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24 Cards in this Set

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Cerebral cortex functional areas
Motor, sensory and association areas
Motor areas of the cerebral cortex control what
voluntary motor functions
Sensory areas of the cerebral cortex controls what
areas that provide for conscious awareness of sensation
areas that act mainly to integrate diverse information for purposeful action
association area of the cerebral cortex
the location for the primary somatosensory area
postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex
Somatic sensory pathways relay information from somatic sensory receptors to
primary somatosensory area in the cerebral cortex and the cerebellum
The cerebral cortex compris how many sets of neurons
3 first, second and third order neurons
These neurons conduct impulses from somatic receptors into the brain stem or spinal cord
first order neurons
stimuli arising from the face mouth, teeth, and eyes propagate along cranial nerves into what?
the brain stem
Stimuli arising from the neck, body and posterior aspect of the head propagate along spinal nerve into where
Spinal cord
These neurons conduct impulses from the brain stem and spinal cord to the thalamus
second order neurons
Where do second order neurons go after decussation
the axons ascend to the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus
These neurons conduct impulses from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory area of the cortex
third order neurons
Where do second order neurons decussate
either the brain or the spinal cord
Where do third order neurons decissate
prior to the thalamus and the primary somatosensory area of the cortex
third order neurons receive information from which side of the body?
The opposite side of the body
Name the two types of somatic sensory pathways
Consciously perceived and proprioceptive (generally not consciously perceived)
What area of the brain deals with conscious perception
cerebral cortex
what part of the brain deals with non conscious proprioception
somatic sensory impulses enter the spinal cord ascend to the cerebral cortex by tow pathways, name them
the posterior column-medial lemniscus pathway and the anterolateral (spinothalamic) pathway
somatic sensory impulses entering the cerebellum do so by two tracts
posterior spinocerebellar tract and the anterior spinocerebellar tract
Which pathways decussate
pathways that are consciously perceived decussate; and second order neuron decussate
Axons of the first order neurons form ascending tracts on where?
fasciculi cuneatus and fasciculi gracilis
Where do axons of second order neurons form ascending tracts
in all other sensory pathways