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50 Cards in this Set

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define social stratification

a system where categories of people are ranked in a hierarchy

What is a system where categories of people are ranked in a hierarchy?

social stratification

In social stratification, where are the MOST powerful people?

at the top of the hierarchy

In social stratification, where are the LEAST powerful people?

at the bottom of the hierarchy

(a) Of what is social stratification a characteristic?

(b) Of what is it NOT a characteristic?

(a) society, (b) NOT individuals

What does society assign to each category within social stratification?


What are the 2 important properties of social stratification?

It is universal and variable.

What does it mean to say that social stratification is universal?

Every society has some degree of layering.

In general terms, how long does social stratification persist?

over generations

From where do we get our social position?

our parents

To whom can we bestow our social position?

our children

Give 1-2 definitions for social mobility

changes in social position within the system of social stratification, (i.e., within the social ladder), or moving (being able to move) from one category to another

What are changes in social position within the system of social stratification, i.e., within the social ladder?

social mobility

What is the act of moving (or the property of being able to move) from one category to another within social stratification?

social mobility

In what 3 directions can social mobility occur?

down the hierarchy, up the hierarchy, or laterally (to the side) within the same layer

What is the main characteristic of movement within social stratification that usually applies?

It is usually incremental.

By what is social stratification supported?

patterns of cultural belief

What happens if the people within a society no longer support its system of social stratification?

The system ceases to exist.

What are the 2 types of systems of social stratification?

open and closed

What is the definitive property of a closed system of social stratification?

It lacks social mobility.

What is the classic example of a closed system of social stratification?

a caste system

define caste system

a closed system of social stratification, where social position is based on some ascribed status

What is a closed system of social stratification, where social position is based on some ascribed status?

a caste system

What is the definitive property of an open system of soc. strat.?

It has social mobility.

define class system

an open system of soc. strat. where individual achievement plays a role in determining social position

What is an open system of soc. strat. where individual achievement plays a role in determining social position?

a class system

What system of soc. strat. do we (seem to) have in the USA?

a class system

In a class system, over what does the individual have some control (or influence)?

the individual's class (to change it, to exert social mobility)

Is there a great deal of social equality or inequality in the USA?

There is a great deal of social *inequality* here.

What are the 5 causes (categories) of social inequality in the USA?

Ascription, economic resources and power (counts for 2 of the 5), formal education, and occupational prestige

Within USA society, what do they (the generalized other) say about money?

It is power.

What does it mean if wealth is very unevenly distributed in USA society?

A small percentage of people have control over a very large percentage of the (nation's total) wealth.

(This is why protestors in NYC around 2013 became known as "the 99%".)

What can one do in the USA if one has a very large percentage of the nation's wealth?

One can dictate what goes on.

With respect to social inequality in the USA, how are Americans widely evaluated? To what category of social inequality does this phenomenon belong?

(a) according to their jobs

(because of)

(b) occupational prestige

In simpler terms, what does occupational prestige mean?

It means some jobs are more prestigious (prized, seen by the culture as valuable) than others.

What concept do we exemplify when we say that some jobs are more prized or valuable than others?

occupational prestige

In the USA, what is the phrase used to describe most occupations that have HIGHER prestige?

white collar

In the USA, what is the phrase used to describe most occupations that have LOWER prestige?

blue collar

(A.H. editorial: also, "pink collar", which denotes jobs that are typically performed by women and require less physical labor, such as reception, administrative assisting, light office work, & customer service)

Name 3-7 examples of occupations considered MORE prestigious in the USA.

celebrity, corporate executive, doctor, engineer, lawyer, military brass, politician, university professor

Name 3-11 examples of occupations considered LESS prestigious in the USA.

fast food worker, electrician, elementary school teacher, firefighter, janitor, landscaper, nurse, plumber, police officer, social worker, warehouse worker

(A.H. editorial: Many of these are surprising, given the amount of education required for some of them.)

What are the more important and the less important things that make a job prestigious?

(a) the amount of formal education needed to get it and (b) the kind of knowledge one gets

Besides ascription, which category of social inequality in the USA is easier for people in the higher classes to acquire?

formal education

What is the best way to work one's self up the social ladder into higher classes?

getting a college degree

synonym for ascription

ascribed status

What is currently the most prestigious combination of 5 (mostly) ascribed statuses in the USA?

racially white, ancestrally Anglo-Saxon, religiously Protestant Christian, anatomically male, man

(WASP male man -- Note how anatomical sex is separate from gender.)

define status inconsistency

when the factors that determine one's social position are not consistent with one another

What is the term for when the factors that determine one's social position are not consistent with one another?

status inconsistency

How do OTHERS usually label a status-inconsistent person?

Using the person's lower factors (that determine one's social position)

How does a status-inconsistent person usually label THEMSELVES?

Using their higher or more important factors (that determine their social position)

What two concepts make it very difficult to classify people in the USA?

social mobility and status inconsistency