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81 Cards in this Set

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Five soil functions.
Medium for plant growth

System for water supply and purification system Recycling system for nutrients and organic waste Habitat for soil organisms

Engineering medium

Four components of soil and their percentages in an “average” soil (pie chart)
25% air

5% organic

45% mineral

25% water

Fine earth vs. coarse fragments
Mineral and rock fragments: > 2mm = coarse fragments.

Mineral and rock fragments: < 2mm = fine earth.

Sand and, silt and clay - Major properties of each size class, important management problemswith soils that are dominated by each size class.
Sand-dominated - droughty,

Silt-dominated -highly erodible

Clay-dominated - tough to deal with physically/wet - sticky, dry - hard as a rock:Dinner bell soils.

Primary vs. Secondary minerals.
primary minerals (derived from parent rocks)secondary minerals (formed from the weathering products of primary minerals)
Water and air in pore spaces - what does more water mean for oxygen content of soil? Why?
Less oxygen, Air and water make up 50% total
Typical shapes of each particle size class.
Sand and silt - round blocky.

Clays - plate-like.

Surface Area/particle size relationships - why? Don’t need to know any numbers here, justthe relationship between particle size and surface area.
Fine particles: much larger surface area per unit mass than coarse particles.
The soil color triad - three major agents
Iron oxides, organic matter, silicate minerals
Be aware that there are other minor colors - don’t need to know specifics

White, blue and green, purple etc.

Know components of Munsell soil color
Hue, Value and Chroma. HUE is the PAGE andtells you how Red (R), Yellow (Y) or somewhere in between (YR) the color is. The reddest is10R, then 2.5 YR, 5YR, 7.5YR, 10YR, 2.5Y, and 5Y is the yellowest. VALUE is the VERTICALaxis of the page and tells you how light or dark the color is (black=low value, white=high value).CHROMA is the HORIZONTAL axis and tells you how bright or dull the color is (dull = lowchroma, bright = high chroma). The code goes HUE VALUE/CHROMA, so a 10YR 4/4 color hasa hue of 10YR, a value of 4/, and a chroma of /4.
Soil structure - types and horizon associations -
main are GR (A), PL(E), SBK(A&B), ABK(B), PR(Bt), SGR/MA(C)
Cementing agents
OM, clay, Fe oxides
What is the major cause of soil structure in most A horizons?
Granular, OM and biological activity (microbialand root exudates).
Porosity - effects of particle size on total pore space and individual pore size.
As particle size goes down (more clay), total porosity goes up, but the individual pore size (space betweenthe particles) gets smaller.
3 major factors affecting bulk density
OM, Clay, Compaction/Packing arrangement. How does each affect Db?
Effects of human activities on bulk density
ag, forestry, engineering
20. Calculate Organic Matter given equations and data

21. Calculate gravimetric water content (Theta g) given equations and data

22. Calculate texture from hydrometer (40s and 2hr reading) given equations and data

23. Porosity - calculate given equation and data24. WFPS% - calculate WFPS given equation and data



a three-dimensional sample of a soil just large enough to show the characteristics of all its horizons.
A solid, inorganic substancethat has an ordered atomicstructure.Repeating crystal structures thatcan be described by a specificchemical formula.
naturally occurringaggregates of minerals.
Coarse Fragment
Mineral and rock fragments:> 2mm

Fine earth

Mineral and rock fragments:< 2mm


measures the density of the soil/water solution (g/L)

Soil Texture

% of fine-earth (< 2mm) made up of each of the 3 main particle size classes(%sand, %silt, %clay) by dry mass.

Particle Size Class

Fine-earth mineral particles in the soil aregrouped into 3 major size classes:

Sand: > 2 – 0.05 mm (> 2000 – 50 um)

Silt: 0.05 – 0.002 mm (50 – 2 um)

Clay: < 0.002 mm (< 2 um)


Individual soil particles arebound or cementedtogether into aggregates

Water content

weight of water per weight of dry mass – highly dynamic.


percent of total volume that is pore space (P%)

Water filled pore space

percent of pore volume that is filled with water (WFPS%).

Bulk Density

mass of soil solids per volume of bulk soil (includes pore space) (Db - g cm-3).

Particle Density

mass of soil solids per volume of solids (does not include pore space) (Dp - g cm-3).


Page in the book


Lightness or darkness


Brightness or purity

*Size limits of particle size classes:

Sand < 2000 um (2mm) - 50um;

Silt 50um - 2um;

Clay <2um.

*Munsell code meanings. ie. which is the redder hue, 10YR or 2.5YR? which is darker, 10YR2/2 or 10YR 6/2? which is “brighter” (more orange), 10YR 4/2 or 10YR 4/6? See slide withsingle Munsell Book page in Lecture 3.


*Oxygen diffuses through water...
10,000 x slower than it diffuses through air.
*Particle density
2.65 g/cm3 in almost all cases for mineral soils
*Typical range of bulk densities in cultivated topsoils
0.8 - 1.7 g/cm3
What are the 8 major elemental components of the earth’s crust and soilmineral fraction and their general abundance?
O 46%, Si 28%, Al 8%, Fe 5%, Ca 4%, Na 2%, Mg 2%, K 2%

Cations vs anions

Positive, negative

Oxygen is the only _____ of the Big 8.


Fe3+, Al, Si have ionic potentials > 4 so form strong, stable, cation-oxygen bonds. Becauseof that, these elements in combination with oxygen predominate in soil mineral (inorganic)solids. Below that range, cation-oxygen bonds are much less stable.


K, Na, Ca, Mg form less stable cation-oxygen bonds, so usually exist as individual ions insoils. They are only found as oxides or hydroxides in primary minerals (i.e. in rocks) or very dryenvironments (usually soluble solids - bonds are easily broken).


The BIG 8 + 4. The biological 4.
C highly enriched in soils relative to crust (plantproduction/photosynthesis - organic C compounds from atmospheric CO2),

N highly enrichedrelative to crust (biological nitrogen fixation from atmospheric nitrogen),

S moderately enrichedrelative to crust (almost all S in soils in organic matter),

P not enriched relative to crust, butusually > 50% soil P in organic fraction.

6 Major groups of minerals in soils and their basic structures
(Quartz and Feldspar are frameworks, Iron/Aluminum Oxides have various structures, and Kaolinite, Mica/Illite, Vermiculite/Smectite are phyllosilicates (layered silicates).

Kaolinite is a 1:1 (H+ bond interlayer),

Mica/Illites are 2:1 (K+ ion as interlayer glue that bridges negative charges on each clay layer above and below),

Vermiculites/Smectite are 2:1 (water and hydrated ions in interlayer, shrink/swell). You should know the simplified structures as we drew/represented them in discussion.

Basic building blocks of the phyllosilicate minerals:
Si-TETs form Si-TET sheets, Al-OCTsform Al-OCT sheets, and the sheets combine into layers (either 1:1 or 2:1).
Common minerals in each particle size fraction
Sand/Silt = Quartz & Feldspar,

Clay = Kaolinite, Mica/Illite, Vermiculite/Smectite, Fe&Al Oxides.

What is isomorphous substitution?
Substitution of a cation of a lesser charge into the Si-TET or Al-OCT sheets without changingthe structure.
What property of 2:1 clay minerals does it cause?
Permanent negative charge.
Importance of Micas/Illites for soil K.
The size of the K+ ion (radius) fits into the holes in the TET layer almost perfectly. Think of a lego piece. Na+ is too small and “rattles” around.In Micas/Ilites, the interlayer is occupied by K+ ions that hold the layers together tightly.K is released when Micas/Illites are chemically weathered. Water and acids enter the interlayer and release the K, which diffuses out into the soil solution and can be uptaken by plants!
Which ions would tend to flocculate clays faster? Why?
Secondary minerals?
Which mineral group is the only one that has major shrink/swell properties?
Smectite interlayer H2O cations shrink-swell clays
Differentiate the three major organic matter “pools” in soil:
Soil (microbial) biomass (living microbes),

Litter/Light Fraction (visually identifiable plant residues),

Humus (non-visually identifiable organic compound.

Two major divisions of humus -
humic substances (large, complex molecules - don’t look like stuff that comes from plants or microbes chemically);

non-humic substances (chemically identifiable compounds that are of plant or microbial origin). Humus is what gives the soil its dark color - this dark, complex mixture of well decomposed organic residues.

C is in all organic compounds and makes up

50% OM by weight

N is mostly in...
amino acids/proteins in organic matter.
Relationship between total OM and microbial biomass.
Soil (microbial) biomass increases as organic matter increases. Usually 1-12% (average of 5%) of the total soil organic matter mass
3 factors that lead to organic matter stabilization and accumulation in soils:
Low microbial activity (cold/wet),

Association with fine particles (clays),

Complex molecules (lignin/humic substances).

Major properties and effects of OM in soils:
color, water retention, structure, negative charge, fertility.
On a global scale, where are organic soils located? Why?
On a global scale, organic soils largely occur in peatlands. Climate is the most important factor for the accumulation of organic matter, so these are generally found in cold or wet (or both!) places
What is the order of sapric, hemic, fibric organic materials in order of increasing degrees ofdecomposition?
Fibric, Hemic, Sapric
How a pH number relates to hydrogen ion (H+) concentration.
LOW pH means there are MORE H+ ions in solution and HIGH pH means there are LESS H+ ions in solution
Understand the major sources of H+ to soils:
1. carbonic acid,

2. organic matter,

3. oxidationof nitrogen,

4. aluminum hydrolysis,

5. plant root exudation to balance charges.

Acidic cations -
Al (mostly) and Fe3+
Non-acidic cations -
Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe2+, Si
Two main problems in acid soils - below what pH, generally?
Nutrient availability, Aluminum toxicity
Understand the one source of OH- to soils:
dissolution of soluble Ca and Na carbonate (-CO3) salts.
Two main problems in alkaline soils.
Micronutrient available, soil sealing/ crusting
On a global or continental scale, what is the major factor affecting soil pH? Why?
Rain fall. Water contains CO2 which soaks into the soils
litter/light fraction
Physically recognizable organismal residues. Litter = on surface, LF = in soil.
important group of minerals that includes the micas, chlorite, serpentine, talc, and the clay minerals


reaction involving the breaking of a bond in a molecule using water. The reaction mainly occurs between an ion and water molecules and often changes the pH of a solution

*The BIG 8 +4 elements

O,Si,Al,Fe,Ca,Na,Mg,K (+4: S,N,C,P)

*Oxygen is the most abundant BIG 8 element, making up ____% of the earth’s crust.


*Global average C:N:P:S ratio in OM is


*OM is ___% Carbon


*Soil (microbial) biomass usually makes up
5% of total measured organic matter.
*Humic substances usually make up the majority of total measured organic matter.


*Range of pH that optimizes nutrient availability for agronomic applications:
