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29 Cards in this Set

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C. Wright Mills
Coined the "power-elite" model. Claimed that members of the power elite are in charge of the three main sectors of society; government, economy and millitary therefore,the voice of the people is not heard.
Ralph Linton
Recognized cultural diffusion in that many aspects of our culture came from different lands
Ferdinand Tonnies
German sociologist who developed the concept of "germeinschaft" (social organization where people are closely tied by kinship and tradition) and "gessellschaft (a type of social organization where people come together purely for self-interest)
Max Weber
Aknowledged that conflict could bring about change but traced the roots of most social change to ideas (i.e. religious beleifs of early protestants set the stage for capitolism)
For Weber, modernity meant replacing tradition with rationality (modern society is "disenchanted"); He studied various modern types; the scientist, capitolist and bureaucrat- all of whom are forward-looking, rational and detatched.
Alvin Toffler
Wrote "Future Shock"; stated that the US is a "disposable society"- weconsume more than any nation and our products are designed to be disposable; Rich societies consume 100s of times more and 80% of waste never goes away.
Herbert Marcuse
Challenged Weber's claim of modern rationality. Condemned modern society as irrational for failing to meet demands of so many. Technology takes control of life away from most and delivers it to a core of specialists who dominate. Believed science causes the worlds problems.
Thomas Malthus
English economist and clergyman who warned rapid population growth would lead to chaos. Said society would increase in geometric progression (2,4,8,16...) when food production would only increase in arithmatic progression (1,2,3,4...). This would lead to famine and war. The dismal parson.
David Riesman
Modernization brings changes in social character. Preindustrial society is tradition-directed (rigidly conforms to time-honored standards) and modern society is other-directed (open to the latest trends and fashions, often expressed by imitating others). Other-directedness is fluid and superficial, inconsistant while tradition-directedness is based on a similar, solid cultural foundation.
Auguste Comte
Pulled from the scientific stage of human development and applied positivism (a scientific approach based on positive facts) to study society.
Emile Durkheim
SFA; People with high social integration had lower suicide rates
Found that deviance affirms cultural values and response to deviance clarifies moral boundaries and brings people together.
Traditional rural life is based on mechanical solidarity (social bonds based on shared values) and urban life is based on organic solidarity (social bonds based on specialization and inter-dependence).
Karl Marx
The founder of SCA
George Herbert Mead
SIA; discusses how our personalities develop as a result of social interaction. By taking the role of the other we become self-aware. I and the Me. We learn by imitation slowly we learn of cultural norms.
Talcott Parsons
SFA; supporter of Modernization theory; said that society gives us complimentary sets of gender roles (males instrumental for work and women expressive for child rearing).
Stanley Milgram
Ran series of shock studies showing that people will obey authority figures or groups of people even at the expense of harming others.
Also ran experiment of sending letters that confirmed "six degrees of separation"
William Julius Wilson
Held that society is responsible for poverty; people are not avoiding work, there simply is not enough work to go around; blaming the victim
Ernest Burgess
Urban ecologist who described city development in concentric circles of business districts bordered by factories bordered by residential areas that becomes more expensive farther out.
Steven Pinker
Refuted Sapir-Whorf thesis saying that while language is a part of reality it doesn't fully determine it.
Also noted that genetic and environmental factors determine deviance better than either alone.
Sigmund Freud
Founder of psychology; id, ego, superego; we internalize social norms and childhood experiences have a lasting impact.
Jean Piaget
psychologist who studied cognitive development; 4 stages; sensorimotor- see world only through senses, preoperational-first use language and symbols, concrete operational- see casual connections in surroundings, formal operational- think abstractly and critically
Robert K Merton
SFA; manifest and latent functions of society; role set- number of roles attached to an individual; bureaucratic ritualism; strain theory- people's opportunity or lack of it can encourage deviance and conformity
Emory Bogardus
Social distance scale- students show greater acceptance, people see less difference between various minorities, terrorist attacks have reduced social acceptance of arabs/muslims
Immanuel Wallerstein
Capitalist world economy- the prosperity and the poverty of countries result from a global economic system with rich as core and poor in periphery.(dependency theory)
John Locke
championed the pursuit of self interest
WI Thomas
Thomas theorem- situations defined as real are real in their consequences
Erving Goffman
SIA: dramaturgical analysis- life's a play; presentation of self; three parts of total institutions- supervision, control and formal rules.
Erik Erikson
broader view of social development; 8 stages of development
Gerhard Lenski
sociocultural evolution- the historical changes in culture brought about by new technology
Douglas Massey
documented hyper-segregation of poor blacks in inner cities
Robert Park
Founded the Chicago School and urban ecology; focused on the distinct patterns that urban enviornments take on