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22 Cards in this Set

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What are 3 ways to describe soil profiles?
Texture, Structure, color
concerned with the size of the particles
What are the 6 types Soil Structure:
Platelike: .
Dark Brown near surface
Yellow and Reddish
ferric Oxidized iron (aerated soils well drained)
ferrous (may indicate saturation aeration is poor)
Mottled soil
indicates a zone of alternate oxidizing and reducing conditions caused by seasonal fluctuations of the water table.
Near Surface= a layer of extensive leaching (Albic Horizon)
Subsurface: accumulation of lime found in arid climates
Munsell Color Classification
is a standardized color designation that specifies the relative degree of the three properties of color.
What are three properties of Color?
Hue, Value and Chroma
Dominant wave length of light
quality of light
purity of light
List the three components of soil Texture:
Sand Silt And Clay
How does the texture of surface horizons compare with the texture of subsurface horizons?
Subsurface textures tend to collect finer particles as the soil weathers. Subsurface soils tend to have a smoother texture.
When manipulating a moist soil sample, you observe noticeable grittiness, yet you are able to form a ribbon of 4 inches consistently. What is the probable textural class for this?
Sandy Clay
Which type of structure is most common in surface soil? What soil constituent is most important in the formation of structure in surface horizons?
Granular (spheroidal) is the most common in surface soils. The most important soil constituent is organic substances.
What type of structure are most common in subsurface soil? Why do they form?
Blocklike, Subangular, Prismlike, columnar
It takes time and pressure to form these structures and less disturbance. And the illuviation of clay.
What is the significance of structure to plant growth?
Soil Structure affects the movement of water, air and roots through the soil.
In General how do surface colors compare with subsurface colors?
In general it goes from Dark to light the deeper you go.
Name five soil constituents and the soil color you would expect them to be associated with?
Dark Brown near surface = humus
Yellow and Reddish = ferric Oxidized iron (aerated soils well drained)
Grey= ferrous (may indicate saturation aeration is poor)
Mottled soil: indicates a zone of alternate oxidizing and reducing conditions caused by seasonal fluctuations of the water table.
Whitish-grey soils=
Near Surface= a layer of extensive leaching (Albic Horizon)
Subsurface: accumulation of lime found in arid climates
What is the significance of mottles in making interpretation for soil use and management?
It is a strong indication of seasonal changes in the water table