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78 Cards in this Set

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About ___ of all remarrying women separate from their new spouses within five years of the second marriage.
Step Parents have what income and education compared to parents of nuclear families
less income and less education
______ of families where the noncustodial parent’s whereabouts are known, recieve child support or alimony from the former spouse.
When it comes to stepfamilies the “stranger” model is
where the stepparent has no legal rights or responsibilities toward the child.
When it comes to stepfamilies the “dependency” model is:
followed mostly by federal policy makers, assumes the residential stepfather is, in fact, supporting the stepchildren and provides benefits accordingly.
In recent years policy changes have extended the rights and obligations of natural parent as well as stepparents. (t/f)
Stepparents in most states have no obligation during the marriage to support their stepchildren, nor do they enjoy any right of custody or control. (t/f)
Adolescent children in stepfamilies experience more conflict with their residential stepmothers than do children in non divorced families with their own mothers. (t/f)
The stepparent who lives with the children is far more likely to be a stepfather than a stepmother.
In the early stages of all marital transitions, child-parent relations are often disrupted and parenting is more authoritative than in non divorced families.
Three Views of Family
The conservatives believe that there is a cultural a moral weakening which has led to family breakdown. This leads to divorce which can cause father absence, school failure, poverty, crime, and drug use.

The liberals believe that the changing economic structure has led to changing family and gender roles, which ultimately can cause struggles in the family which negatively affect children because parents spend less time with their children. They believe this is due to the increase in specialized jobs.

The feminists believe that a lack of cooperation among the community, family, and work leads to stressed and overworked parents, which leads to a lack of sufficient care and attention for children. The diversity of family structure is also a result of lacking cooperation which can have the same effects on children.
in the first half of the 20th. century, what were the ways around laws forbidding consensual divorce in the U.S.?
In the first half of the 20th century were collusive, in that the husband and wife would mutually agree to a bargain.
Which was the first state to allow divorce for incompatibility? When?
The first state to allow divorce for incompatibility was New Mexico in 1933.
How did other state begin to loosen up on divorce laws?
Many states allowed divorce if a couple had been separated for a certain amount of years. This ranged from a two to ten year separation. Other states allowed people to be divorced if a spouse was incurably insane. A couple could also be divorced if one spouse was in jail on a felony charge.
What does Herbert Jacob call the “silent revolution?” Why that name?
The silent revolution is Herbert Jacob’s term for the passage of no-fault divorce laws. It got this name because there was very little attention brought to the issue as well as very little controversy.
What did the no-fault law of California in 1970 do to change the nature of divorce?
The no fault law of California in 1970, allowed for a divorce if the marriage had “irreconcilable differences,” and has completely broke down. This was not meant to allow for automatic divorce, however judges never really looked too far into the details to see if the marriage was in fact beyond saving. This law changed the nature of divorce throughout the country because other states began to follow.
Where and when in Europe were the first legalized forms of gay unions?
Denmark was the first nation in the world to have a legalized form of gay union, in 1989. This was called a registered partnership. Norway and Sweden soon followed. In 2001 the Netherlands became the first to grant full legal marriage rights to same-sex couples.
Who were the first to level a public challenge against the reigning cultural presumption that the two terms, “gay” and “parent” are antithetical?
The first to publicly challenge against this presumption were bisexual parents, who only came out after their hetero-sexual marriage ended, and gained at least shared custody of their children.
According to the author, what represents one of the only new, truly original and decidedly controversial genres of family formation and structure to have emerged in the West during many centuries?
According to the author, fully intentional childbearing outside of heterosexual unions represents one of the only new, truly original, and decidedly controversial genres of family formation and structure to have emerged in the West during many centuries.
Which and when did the first state in the U.S. recognize “civil unions?”
The first state in the U.S. to recognize civil unions was Vermont in the year 2000.
What was first state to recognize legal marriage for gays?
Massachusetts 2004
What are the demographics of intentional gay parents and why?
Intentional gay parents are generally white, better educated, and more mature than other parents because adoption is expensive and difficult to attain.
What data does the author provide on the increased prison population since the 1990s and the percent of children with parents in prison in 2002
In the 1990’s the overall prison population increased by fifty-percent, as well as the number of children who had parents in prison. This change, of kids with parents in prison, was from 1 million to 1.5 million. By 2002, every 1 out of 45 children ( about two-percent of child population) in america had parents in prison. Furthermore, seven-percent of African American children had parents in prison.
What are the consequences of the “gender imbalance” created by the criminal justice policies.
The gender imbalance leads to irregular dating, courtship, marriage, and family formation. In most all cases, there becomes a shortage of men in communities where incarceration is high. As a result, children are growing up more frequently in female-headed houses, men are having weaker and less relationships with females, and there becomes change in the masculine identity.
What percent of the U.S. population was over age 65 in 2003?
In 2002 12.3% of the U.S. population was over the age of 65.
What do the terms “cultural competence” and “cultural humility” refer to in this article?
Cultural competence refers to a system that provides appropriate, effective, high-quality service for all persons regardless of racial or ethnic background. Cultural humility refers to the acknowledgment what we do not know about each other as individuals and members of multiple cultural groups.
While over half of adults age 65 and older are married, what is the gender difference? And the race difference.
Older women outnumber older men by a ration of 141: 100. They are therefore much less likely to be married than older men. In 2002, 73% of older men were married, while only 41% of older women were.
Which category of older women living alone had the highest rate of poverty among older adults?
The highest rate of poverty among older adults appeared in divorced women.
What have studies found about sibling relationships in later years?
In later years, sibling relationships tend to strengthen, specifically after a period of decreased interaction due to childbearing. That being said, gender, geographic proximity, and individual differences affect the contact siblings have later in life.
What will the average number of grandchildren be for older people?
On average, people have five to six grandchildren.
What three grandparenting styles did Cherlin and Furstenberg describe in their 1992 study?
Cherlin and Furstenberg describe remote (symbolic), companionate (share leisure activities and friendship) , and involved (active role/parental role) grandparenting styles in their 1992 study.
What two additional styles are noted among Native American elders?
Among Native American elders there are also the ceremonial grandparents (culturally endowed contact), and cultural conservator grandparents (sought contact and temporary coresidence with grandchildren). These methods are used to expose their grandchildren to the American Indian way of life.
Which racial/ethnic group of grandparents is most likely to coreside with their grandchildren? Which is least likely?
Pacific Islander grandparents are most likely to coreside with their grandchildren (10%), while non-hispanic white grandparents are least likely to coreside (2%).
In addition to the stress involved with grandparents raising grandchildren, as studied in the Black community, what are the positive impacts of that situation?
In the Black community, grandparents can be effective role models, educators, emotional supporters, and community promoters. They also often take the place of an absent parent in their grandchild's life.
full emancipation of adult children
they are under no duty to obey their parents or to take account of them in any way; even the duty to support aged and infirm parents has been evaporating. The state has largely taken over that duty.
“in loco parentis”
(in place of the parents)
The authority of the family is ____ than it was in the past
When and where did adoption become legal in America
Massachusetts in 1851; every state in 1900
What country has the highest and lowest divorce rate
Divorce Rates
Ratio: divorces in a year:marriages in a year
Crude Rate: divorces in a year per 1000 people in the population
Refined Rate: divorces per 1000 married women 15+
Most divorces occur when
the second, third, and fourth year of marriage
Subsequent marriages last _____ than the first
Childlessness has _____ in the U.S.
Coital, Post Coital, and Post-Natal methods of fertility reduction
Coital- Birth Control
Post-Coital- Options after Sex
Post-Natal- Adoption
Abortion Rate (Center for Disease Control v Guttenmacher)
(# abortions/ live births) v (# abortions/ 1000 pregnancies)
Most Abortions Occur in Women Ages...
____ of teen pregnancies ended in abortion
Who is normally infertile
Man 30%, Woman 50%, Mutual 20%
Culture Lag
The lag of value and law changes behind technology and resources
Ultrasound affects sex ratio in what way
More males born
Which sex has a higher mortality rate in the first year
# of births had
potential # of births for a lifetime
Manifest vs Latent
Regulations intended to regulate fertility (birth control/abortion) vs. regulates by cultural factors
Demographic Transition Model
Stage One (premodern)- high birth rate+high death rate= stable population
Stage Two (urbanizing/industrializing)- high birth rate+decreasing death rate= increased population
Stage Three (Mature Industrial)- decrease birth rate+ low death rate= decrease rate of population growth
Stage Four (post industrial)- low birth rate +low population= stable population
Mean Average of Children/ Ideal
Mean=3 Ideal=2
3 Childhood Eras
Premodern- Agricultural
Post Modern- Postindustrial
Labeling leads to
The Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Mean and Cooley
Symbolic Interactionists- we become who we are based on the people around us and interacting with us
Children increase anger in fathers or mothers more
Breaking Hypothesis
couples without children are much more likely to divorce when unhappy
Resource Dilution Theory
Kids with more siblings have less resources, both physical and intangible
the learning of expectations, habits, skills, values, beliefs, and other requirements necessary for effective participation in social groups.
1. We imagine how others see us
2. We imagine the reaction of others to our imagined appearance
3. We evaluate ourselves according to how we imagine others have judged us.
Generalized Other
Group, System, Institution
Group-families/ internal structure/sense of belonging
System- statuses+roles relative to others
Institution- stable cluster of norms, values, roles, statuses
Family Myths
Universality- all families are the same
Harmony- not always perfect models of the family
Parental Determinism- children are more effected by the relationship they have with their parent than the parent is.
Parents of _____ are are less likely to divorce than parents of _____
sons; daughters
Abuse Formula (Ruben Hill)
Events Going on in Life at Time+Resources+Personal Meaning of Event= Outcome (stress)
The family is the most violent institution other than the military during war (t/f)
Abusers are aliens and victims are always innocent (t/f)
Killing a spouse is equal among men and women
We correctly emphasize the benefits of being a mother (t/f)
False. We tend to overemphasize them
Adoption peaked in what year
Most adoptions: public, private, kin/stepparent
Most: Kin/Stepparent
Middle: Private
Lowest: Public
What percentage of kids in the 90's who went through the foster care system were adopted by their foster parents
Cooley Sense of Self
the looking glass self, interpreting how others see us based on their reactions and then we internalize these thoughts
women want help, but when they receive it they are very critical about it