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37 Cards in this Set

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loss of electrons/hydrogen or a gain of an oxygen. Oxygen becomes mixed with other minerals to produce a new compound
gain of electrons/hydrogen or a loss of an oxygen.
Measures a soils ability to hold cations by electrical attraction. A useful indicator of soil fertility because it shows the soils ability to supply important plant nutrients, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
responsible for soil color.
Iron oxides and organic material
Cations are held by negatively charged clay and humus particles called...
the end product of decomposed OM that will break down no further. Has the highest CEC values. Dark brown or black in color.
Soil particle size that has relatively high CEC due to its chemical structure.
Soil particle size that has no capacity to exchange cations because it has no charge. Large particles, low capacity to retain water.
examples of iron hydroxides, Fe3+.... gives the soil its reddish, brown color.
Goethite, Hematite
example of aluminum hydroxide...
Soils high with high fertility and low degree of profile weathering. base saturation > 50%, acidity < 50%
Eutrophic soils
Soils low in fertility with a strongly weathered profile. base saturation < 50%, acidity > 50%.
Dystrophic soils
Soils in which free oxygen is abundant and chemically oxidising processes prevail. This usually occurs in well drained soils with good structure.
The process whereby soils become acidic over time as a result of:
the parent material;
the addition of nitrogen to the soil by either fertiliser or legumes (where nitrogen is converted to nitrate);
and/or the leaching of the soil by rainfall.
These are soils that are deficient in free oxygen and where reducing processes predominate. This condition generally occurs in poorly drained or waterlogged soils. Water has replaced the air, resulting in a bluey-grey coloured soil.
Soils that occur in aridic moisture regimes.
Vegetation is tropical forest, scrub, savannah.
Usually found on relatively stable, upland summits.
Low CEC, very deep, rich in oxides, well drained, high in kaolinite and gibbsite clays due to almost complete weathering of primary minerals.
Free drainage conditions, intense rainfall, and position high above the water table allow for the hydrolysis and oxidation of ferrous ions.
This occurs especially in tropical zones.
Basic cations are leached away in these conditions and acidic conditions prevail.
Latossolos (Oxisols)
Soils that occur in any soils temp regime, moisture regime where precipitation exceeds evaporation.
Vegetation - forest, savannah, swamp.
Relief - slopes and level upland areas.
Weathering - clays are leached from upper horizon to lower horizon encouraging a textural difference between the two.
Clay minerals kaolinite and gibbsite.
Low CEC, low base saturation, high soil acidity.
Low organic matter.
Argissolos (Ultisols)
Restriced drainage and aerobic decomposition lead to the accumulation of organic material. Thus, these soils are important for the accumulation and storage of organic carbon.
Organossolos (Histosols)
In these soils, there is minimal development of soil horizons. Often develop on steep slopes with a high incidence of erosion, or fairly young geomorphic surfaces.
Cambissolos (Inceptisols)
Soils with high clay content, high CEC, high in nutrients, and low acidity. There is a high percentage of humus "black earth". These soils are found in Ukraine, S. Russia, and Canadian prairies.
Deep, well drained, red tropical soils. "Terra roxa" Rich in Fe. Found on level to hilly land under rain forest or savannah vegetation. CEC low, however, higher than other tropical soils because of the high clay content. Among the most productive of the humid tropics.
As grandes unidades topográficas do globo são:
1. Áreas continentais onde dominam planaltos, colinas, e planícies com menos de 2000 metros de altitude
2. Bacias oceânicas – 3000 – 7000m
3. Áreas continentais limitadas cujas altitudes ultrapassam 2000 metros: cadeias de montanhas
4. Depressões limitadas – fossas marinhas que ultrapassam 7000 m de profundidade
As quatro unidades principais do relevo dos oceanos:
1. Plataforma continental
2. Bacias oceanicas
3. Cristas ou dorsais
4. Fossas submarinhas
Zonas de tensões e fraturas da crosta, a partir das quais os continentes foram sendo afastados uns do outro, até chegar à posição atual. Este processo cria cordilheiras que apontam no meio dos oceanos em forma de ilhas isoladas.
cristas ou dorsais
A mais de 5000km de profundidade. Seria sólido e formado de ferro e níquel.
Entre 2900km e 5000km. Seria mais fluido e também formado de ferro e níquel.
Entre 40 a 60 km e 2900 km. Seria sólido, formada de material rico em ferro; material ultra-basico.
Da superfície até 40 a 60 km de profundidade, divide em 2 zonas. O sial e o sima.
A parte da crosta mais superficial, sólida, formada essentialmente de granitos, servindo de embassamento a rochas sedimentares. Rico em silicatos de alumina.
A parte da crosta mais profunda. Rico em silicatos de magnésio.
As rochas influem o que em relação do relevo?
tamanho, forma, e evolução do relevo
A maior ou menor resistência aos agentes erosivos depende da...
Origêm e constituição das rochas – aspecto litológico. Rochas tenras tendem a formar vales enquanto as resistentes mantêm as cristas, escarpas, planaltos e divisores.
tres grandes grupos de rochas
1. magmaticas ou igneas
2. metamorficas
3. sedimentares
Rochas ______ e ______ constituem cerca de 95% do volume total da crosta, mas ocupam apenas 25% da sua superficie.
igneas e metamorficas
As rochas ______ contribuem apenas com 5% do volume mas recobrem 75% da superficie da crosta.
95% das rochas ígneas intrusivas pertencem à família dos granitos e se localizam sobre os...
95% das rochas efusivas são basálticas e localizam-se nas regiões...