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59 Cards in this Set

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A collection of people who are in the same place at the same time but otherwise don't necessarily interact

Iron law of oligarchy

A principle of organizational life under which even a democratic organization will eventually develop into a bureaucracy ruled by a few individuals

Six degrees of separation

The theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the the world so that chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in maximum of six steps

Small world theory

Solomon Asch's experiment on group conformity

Who conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform

Relatively of social deviance

Negative reactions to the act names behavior deviant

Acts deemed as acceptable in one culture may be deviant in another

Differential association

Bad company

Symbolic interactionist

The view of social behavior that emphasizes linguistic or gestural communication and it's subjective understanding, especially the role of language in the formation of the child as a social being

Symbolic interactionist

The view of social behavior that emphasizes linguistic or gestural communication and it's subjective understanding, especially the role of language in the formation of the child as a social being

Control theory

Looks at people who are doing the right thing because they want to see what we are doing differently than people who are deviating

Labeling theory

The view of deviance according to which being labeled as a deviant leads to engage in deviant behavior

Labeling theory

The view of deviance according to which being labeled as a deviant leads to engage in deviant behavior

Strain theory

States that social structures may pressure citizens to commit crimes


Accept culturally approved goals and achieved them through a disapproved way


The individual conforms to the dominant culture


Individuals reject the goals, but accept the means


People who reject both the means and the goals


Individuals who reject the culture (values, goals, norms).

Master status

A status that dominates other and thereby determines a person's general position in society

Organic solidarity

A collective consciousness that rests on mutual interdependence, characteristic of society's with complex division of labor

Role conflict

The situation that occurs when incompatible expectations arise from two or more social positions held by the same person

Social institutions

An organized pattern of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs

Social structure

The way in which a society is organized into predictable relationships


A term used by sociologist to refer to any of the full range of socially defines positions within a large group or society

Auguste Comte

Father of sociology


Humans play roles to present a certain image of ourselves, manipulate our audience, protect/hide ourselves, and amplify the rules of conduct that circumscribe our daily encounters


Each part of a society serves a function necessary for the survival of the system as a whole

Material culture

Consists of things that people attach to and use

Cars, clothing, jewelry

Material culture

Consists of things that people attach to and use

Cars, clothing, jewelry

Non material culture

Abstract terms for defining, describing explaining, clarifying what they do and how they live

Languages, ideas, beliefs


Are the usual customers and conventions of everyday life


Rules whose violation results in some form of punishment


Represents things of meaning and the ideas that make such things so important to us


Are norms of such moral and ethical importance as to be punishable by institutionalizations


The belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture

Ascribed status

Is a label by which a person is given without a choice

Achieved status

Something that is earned

Sign vehicle

Social setting


Society has unwritten rules

Thomas theorem

If you defines something as tea it will have real consequences

Status symbols

Something that you can visually represent for your status

Orange jump suit .. In jail


Take one characteristic from one body and apply it to a whole; usually false

Conflict theory

Groups in competition with each other over scarce resources

Power, prestige, and property


Small communities characterized by tradition and united by common ancestry or geographic proximity


Contractual relationship if a voluntary nature of limited duration and quality, based of ration self interest, and formed to achieve a particular goal

Mechanical solidarity

Durkheim's term for social bonds that are based of shared moral sentiments


Working class

Protestant ethic

Beliefs in hard work, frugality, and good work as means to achieve both economic success and heavenly salvation

Manifest functions

Positive consequences that are brought about consciously and purposely that is expected

Latent functions

Unintended positive consequences (unexpected)


An observable consequence that negatively affects the ability of a given system to survive, adapt, and adjust

W.E.B. Du Bois

Crucial to the later focus of sociology on race

Max weber

Inspired by Karl Marx, studied and termed the Protestant ethic


Large scale


Large scale


Small scale

Cultural shock

A sense of disorientation that occurs when one enters a radically new social or culture environment


Capitalist class

Primary group

Ifluence who you are

Self fulfilling prophecy

Accepting the label society has given you