual than auditory discrimination

Incongruent, not as good as congruent but can still use contextual cue to help solve problem

What happens when you lesion the mPFC?

Anterior cingulate region of mPFC?

lesion to mPFC--> incongruent drops to chance although can still do congruent or neutral (unable to solve response conflict)

Anterior cingulate region of mPFC: first 10 seconds, no problem with congruent or neutral but struggle with conflict in incongruent. As time goes on, able to solve conglict in the last 10 seconds of 1 minute (adapts to damage?)

What effect does lesioning the IL and PL have?

Lesion IL & PL regions:

congruent: can solve, inactivating region doesn't make a difference

incongruent: not as good in IL but if PL is lesioned then selectively can't solve the incongruent trials

Reversible inactivation of the __, but not the __ ____, abolishes incongruent trial performance




How does dopamine interact with response conflict tasks?

An optimal level of DA activity in the mPFC is needed for good task performance

Hence, test performance should depend on both DAergic manipulation and baseline task performance

Animals that arent good a the task have too much or too little DAergic activity

Microinfusions of D1 agonist into the PL mPFC

What effect did this have on Incongruent/congruent/neutral performance?

Boosting dopamine made no real difference to congruent trials; helped a bit with neutral; biggest impact on incongruent performance--> biggest boost

on individual level, can see that dopamine boosts the performance of low performing animals

Incongruent task performance is dependent on ...

prefrontal dopaminergic D1 activity

An optimal level of DA activity is necessary for good task performance

this effect is localised to the prelimbic region of the mPFC

What do typical antipsychotics do?

block dopamine; block D2 receptors

However, damps down dopaminergic activity in the PFC--> not good

Meta-analyses of patients with schizophrenia indicate the importance of cognitive deficits in schizophrenia.

What are these characterised as?

deficits in tasks tapping executive function such as the CPT-AX and Stroop tasks, as well as memory and verbal fluency tasks

Schizophrenics have very strong executive function deficits

What is ketamine?

an NMDA antagonist--> produces a dissociative experience

What happens if you give ketamine to normal people/schizophrenics?

give to normal people and they develop elements of psychosis

give to schizophrenics and psychosis gets much worse

Acute ketamine administration affects response conflict tasks by...

selectively disrupts the use of contextual cues to disambiguate conflicting response info provided by incongruent stimulus compounds but left congruent and hence, biconditional performance intact

How does acute PCP (phenylclidine) affect response conflict tasks?

disrupted the use of contextual cues to disambiguate conflicting response info provided by incongruent stimulus compounds and reduced correct responding to congruent stimulus compounds

What about chronic PCP administration (twice daily for 7 days)?

selectively disrupted the use of contextual cues to disambiguate conflicting response info provided by incongruent stimulus compounds, but left congruent, and hence biconditional performance intact

What is amphetamine?

Another psychotic--> indirect DAergic agonist, boosts effect of dopamine

What is +ve psychosis?

delusions, hallucinations

What well manages +ve psychosis?

What doesnt it hep in schizophrenia?


doesn't help cognitive function; most og cognitive function knocked off

can't solve response-conflict tasks (critical to everything we do)

Problems requiring task-setting cues are sensitive to ___ function

These tasks are highly relevant to cognitive deficits in __

In rats these tasks are dependent on ___ function in the ___




medial PFC

dependent on D1 receptor subclass

What does an animal need in order to make a choice?

some sort of measure of how valuable an outcome is

Measure of value comprises a range of different things...

changes dependent on motivational state, how animals learn about these things; dependent on choice presented with

Where does input about value come from?

secondary, visual, auditory, somatosensory, gustatory and olfactory cortices

Where do value input connections go to?

few connections to motor output areas

What areas connect to motor and sensory areas


Where does the mPFC connect to?

motor and reward areas

Orbital and medial cortex receive polymodal info from...

info from the sensory cortex, info from the thalamus (as does most of the PFC) and info from the medial temporal lobe

visual and emotional info from temporal lobe

Orbital and medial areas...

have no arrows coming out of them other than going to other areas of the PFC

Areas like the dorsolateral PFC project out directly to...

motor structures and frontal eyefields

Orbital and medial areas project primarily to...

other areas of PFC

some projections down to basal ganglia that share with the rest of the PFC

Primates with damage to the OFC...

CS1- reward; CS2- no rewards

CS1- no reward; CS2- reward

problems with reversal learning

may underpin poor-decision making in patients with OFC damage

can't revalue initial cues and modify behaviour accordingly

perfectly normal with learning stimulus-reward associations

switch cue and there are very severe deficits with OFC damage

What happens to patients with OFC damage?

gamble too much, make poor life decisions; poor impulse control; can’t revalue initial cues and couldn’t modify behaviour accordingly; value of things can change over time, isn’t always fixed- but these individuals can’t change the value in their head. Need to be able to behave flexibly in the world- OFC modifies understanding of value

But, effects not found following autonomic denervation...

possible role for somatosensory cortex, but not proven

no deficits if no initial bias in control subjects on a modified version of the IGT

effects may be nothing more than more evidence of reversal learning

Where do orbitofrontal regions receive a lot of info from?

orbitofrontal region receives a lot of info from somatic regions (receives autonomic info)

What is somatic-marker hyp?

the emotional response you get when you are presented with a cue which predicts a particular outcome

What is the way you place value on stuff?

isn't just by a cognitive process saying one thing is better than another; its a much more emotional process whereby you assign value based on the perception of the orbitofrontal cortex of your own internal state--> listen to emotional side to generate representation of value

How do patients with OFC damage perform on the IGT?

huge deficits

as soon as they get the high value pack just keep picking that one completely ignoring the huge losses

immediate gratification is good, doesn't matter adverse consequences may have down the line, always choose immediate gratification

What are issues with the somatic marker hyp?

have someone had autonomic denervation (autonomic nervous system not working) they don't show problems so cant really claim that all autonomic info is the critical feature

Modified IGT: stop initial bias to high value pack; give exposure to graded set of cards then...

can get people to perform more normally

What is the IGT evidence for?

nothing more than a reversal deficit?

initially go for high value card and have to reverse choice--> all have to do

What does reward reflect?

hedonic or incentive value

What is the distinction between these 2?

sweetness doesnt actually carry info about value--> depends whether like sweet or not

distinction between sensory properties which produce a pleasant feeling but not something which necessarily indicates value

What does value reflect?

Whether you want something rather than whether you necessarily like it

What does the OFC distinguish between?

distinguishes between appetitive and aversive events so not just salience alone

what does ofc encode?

reward alone not reward and motor functions

Recordings from OFC of primates; give exposure to particular solutions/ get to do certain tasks.

What is seen?

OFC distinguishes between appetitive and aversive things. Not responding just to salience (both appetitive and aversive events can be very salient); OFC doesn’t have projections to motor regions so encodes information about reward by itself; a lot of regions on the PFC encode both

Info about a reward after onset of a reward-predictive cue goes where first?

Info about a reward after onset of reward-predictive cue gets to OFC before other regions of the PFC

info about reward into OFC before gets to other regions

When reward-predictive cue comes on, animal has to look to left or right then gets reward delivered.

Different number of drops of juice and different directions to look in.

What are the DLPFC and OFC encoding/caring about?

Cells in DLPFC fire when anything rewarding is going to come along

Cares which response you make--> fires most to 8 drops of juice when make right saccade (encoding something about reward as well as something about response have to make to get that reward)

The OFC cares acutely whether going to get 2/4/8 drops of juice but not whether looking left/right to get that--> encodes reward in sense of how much juice going to get but doesn't care about motor response

DLPFC isn't encoding much about reward itself; cares about the combination of reward and motor activity

OFC not caring about A-O, just what the outcome is

How does the OFC encode/respond to reward?

Carries info about trade-off, representing value in abstract way.

Can learn cue-reward associations; responds differently for 2/4/8 drops of juice; different levels of reward.

Can choose between rewarded and unrewarded cues. If had 0 reward, get no firing/ no change in firing in OFC cells.

Seems to carry info about relative value of different rewards

If it was purely magnitude then more means bigger dip in firing rate and less reward means less of a dip in firing rate.

But if you look more in depth at the cells in the OFC, seem to be encoding something about value of things relative to other things going on

Choice between apple juice and water: juice is preferred, but what if you are thirsty and there is more water available?

If water more available and the monkey is thirsty then water becomes more valuable than juice; more water and satisfies thirst in a way that juice can't

The OFC isn't just encoding a simple magnitude, what is it encoding?

is encoding something that is much more relative

value is always relative to multiple things

Value is relative to..

options available and motivational state

Some cells in the OFC will increase firing to a pellet when an individual is hungry but will reduce firing to a weak salt solution. The extent to which cells fire varies with...

motivational state

Change evaluation of reward based on motivational state and based on what other rewards are around and about

Something a lot more complicated than just 8 drops is twice as good as 4 drops

Why represent value in this way as opposed to some more veridical representation of the outcome or simply as a product of choice?

abstract value representations constrain the info needed as choices multiply;

e.g., A vs B: value A, B or AB

A vs B vs C vs D: value A, B, C, D or choices AB, AC, AD etc...

avoids a combinatorial explosion

allows abstract volume representations e.g., money

very rapidly, if you're trying to value things by assigning a number then comparing--> huge combinatorial explosion

assign value to each is much easier than remembering which prefer--> remember less

Moving away from hedonic/incentive value; not about how sweet it is in your mouth (probably remains fairly constant) also about...

how valuable it is in the context you find yourself; given your motivational stat; given that you might have grape and apple available, given that you might be getting thirstier

V complex abstract calculation

Abstract value representations allow...

a trade-off calculation to compare

how valuable is sucrose solution to a hungry rat compared to a thirsty rat

What is incentive learning?

animals have to learn the value of things by experiencing them in the motivational state they're in

also gives rise to the irrelevant incentive effect

What is the irrelevant incentive effect?

if rats learn that sucrose is a good thing when hungry, they don't learn anything about value when thirsty and needs to learn this separately

What does the OFC represent?

the product of this incentive learning

learning how to value things relative to emotional state and relative to what other things were around

What other things can influence value?

Delay, effort (or cost) and probability (or risk)

How does delay effect value?

cue that predicts a pellet in 10 secs is not as valuable/rewarding as a cue that tells you you're going to get a pellet in 5 secs

follows fairly standard hyperbolic decay function

What is temporal discounting?

things that are more distal are valued less; predictable in extent to which they're valued less

How does effort/cost effect value?

more effort have to put into getting something, trade-off and becomes less valuable

How does probability/risk affect value?

low prob of outcome, outcome less valuable

less likely to respond to that outcome vs one that gives you a higher probability even of a smaller outcome

What areas are activated by immediate over delayed reward?

postrior cingulate cortex, mPFC, VStr, mOFC

What areas are activated by reward in a delay independent manner?

dlPFC, lOFC, PMA, SMA, RPar; VCtx

There are different representations of reward. The one most closely associated with value is seen in the ___


Effort seems to rely on what area?

anterior cingulate cortex of the mPFC

Rat runs down a T maze: can get 4 pellets on one side and 2 pellets on the other; has to climb up a barrier to get the 4 pellets.

Does animal care in terms of choice?

How can you affect behaviour?

About 80% of time, rats climb over barrier

Immediately after you damage the anterior cingulate cortex, rats no longer show ANY willingness to put in any effort to get high reward

Automatically choose 2 pellet direction and avoid barrier

If put barrier in both directions then lesioned animals will begin to go back to where other animals are; if has to climb over in both directions then may as well go for 4 pellets over 2 pellets; just unwilling to put effort in for higher reward; no longer capable of doing appropriate trade-off

not assessing value vs effort very well although can assess value

seems as if any effort at all means it has no value

Probability-based trade-offs are multiply represented in the brain, in areas including the...

OFC, mFPC, parietal cortex & even in the firing of midbrain dopamine neurons

What else do probability-based trade-offs depend on?

the nature of the risk--> is this a certain or uncertain risk

What is neuroeconomics?

the neuroscience of decision-making and value

the way we get around the world trying to factor in all these things such as delay, risk, probability etc

Rats are very rational, very rapidly work out what is worth their while doing. What do they factor in?

delay, which lever gives more pellets, magnitude of reward--> rational.

Also good at assessing probability

People/rats/primates are pretty rational, why?

really good systems for representing these abstract notions of value and weighting one thing up against another

people are worst at temporal discounting

Describe the systems in reward processing in producing a behavioural response

OFC integrates sensory (gustatory/temporal cortex- e.g., how tastes/feels), affective (amygdala- e.g., how pleasant) and motivational (hypothalamus- e.g., how hungry/thirsty) info to derive the value of potential reward outcomes.

OFC calculates value relative to other trade-offs, relative to need and on an arbitrary scale that allows abstract comparisons- abstract representation of all these things of value



DLPFC- construction of plan to obtain reward outcome

MPFC- evaluation of effort involved in plan

DLPFC & MPFC--> behavioural response

Why can't the OFC directly inform the value of an action

Remember that the OFC is not connected to motor regions, so can't directly inform the value of an action