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32 Cards in this Set

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Fast pain is sent from what ascending tract?
Slow pain is sent from what ascending tract?
What type of receptor generates an AP w/changes in shape?
What receptor sense tactile shapes and surfaces?
Meissner's Corpuscles
What mechanoreceptors sense stretching and shapes?
Ruffini endings
What mechanoreceptors sense vibrations?
Pacinian Corpuscles
What mechanoreceptors sense proprioception?
Muscle Spindles
What is Nociceptor is encapsulated and results from a pin prick?
Adelta mechanical
What Nociceptor has free nerve endings and results from tissue damage?
Where are cell bodies of First order afferent neurons located?
in DRG
Where are cell bodies of Second Order Afferent neurons located?
in cell body SC or brainstem
Where are cell bodies of Third Order Afferent neurons located?
in Thalamus
What describes the "form" of a stimuli?
Modality (mechanical, thermal, etc.)
What describes the "strength" of a stimuli?
What is the smallest intensity at which a sensation is detected?
Sensory Threshold
What is it called when the intensity of sensation diminishes when stimulus is continuous for an extended period of time?
What is conversion of sensory stimulus into Neural activity?
Stimulus transduction
What are converted into specific patterns of AP and are called "Neural Codes"?
Intensity + Duration
Increase in Intensity= increase in ______________=increase in_________________.
increase in magnitude of receptor potential; increase in rate and number of Aps
Increase in duration= decrease in_____________________.
amplitude of receptor potential
What are the largest, myelinated fibers found and what are they used for?
Aa fibers for fine touch and proprioception
What are the small,unmyelinated fibers used for info about pain?
C fibers
What is static proprioception?
awareness of position of limbs
What is kinesthesisa?
movement of limbs
What are the major sensory endings for Nociceptor senses?
Non-encapsulated (free nerve endings)
What type of nerve endings are used for 2 point discrimination?
Encapsulated Endings---also used for braille
What test can be done to test the integrity of the ML and tests the static proprioception for the lower body?
Romberg test
What tests can be done for dynamic proprioception?
Upper Body test for proprioceptive sense
What is a possible dorsal column lesion that would cause high steppage and unsteady gait that is exabberated by a Romberg's test?
Tabes Dorsalis
What is a systemic dx resulting from vit. B12 defcy?
Subacute Combined Degeneration of SC
What is a dx that causes damage to the fasciculus Cuneatus of Cervical Spine?
Multiple Sclerosis- loss of proprioception of hands and fingers
What is Astereognosis?
inability to identify shape and nature of objects by touch alone