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84 Cards in this Set

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People are not likely to accept authority as legitimate _________________.

when they are threatened with physical force

Sociologist define ___________ as the alteration, modification, or transformation of public policy, culture, or social institutions over time.

Social change

_____________ relies on modern technology to monitor and control people; mass propaganda and electronic surveillance are widely used to influence people's thinking and control their action.


According to the _______________ approach, if society is to operate as a stable system, it is important for people to be healthy and contribute to their society. Consequently, sickness is viewed as a form of deviant behavior that must be controlled by society.


Sociologist ______________ applied the term power elite to the most powerful in society, who are those at the top of business, the executive branch of the federal government, and the military.

C. Wright Mills

The ___________ makes up the top level of C. Wright Mills' pyramidal model of the power elite.

legislative branch, special interest groups, and local opinion leaders

The pluralistic model is rooted in a __________ perspective, which assumes that people in a nation share a consensus on central concerns and that the government provides services that no other institution can fulfill.


Weber used the term ___________ authority for power that is legitimized on the basis of long standing custom.


True or false:

Charasmatic authority is more stable than traditional or rational legal authority.


According to economist Thomas Malthus, people should practice sexual abstinence before marriage and postpone marriage as long as possible in order to have only a few children. This would produce I hat he termed a ________ check on population.


True or false:

Immigration is the only significant factor affecting population size and growth.


True or false:

All people who experience discontent or relative deprivation will eventually join a social movement of some type.


In Great Britain, the government sets helth care policies, raises funds, and controls the medical care budget, owns health care facilities, and directly employs physicians and other health care personnel. This is an example of __________.

Socialized medicine system

A child born in the United States in 2010 has a life expectancy of ___________.

78.7 years

British kings and Queens historically traced their authority from god. Weber called this ___________.

Traditional authority

In a system of rational legal authority, the authority is invested in the __________.


True of false:

Longer life expectancy is a reflection of women's better health status than men's.


Individuals such as Hitler and Martin Luther King, Jr are examples of _____________ leaders.


Sometimes a corporation has virtually no competitors; this is termed _________. An ___________ exists when just a few companies have virtual control of an entire industry.

Monopoly; oligopoly

In China, the health care system is ______________.

a mix of capitalism, communism, and government funded.

According to many _________________ theorists, problems in the U.S. health care delivery rooted in the capitalist economy, which views medicine as a commodity that is produced and sold by the medical-industrial complex.


According to William Dunhoff, what is the role of the media in politics?

Media to tend to reflect the biases of those with the greatest ability to access the media.

True or false:

All expressive social movements are religious in nature.


_____________ requires that citizens be able to meet together regularly to debate and decide the issues of the day.

Direct participatory democracy

True or false:

The U.S. is the only nation that has a purely capitalist economic system.


Weber applied the term ________ to power legitimized on the basis of a leader's exceptional personal qualities or the demonstration of extraordinary insight and the accomplishments that inspire loyalty and obedience from followers.

charismatic authority

True or false:

Great Britain has a system of socialized medicine.


Although the most basic form of power is physical violence or force, most political leaders prefer to legitimize their power and then have what sociologists call __________.


True or false;

In contemporary societies, the government is the primary political system.


True or false:

China is the only country in the world today with a purely socialist economic system.


A central tenet of the health care reform bill in the U.S. is ______________.

affordable insurance through a new insurance marketplace

Globally, the country with the lowest rate of infant mortality is ________________.


Canada has a ______________ system, which is a health care system in which all citizens receive medical services paid for by tax revenues. In Canada, these revenues are supplemented by insurance premiums paid by all taxpaying citizens.

universal health care

True or false:

Alcohol use, which is legal above a certain age, is spread evenly among the adult population in the U.S.


True or false:

The U.S. Constitution grants authority to the person who occupies the office of the presidency; any particular president who fails to uphold the public trust may be removed from office.


After a lengthy political battle, a health care reform bill was signed into law in the U.S. in 2010. The name of the bill is ___________.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

In the 1830s in the U.S., Native Americans were marched from east of the Mississippi to Oklahoma and other places west of the Mississippi. This is an example of __________.

involuntary migration

According to sociologist __________, the purpose of government is to socialize people to be good citizens, to regulate the economy so that it operates effectively, and to provide necessary services for citizens.

Emile Durkheim

Political parties create a __________, which is a formal statement of the party's political positions on various social and economic issues.


Political __________ is the process by which people learn political attitudes, values, and behavior.


One example of a(n) __________ regime was the National Socialist (Nazi) party in Germany during World War II; military leaders there sought to control all aspects of national life, not just government operations.


In 2010, an estimated __________ of the U.S. population had no health insurance.

16 percent

__________ is a political system controlled by rulers who deny popular participation in government.


Homosexuality has been removed from the list of mental disorders compiled by the American Psychiatric Association. This is an example of __________.


__________ is a political system in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives.


True or false;

Life expectancy has increased since 1980 in all countries.


When did the scope of government influence in people’s daily lives in the United States expand considerably for the first time?

during Depression in the 1930's

Researchers predict that over the next few decades in the U.S.

obesity will reduce life expectancy by 2-5 years

The unemployment rate takes into account ________________________.

only people who are actively looking for a job

Changes in population occur as a result of three processes. Which of these is not a process that results in a change in population?


True or false:

In most areas of the world today, women are having fewer children than they have in the past.


In the United States, the political system is a __________ in which people have a voice in the government elected representatives who serve as bridges between themselves and the government.

representative democracy

__________ are organizations of special interest groups that solicit contributions from donors and fund campaigns to help elect (or defeat) candidates who share their stances on specific issues.

Political action committees

Life expectancy varies by sex. Females born in the United States in 2010 could expect to live about __________ years, compared with a life expectancy of __________ for males.

81 ; 76

The pluralist model is rooted in a __________ perspective, which assumes that people in a nation share a consensus on central concerns and that the government provides services that no other institution can fulfill.


Although __________ theorists acknowledge that there are many purposes of government, they also believe that government primarily works in the interests of the wealthy or politically powerful elites in society.


Both ascribed and achieved characteristics are correlated with various health risks. Which of these is an achieved characteristic related to health status?

drug use

In __________ monarchies, the royalty serve as symbolic rulers or heads of state whereas actual authority is held by elected officials in the national parliaments.


Although the U.S. Constitution grants __________ authority to the office of the presidency, a president who fails to uphold the public trust may be removed from office.


True or false:

In contemporary societies, the government is the primary political system.


Older people (over age 65) are more likely to have __________ diseases.


According to some analysts, a major weakness of sociologist Talcott Parson’s sick-role model is that it __________.

does not take into account racial/ethnic, class, and gender variations

__________ authority is held by elected or appointed government officials, but authority is invested in the office, not in the person who holds the office.


In a __________ system, governments enforce conformity, deny citizens the right to assemble for political purposes, restrict access to information, and employ secret police to create an environment of fear and suspicion.


The U.S. Constitution requires that each state have __________ senators and a minimum of __________ member(s) in the House of Representatives. The current size of the House of Representatives has not changed since the apportionment following the 1910 census.

two ; one

The corporate rich influence the political system by______________.

helping to finance campaigns and grant favors to political candidates

__________ is the social institution that ensures the maintenance of society through the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

The economy

__________ is the ability of persons or groups to achieve their goals despite opposition from others. Through the use of persuasion, authority, or force, some people are able to get others to submit to their demands.


The subfield within sociology that focuses on the social circumstances of politics and explores how the political arena and its actors are intertwined with social institutions is called __________.

political sociology

True or false:

Illness is a social construction; definitions may change over time and between cultures.


True or false:

Research shows that while preventative health care is good for an individual’s health, it does not necessarily lower overall total costs of health care.


True or false:

All true nation-states have the same type of government.​


​In Weber’s work on authority, the term ___________ authority refers to power legitimized by law or written rules and regulations.


Changes in population occur as a result of three processes. Which of these is not a process that results in a change in population?


True or false:

All expressive social movements are religious in nature.


Even in Presidential election years, voter turnout can be low. For example, in the 2012 presidential election, approximately __________ of eligible voters cast ballots.

60 percent

The term __________ refers to the process of converting resources from state ownership to private ownership.


The royal families in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, and the Netherlands are present-day examples of __________.

constitutional monarchies

Members of the public attempt to influence those in power, and vice versa, with the dissemination of __________ ,which is information provided by those with a vested interest in furthering their own cause or damaging an opposing one.


The U.S. government employs about __________ people, excluding the U.S. Postal Service.

2.1 million

Within the conflict perspective, the __________ model highlights how power in political systems is concentrated in the hands of a small group and the masses are relatively powerless.


Political institutions first emerged in __________ societies as they acquired surpluses and developed greater social inequality. Elites took control of politics and used custom or traditional authority to justify their position.


In 2010 __________ of all full-time workers in the U.S. lacked health insurance.

15 percent

True or false:

Hispanics account for about half of population growth in suburban areas in the 2000's.
