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53 Cards in this Set

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Cutanerous senses are _____, _______ and ________
_______ senses are touch, temperature and vibration
_________ is body position
Kinesthesia is ___ _______
Somatosensation consists of ______ senses, _________, and _____ senses
Somatosensation consists of cutaneous, kinesthesia, and organic senses
________ stilmuli include pressure, vibration, temperature, and tissue damage (causes pain)
Somatosensation stilmuli include _____, _______, ______, and _____ damage (causes ____)
Receptive organs of somatosensation include: _____ _____, ____ _____ _____, ______ ______, ____ ______ ______, _____ ______, and _____ _______
______ _____ of somatosensation include: merkel's disk, free nerve endings, meissner's corpuscles, hair follicle receptors, pacinian corpuscles, and Ruffini's endings
Merkel's disks are ________ at the ____ of the _____. They are _____ at adapting w/ _____ receptive fields
_____ _____ are indentations at the top of the dermis. They are slow to adapt w/ small receptive fields
____ ______ ______ are dendrite endings invovled in pain and temperature perception
Free nerve endings are _____ _____ invovled in ____ and ________ perception
Meissner's corpuscles are located in ______ skin _____ and are sensitive to ____ frequency ______. They are _____ adapting w/ _____ receptive fields
______ ______'s are located in glabrous skin ridges and are sensitive to low freq. vibrations. They are rapid firing w/ small receptive fields
Pacinian corpuscles are ____ (seen with naked eye), _________ nerves, located ____ in skin. They are involved in _____ and ______. They are _____ firing w/ _____ receptive fields
______ ______ are large (seen with naked eye), encapsulated nerves, located deep in skin. They are invovled in pressure and vibration. They are rapidly adapting w/ large receptive field receptive fields
_______ _______ are encapsulated nerves smaller than pacinian corpuscles. They are slow at adapting w/ large receptive fields
Ruffini's endings are _______ nerves ________ than pacinian corpuscles. They are _____ at adapting w/ _____ receptive fields
Touch receptors respond to changes in the ____ of the dendrite; a ______ force that _____ the ___ channel
_____ receptors respond to changes in the shape of the dendrite; a mechanical force that opens the ion channel
_______-____ ___ channels open and cations enter (depolarizing the membrane potential) when the carbohydrate chains linked to them are pulled
Mechanically-gated ion channels ____ and _____s enter (_____ing the membrane potential) when the ________ ______s linked to them are pulled
________ of receptor potential occurs when a stimulus probe pushes or pulls on a encapsulated neruon and the membrane potential first depolarizes then repolarizes regardless of a continuous force
Adaptation of receptor potential occurs when a ________ ______ _______s or _____s on a _____________ neuron and the membrane potential first __________ then ___________ regardless of a continuous force
_ _____ ________ varies across the skin with some plasticity after birth
2 point discrimination _____ across the skin with some ________ after birth
_______ _____ include A-alpha, A-beta, A-delta, and C _____
Afferent axons include _-____, _-_____, _-_____, and _ axons
___ axons are Group I, thickest (13-20um), fastest (80-120m/s), and are proprioceptors of skeletal muscles
A-alpha axons are Group _, _____ (__-__um), _____ (__-___m/s), and are _____________ of _______ muscles
A-beta axons are Group _, _____ (__-__um), _____ (__-___m/s), and are _____________ of the ____
____ axons are Group II, thick (6-12um), fast (35-75m/s), and are mechanoreceptors of the skin
____ axons are Group III, thin (1-5um), slow (5-30m/s), and are involved in sharp, fast pain and temperature perception
A-delta axons are Group _, _____ (__-__um), _____ (__-___m/s), and are involved in ____ ____ and _____________ perception
____ axons are Group IV, thinnest(0.2-1.5um), slowest(0.5-2m/s), and are involved in dull pain, itch, and temperature perception
C axons are Group _, _________ (__-__um), _____ (__-___m/s), and are involved in ____ ____ and involved in _____ ______, ______, and ________ perception
_____ ______ fiber type is involved in touch, limb postiion, enters dorsal horn medially, and initially synapses in layers III and IV of dorsal horn
large diameter fiber type is involved in ____, ____ ________, enters dorsal horn _______, and initially synapses in layers __ and __ of dorsal horn
_____ diameter somatosensory fiber types are invovled pain, itch, temperature, they enter dorsal horn laterally, and initially synapse in layers, I, II, and V of dorsal horn
Small diameter somatosensory fiber types are invovled _____, ____, _______, they enter dorsal horn ________, and initially synapse in layers, __, __, and __ of dorsal horn
The ______ _________ column of the spinal cord is invovled in touch, pressure, vibration and joint postition, and is divided into the Gracile fasciculus (medial) and the Cuneate fasciculus (lateral)
The dorsal posterior column of the spinal cord is invovled in _____, ________, _________ and _____ postition, and is divided into the _____ ________(medial) and the _______ ________ (lateral)
The ______ _____________ _____ column of the spinal cord is invovled in pain and temperature perception
The lateral spinothalamic tract column of the spinal cord is invovled in ____ and __________ perception
The ______ ___________ _______ column of the spinal cord is invovled in touch and pressure
The anterior spinothalamic tract column of the spinal cord is invovled in _____ and ________
somatosensory information travels from the sensory receptor to the spinal cord, where it travels via the spinal nerve to the dorsal root ganglion. The information then travels from the DRG in the spinal cord to either the dorsal columns or ventral columns
somatosensory information travels from the _____ ______ to the spinal cord, where it travels via the _____ nerve to the _____ ____ _______. The information then travels from the _____ ____ ______ in the spinal cord to either the _____ _____ or ______ _____
The ______ _____-_____ _______ pathway (involved in touch, vibration, two-point discrimination, and proprioception) begins with A-a, A-b, and A-d neurons. These neurons travel up through 1) dorsal root axon then through the 2) dorsal column then to synapse at 3) dorsal column nuclei then decussate through the 4) medial lemniscus to the 5) thalamus, and finally to 6) cerebral ctx
The dorsal column-medial lemniscal pathway (involved in _____, ________, ___-____ __________, and ______________)begins with ___, ___, and ___ neurons. These neurons travel up through 1) ____ ____ ____ then through the 2) _____ _____ then to synapse at 3) _____ ______ _____ then decussate through the 4) _____ _______ to the 5) ________, and finally to 6) ________ ___
The __________ pathway (invovled in pain, temperature perception, and some touch) begins with A-d, and C neurons. These neurons travel up through 1) dorsal root axon then decussate via 2)lateral spinothalamic tract then they synapse at 3) thalamus and finally travel to 4) cerebral ctx
The spinothalamic pathway (invovled in ____, ___________ perception, and some _______) begins with __, and __ neurons. These neurons travel up through 1) ______ ____ ____ then decussate via 2)______ ________ _______ then they synapse at 3) ________ and finally travel to 4) ________ ____
_____________ of the _________ is located in the ventral posterior (lateral), the ventral posterior (medial), the ventral medial posterior, and the medial dorsal nuclei
Somatosensation in the thalamus is located in the ______ _______ (________), the _______ ________(_______), the _______ ______ _______, and the ______ ______ thalmaic nulei
______ _______ (________) relays inputs from medial lemniscus to primary somatosensory ctx and is involved in somatosensation of the body
Ventral posterior (lateral) (VPL) relays inputs from ______ _________ to _______ __________ ___ and is involved in somatosensation of the ____
______ _______ (________) relays somatosensory inputs from medial lemniscus to primary somatosensory ctx (involved in somatosensation of the face) also from the spinothalamic tract to primary somatosensory ctx
Ventral posterior (medial) (VPM) relays somatosensory inputs from _____ _______to _______ __________ ___ (involved in ______________ of the face) also from the _____________ _____ to ________ _____________ ___
_______ ______ _________ relays somatosensory inputs from the spinothalamic tract to insular ctx (emotional responses and behavioral responses)
Ventral medial posterior relays somatosensory inputs from the ___________ ______ to _______ ___(emotional responses and behavioral responses)
______ ______ relays somatosensory inputs from the spinothalamic tract to anterior cingulate ctx
Medial dorsal relays somatosensory inputs from the __________ _____ to _______ ________ ____
The spinoreticular tract sends information from the ___________ system to the _________ _________ to the __________ _______ ______ and is important in maintaining _______ from being touched
The _____________ _______ sends information from the anterolateral system to the reticular formation to the intralaminar thalamic nuclei and is important in maintaining arousal from being touched
The ________________ _____ sends information from the anterolateral system to the tectum (involved in orienting to stimuli) and PAG (pain perception)
The spinomesencephalic tract sends information from the _____________ system to the ______ (involved in orienting to stimuli) and ___________ ____ (invovled in pain perception)
________ _______: somatosensory info from the face enters through the Trigeminal nerve(tria=three, gaminus=twin) . This pathway synapses in trigeminal nucleus in the brainstem, and projects to Ventral posterior of the thalamus
trigeminal pathway: somatosensory info from the face enters through the __________ nerve(tria=three, gaminus=twin). This pathway synapses in ________ _______ in the _________, and projects to ______ ________ of the ________
_______ __________ _____ has a somatotopic map of the body surface that is organized in columns (each column responds to particular type of stimulus)
primary somatosensory ctx has a _________ ___ of the body surface that is organized in _______ (each responding to particular type of ________)
Barrel ctx in rats is located in ______ _____________ ____; each barrel from a different whisker. Remapping of the columns occurs if you _____ the whiskers in a _____ rat.
_____ ___ in rats is located in primary somatosensory ctx; each ______ from a different whisker. Remapping of the columns occurs if you pluck the whiskers in a baby rat.
__________ _________ in _____ owl monkeys occurs. If you remove or add stimulus from a finger, the cortical map in somatosensory ctx will reorganize so that the added/removed stimulus in the finger adds/removes ctx designated to that finger
Somatotopic plasticity in adult owl monkeys occurs. If you remove or add ________ from a finger, the cortical map in __________ ____ will reorganize so that the added/removed stimulus in the finger adds/removes ___ designated to that finger
A ______ ____ is somatosensation in a missing limb, usually pain. 70% of patients report sensations in their missing limb(s). This occurs because there is still some somatosensory ctx designated to the limb, and adjacent ctx sometimes triggers the left over ctx
A Phantom limb is somatosensation in a missing limb, usually ____. ___% of patients report sensation in their missing limb(s). This occurs because there is still some __________ ___ designated to the limb, and _______ ____ sometimes triggers the left over ctx
Loss of ____________ effects motor coordination
Loss of somatosensation effects _____ _____________
Damage in _____________ __________ ____ (posterior parietal ctx) causes agnosia (inability to recognize objects)
Damage in somatosensory association ctx (________ ________ ____) causes ______ (inability to recognize objects)
_________ _______ _______ is the inability to name objects using somatosensation
Associative tactile agnosia is the inability to _____ objects using somatosensation
Apperceptive tactile agnosia is the inability to ______ objects using somatosensation
_________ _______ _______ is the inability to describe objects using somatosensation
__________ _______ _______ is damage to one side of somatosensory association ctx and is compensated for over time
Unilateral neglect syndrome is damage to ___ ____ of ____________ ___________ ____ and is compensated for ____ ____
__________ _______ is relative, based on past.
Temperature perception is __________ , based on _____.
The six distinct thermoreceptors located in free nerve endings. They are sensitive to both _________ and _______. Anktm1, Trpm8, Trpv3 are sensitive to _____; _____ sensation. Trpv4, Trpv1, and Trpv2 are sensitive to ______; ____ sensation.
The six distinct thermoreceptors located in ____ _____ _______. They are sensitive to both temperature and chemicals. Anktm1, Trpm8, Trpv3 are sensitive to menthal; cooling sensation. Trpv4, Trpv1, and Trpv2 are sensitive to capsacin; hot sensation.
There are 3 types of free nerve endings that send pain signals to ctx. __________ (sensitive to intense pressure), __________ (sensitive to capsaicin, inflammation, and burning of the skin), and __________(sensitive to ischemia, muscle damage, and tumors)
There are 3 types of free nerve endings that send pain signals to ctx. Mechanoreceptors (sensitive to _______ _______ ), Capsaicin receptors (sensitive to ______, _______, and ________), and ATP sensitive (sensitive to ______, _______, and ______)
If you eat capsacin, you will be less sensitive to ____ (ie during childbirth).
If you eat _______, you will be less sensitive to pain (ie during childbirth).
Emotion of pain perception is located in __________ ______ ___ and is modifiable via ______, ______, _______ and ________
______ of ____ perception is located in anterior cingulate ctx and is modifiable via activity, hypnosis, placebos, and accupuncture
The gate control theory of ____ _________ is modifiable at 1) A-beta sensory (by accupuncture or rubbing), 2)dorsal horn (opiates), 3) stimulating the PAG (decrease pain perception, increased reproductive and predation behaviors) and 4) increasing 5-HT in the raphe nucleus.
The gate control theory of pain perception is modifiable at 1) _-__ ______(by accupuncture or rubbing), 2)_____ _____ (opiates), 3) stimulating the ____________ ____ (decrease pain perception, increased reproductive and predation behaviors) and 4) increasing 5-HT in the _____ _______. nucleus.
____ perception happens when 1) C fibers are inhibited by a-beta sensory neurons 2) However, if the C fibers overwhelm this inhibition, then the C fibers excite the neurons in the dorsal horn and then 3) travel to thalamus where the information splits to 4a) primary somatosensory ctx and 4b) Periaqueductal gray projects to 5a) anterior cinulate ctx (emotional content of pain), 5b) the raphe nucleus (inhibits dorsal horn) and 5c) medulla (inhibits dorsal horn)
Pain perception happens when 1) _ fibers are inhibited by _-____ sensory neurons 2) However, if the _ fibers overwhelm this inhibition, then the _ fibers excite the neurons in the ______ ____and then 3) travel to ________ where the information splits to 4a) ______ __________ ____ and 4b) _____________ ____, which projects to the 5a) _______ _______ ___ (emotional content of pain), 5b) the _____ _______ (inhibits dorsal horn) and the 5c) _______ (inhibits dorsal horn)
____ was once thought of as a mild pain, but there are ____ sensitive neruons that respond to histamine (produced in response to allergies or bites)
Itch was once thought of as a ____ ____, but there are itch sensitive neruons that respond to _________ (produced in response to allergies or bites)
Destruction of _-___ _____ neurons (large, myelinated) causes a loss of tickle
Destruction of A-beta sensory neurons (large, myelinated) causes a loss of ______