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23 Cards in this Set

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Sociology can be viewed as having two main concerns

Examining interactions and independence

Examining how human behaviour becomes controlled


An organised group of people associated for specific purpose or with a shared common interest


A lifelong process where members of society learns its norms, values, ideas, practices & roles in order to take their place in that society

Can be divided into Primary (during early years of childhood where internalisation occurs) & Secondary socialisation (during the later years)


The learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself

Key process involved in primary socialisation

Gender socialisation

The act of learning to conform to culturally defined gender roles through socialisation

Social control

A concept that refers to the way peoples thoughts, feelings, appearance & behaviour are regulated in social systems


An established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose

Social change

An alteration in the social order of society

Social issues

Problems that affect many people are in a society


The unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society

Possible causes of inequality in sport

Lack of money/costs of participating

Lack of confidence

Lack of role models to aspire to

Myths or stereotypes about the capabilities of women, ethnic minorities & disabled people

Social stratification

A type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of social characteristics such as wealth or status

Social class

A term used to define social inequalities certain groups have more access to wealth, income & power than others

Factors which contribute to social class include a persons job, family background, education & income

Social action theory

A way of viewing socialisation emphasising social action


The process of gradually developing towards a more advanced state

Interactionist approach

Study of how individuals behave within a society

Helpful in understanding how to change sports to match the perspective & identities of those playing them & make sport organisations more democratic & less hierarchically organised

Equal opportunities

The right to access the same opportunities regardless of factors such as race, age, sex, mental or physical capability


To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual of them based on inadequate facts —(lack of intolerance, dislike of people from a specific race, religion or culture which can negatively affect a coach‘s treatment of a performer from an ethnic minority group)


Unfair treatment of a person or minority group, to make a distinction & act on a prejudice


A standardise image making simple generalisations about all members of a group which allows others to categorise and treat them accordingly

Sport England’s equality and diversity policy includes

Developing a culture that enables & values everyone’s full involvement

Creating an environment where everyone has opportunities to play, compete, officiate, coach, volunteer & run community sport

Overcoming potential barriers for those wishing to play sport, particularly if they are from groups who are currently under represented

Over discrimination

Visible/obvious — verbal racist abuse of a player

Covert discrimination

Hidden/less obvious (non-selection of an individual as a captain because of their race)