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36 Cards in this Set

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A favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something or someone
What are three types of attitude
1. Affect (feelings)
2. Cognition (Thought)
3. Behavior (tendency)
Social Desirablility Effect
You want to look good to others; want them to look positively of us.
Physiological methods
- Facial expressions (muscular expression)
- Eyes
- Blood pressure
- Hear beat
Bojus pipeline
lie dectector test
tries to find if attitudes can predict behavior
Implicit ass. test
How to determine people's true attitudes; reaction time test.
What method helps attidude predict behavior
1. Physiological
2. Public vs. Private
3. Bojus pipeline
4. Implicit ass. test
Specific behaviors
Questions based on specific behaviors based on the topic
Mentioning the topic, so that it is strong in the person's mind
A set of norms that defines how people in a given social position ought to behave; become the role in which you play
When saying becomes believing
What you say begins to change your output to yourself and others
Foot in the door
The tendency for people who have first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request
kids do that to parents
Low ball technique
Tactic for getting people to agree to something. People who agree to an initial request will often still comply when the requester ups the ante. People who recieve only the costly request are less likely to comply with it.
used by some car dealers
Evil and moral acts
Engage in the behavior which causes us to change our attitudes; to justify it
Interracial behavior and Racial Attitudes
When one interacts, ones attitude changes
Impression Management
We want to be consistant. Manage our behaviors so that
Insufficient Justification
Dissonance theory predicts that when our actions are not fully explained by external rewards or coercion, we will experience dissonance which we can reduce by believing in what we have done.
20$ vs. 100$
Cognitive dissonance
Tension that arises when one is simultaneously aware of two inconsistent cognitions. For example, dissonance may occur when we realize that we have, with little justificaiton, acted contrary to our attiudes or made a decision favoring one alternative despite reasons favoring another.
Self perception theory
"If i do it i probably like it"
Inflammation of the serous membranes associated with the abdominopelvic cavity
cells that are labile cells, and continue to divide throughout life
skin cells
The type of muscle tissue found in hollow organs that has cells that are tapered at each end and have a single nucleus, and are under involuntary control
smooth muscle
What fiber is responsible for strength in tissue
What fiber Stretches without deformity
What fiber is responsible for organization
Bones and joints, tendons, ligaments (striated)
i. Many nucleuses
ii. Location: Peripheral
iii. Voluntary
moves inside the viscera, uterus, stomach, esophagus
i. One nucleus
ii. Location: Central
iii. Val Salva Maneuver – Squeeze out bodily functions with smooth muscles, i.e. constipation
iv. Involuntary
v. Intrinsic (Auto regulation)
vi. Tapered edges
Heart (striated)
i. One nucleus
ii. Location: Center
iii. Involuntary
According to research by Abbey who is more likely to attribute a friendliness to mild secual interest
Many men assume women are flattered by repeated requests for dates which women more often see as harassing. This is an example of
The theory that explains people's behavior by attributing it to internal dispositions or external situations is ...
attribution theory
Evolutionary psychologists
Study behaviors, see how behavior gets transfered from one generation to the next
Other cultures (many gos)
One god
Personal Space
Sexual taboo