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15 Cards in this Set

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Difference between

Crystalline solid and amorphous solid

1] Regularity and periodicity in arrangement of particles

a] Random arrangement of particles

2] Sharp melting point

b] don't have a Sharp melting point

3] Shows anisotropic nature (physical properties shows different in different directions)

c] Shows Isotropic nature

4] eg... Ice, NaCl, Au, Na, Diamond

d] eg... Rubber, Plastic, Glass

What is isomorphism ?

Two or more substances having the same crystalline structure

eg... 1. NaF & MgO

2. NaNo3 & CaCO3

What is Polymorphism

Single substances exist in 2 or more crystalline structure

eg... Diamond, Graphite, Fullerene {C60}

Define unit cell

The smallest repeating unit of crystalline solid is called unit cell

Write the parameters of unit cell using diagram

a,b,c = edge length

alpha, beta, gyama = angles between two edges

Write the type of cubic unit cell

1] Simple cubic unit cell (SCC)

2] Body centre cubic unit cell (BCC)

3] Face centre cubic unit cell (FCC)

In simple cubic unit cell where and how many particles are present

In SC particles are at its corners and 1/8th part of each sphere occupied in unit cell. hence number of particle in SC is

N = 1/8 × 8 = 1

In body centre cubic unit cell where and how many particles are present

In BCC one particle is at the corner of the cube in addition to particle at eight corners, hence number of particle in BCC

N = 1+1 = 2 = 1/8 × 8+1

In FCC where and how many particles are present

In FCC one particle at 6 faces occupies 1/2 part is in addition to 8 corners

N = 1/8×8+1/2×6 = 1+3 = 4

Define bravais lattice

Mathematical analysis prove that only 14 different ways to arrange particles in crystal structure called Bravais Lattice

Write the types of crystal system

1] Cubic - 3

2] Orthorhombic - 4

3] Tetragonal - 2

4] Monoclinic - 2

5] Rhombohedral - 1

6] Triclinic - 1

7] Hexagonal - 1

Write the formula who gives relation between molar mass, density and edge length

n = number of particles in unit cell (F-4, S-1, B-2)

M = molar mass

a = edge length

NA = Avagadro's number ( 6.022 × 10^22 )

Last symbol= density

Define packing efficiency

The percentage of total space occupied by sphere is called packing efficiency.

Write the formula packing efficiency

Packing Efficiency = total volume of particle in unit cell × 100 / total volume of unit cell

No. of particles in x g =

Number of unit cells in the V volume of metal =

Number of unit cells in x g =

No. of particles in x g = xn/density ×a^3Number of unit cells in the V volume of metal = V/a^3Number of unit cells in x g = x/density × a^3