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69 Cards in this Set

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social group
two or more persons, must identify with each other and interact with each other.
primary social group
3 characteristics:
small in #s.
relationship between members must be personal.
membership in a group on an end to itself.
2 kinds of Leadership:
3 styles of leadership
Authoritarian, Democratic, Laissez-fare leadership
tendency of social groups to adopt narrow points of view.
reference group
social group that serves as a point of reference 4 making decisions or evaluating.
in group
social group that commands esteem and loyalty.
out group
social group where one feels competition or opposition.
social group with only two ppl.
social group with only three ppl.
organizational model, rationally designed to perform complex tasks efficiently.
the "Mcdonaldlization of Society"
organizational principals applied by the Mcdonald corporation that have come to describe societies.

sexuality is a theme
umbrella construct
the biological distinction between females and males.
primary sex characteristics
the genitals organs used for reproduction.
secondary sex characteristics
physical differences other then genitalia that distinguishes biological mature females and males.
people whose bodies include genitals both female and male characteristics.
people who feel they are one sex even though they are biologically the other sex.
incest taboo
cultural norm that prohibits sexual relations or marriage between certain relatives.

This cultural norm has been in every cultural society.
sexual revolution
began in 1948 and kaboomed in the 1960s.

1.) Alfred Kinsey, researched that Americans are hypocritical about sex, say one thing and behave a different way.

2.) The birth control pill
3.) The Feminist Revolution
sexual counter-revolution
country should go back to conservative "family values" and a change from sexual freedom back toward what critics saw as the sexual responsibility valued by earlier generations.
pre-martial sex
sexual intercourse before marriage
extra-martial sex
"adultery" is highly condemned common strong element in the United States.
Sexual Orientation [Sexual Preference]
person's romantic and emotional attraction to another person.
How many queer and lesbians?
discomfort over close personal interaction with ppl thought to be gay, lesbian or bisexual.
Queer Theory
is a field of critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of LGBT studies and feminist studies. It is a kind of interpretation devoted to queer readings of texts.
teen pregnancies in America
one million girls knocked up.
sexual explicit material cause arousal.
Liberals opposed for social reasons.

Conservatives opposed cause of Jesus.
the act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse for money.
date rape
forced or coerced sex between; partners, dates, friends, friends of friends or general acquaintances.
hetero sexism
that applies to a system of negative attitudes, bias, and discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships.
recognized violation of cultural norms.
social controls
attempts by society to regulate people's thoughts and behaviors.
the violation of society's formally enacted criminal law, certain kinds of deviance.
the act "itself"

"inens rea" (intend)
criminal justice system
police--> to enforce
courts--> to sentence
corrections--> to punish
crime against person (violent crimes)
crimes that direct violence or the threat of violence against others.
crime against property (property crime)
crimes that involve theft of money or property belonging to others.
Victimless crime
violations of law in which there are no obvious victims.
Negative social label that radically changes a person's social identity.
medicalization of deviance
the transformation of moral and legal deviance into medical condition.
white collar crime
crime committed by people of high social position in the course of their operations.
corporate crime
consists of the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf.
organized crime
business supplying illegal goods or services.
hate crime
a criminal act against a person or person's property by an offender motivated by racial or other bias.
plea bargain
legal negotiation when offender is allowed to plead guilty to a lesser crime.
criminal recidivism
later offense by people previously convicted of crimes.
social stratification
a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.
social mobility
a change in position within the social hierarchy.
caste system
social stratification based on birth and individual achievement.
class system
social stratification based on birth and personal achievement.
social stratification based on personal merit
status consistency
the degree of uniformity in a person's social standing across various dimensions of social inequality.
stratification & conflict
social stratification benefits some ppl and disadvantages others.
4 social classes in US
the upper class
middle class
the working class
the lower class
Marx's class conflict
social stratification is rooted in people's relationship to the means of production.
capitalists "bourgeoisie" -
people who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profits.
people who sell their labor for wages.
the experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness.
Max Weber three dimensions
class, status and power.
earnings from work or investments.
the total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts.
das kapital
is an extensive treatise on political economy written in German by Karl Marx.
communist manifesto
is one of the world's most influential political manuscripts, and written by communist theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
relative poverty
absolute poverty
the lack of resources of sum ppl in relation to those who have more.


lack of resources that is life-threatening.
statistical profile of the prototypical poor person in the US by: age, race and resident.
feminization of poverty
the trend of women making up an increasing proportion of the poor.
2 sub classes of the top 2 classes
upper uppers: 1% 3 million ppl, born into.

lower-uppers: 4% 12 million ppl.