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50 Cards in this Set

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From a global perspective, economic productivity is lowest in precisely in what regions?

Where technology is most advanced

Where what is most or least advanced?

In the world's lowest-income nations, 2 out of 10 children die by the age of what?


How old?

For the world as a whole, how many people suffer from chronic hunger that leaves them less able to work and places them at a high risk of disease?

Close to 1 Billion

Absolute poverty is ________.

Life threatening

Life threatening or not?

How many people in the world die each year due to starvation?

9 Million

Which race contains the largest percentage of the world's street children?

Latin America

In poor countries, the disadvantages women face relative to men are what?

Greater than in rich nations

Greater or less than in nations that are what?

Of the almost 1 billion people in the world who are living at or close to absolute poverty, what percent are women?


According to Anti-Slavery International, How many men, women, and children live today in conditions that amount to slavery?

20 Million

What refers to one person owning another?

Chattel slavery

_________ Slavery

What is a type of slavery that consists of employers holding workers by paying them too little to cover their debts?

Debt bondage

Debt ____________

If you were to apply modernization theory to the problem of global poverty, you might point that low-income nations have what?

Low levels of population increase

Low or high levels of what?

The concept of "colonialism" refers to the process by which what?

Some nations enrich themselves through political and economic control of others

The concept of "neocolonialism" refers to the process by which what?

Countries gain new colonies to replace older ones

What refers to a global economy in which multinational corporations exploit people in low-income nations?

Corporate Slavery

Corporate ____________

Sociologiests consider the "scientific" racial types of Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid to be misleading and even harmful for three reasons




1. Every society's population contains a lot of genetic mixture

2. Various racial categories are genetically very much alike

3. The skin color of Caucasian people ranges from very light to very dark.

What refers to a shared cultural heritage?


Race refers to what traits considered by a society, while ethnicity refers to what traits?

Biological; Cultural

A family leaves Russia and takes up residence in the US, where they gradually lose Russian cultural traditions. Doing so, these people have modified their what?


What refers to a category of people, distinguished by physical or cultural traits, who are socially disadvantaged?


What people are the largest minority category within the US population?

People of Hispanic descent

In the US, minorities typically have what 3 things?

Less income, occupational prestige, and schooling

Less __________

A minority is defined as a category of people who are what?

Set apart by that society and subordinated or disadvantaged.

According to the most recent data, African Americans accounted for what percent of the US population?


Which 4 states have a "minority majority"?

Texas, New Mexico, California, Hawaii

Prejudice is what three things?




1. Prejudice involves prejudgments

2. Prejudice treats everyone in some category the same way

3. Prejudice is an attitude

You would be expressing a "stereotype" if you what?

Described everyone in some category in the same way

In what 3 states do we find the least racial and ethnic diversity?

Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire

Based on research using the social distance scale, you can correctly say that US college students today are what 3 things?




1. Less prejudiced than students were 50 years ago

2. Seeing less difference between minority categories than students did 50 years

3. Expressing greater prejudice toward Arabs than African Americans

Scapegoat theory states the prejudice is what?

Frustration among disadvantaged people.

____________ among disadvantaged people

Authoritarian personality theory states that extreme prejudice is a what?

Trait of certain individuals with particular personalities

Trait of ___________________

The chapter argues that gender is not just a matter of difference in behavior, but also of differences in what?

Power, wealth, and privileges

3 things

How do men and women differ?

Physically in some limited ways

Physically or mentally?

On average, young men show greater what than young women, while young women show greater what than man?

Mathematical ability; Verbal ability

Verbal, mathematical, scienticfic?

On average women what?

Live 5 years longer than men

How much longer or shorter?

Comparing the performances of female and male athletes over time shows what?

Women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic performances

Women have been______

The point of describing gender in the Israeli kibbutzim is to what?

Show that cultures define gender in different ways

Margaret Mead's research on gender in three societies in New Guinea illustrates that what?

Traits that are defined as feminine in one society may be masculine in another

In his global study of how societies view gender, George Murdock found what?

Many tasks that were considered masculine by some societies were viewed as feminine by others

What refers to social organization in which males dominate females?


What is the form of social organization in which females dominate males?


Based on the map and discussion in the text, in which continent do women have the lowest social standing?


Throughout the life course, gender shapes what?

Human feelings, thoughts, and actions

What 3 things?

What refers to attitudes and activities that a society links to people of each sex?

Gender roles

According to Janet Lever's observations of children at play, what do boys favor?

Boys favor games with clear winners and losers

Games with.....

Today, women represent what percent of all students on college campuses across the US?


The "beauty myth" refers to the idea that what?

Women learn to measure their personal importance in terms of physical appearance

Approximately what percent of US women are working for income today?


What has helped increase the share of women in the paid labor force over the course of the last century?

A rising divorce rate

A majority of US women who enter the labor force are what?

Married, single, and divorced women with children.

What 3 things?