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71 Cards in this Set

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social stratification
a system bu which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy
4 principles of social stratification
1. soc strat a trait of society (not reflection of individual differences)
2. soc strat carries over from generation to generation
3. soc strat is universal but variable
4. soc strat involves not just inequality but beliefs as well
social mobility
change in position within social hierarchy
up down or horizontal
closed system
allow little chamge in social position
open systems
allow more social mobility
caste system
social stratification based on ascription/birth; in agrarian societies
little mobility based on effort; keep with own kind
endogamous marriage
marry someone of the same rank
racial separation
class system
social stratification based on both birth and individual achievement
social stratification based on personal merit
pure meritocracy never existed
person's knowledge, abilities and efforts
measured by importance of job and how well its done
status consistency
degree of uniformity in a person's social standi nf across various dimensions of social inequality
caste has higher lvl of status consistency; increase mobility decrease consistency
1st estate in aristocratic england
church leaders; pwr to shape political events
2nd estate in aristocratic england
rest of aristocracy; heredity nobility
king quen dukea barons
3rd estate of aristocratic england
commoners; serfs working land of nobles
all property pass to oldest son or other male relative
keep from land being divided
4 categories in past Russia
1.apparatchiks- high gov officials
2.soviet intelligentsia- college profs, scientists, docs, engineers
3. manual workers
4. rural peasantry
modern Russia
perestroika- restructuring
structural social mobility
shift in the social position of large numbers of people due more to changes in society itself than to individual efforts
hai gui
returned from overseas; sea turtles
new social rank in china
cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements, including patterns of inequality
historical patterns of ideology
Davis-Moore thesis
social stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of a society
jobs wi th more importance have more rewarda attached
social stratification rooted ib ppks relationship to means of production
ppl who own and operate factories and other businesses in pusuit of profits
ppl who sell theor labor for wages
the experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness
marx thoughts
thought woking class overthrow capitalists bc more poor and less control
thought socialism replace capitalism
why no Marxist revolution?
1. fragmentation of the capitalist class
2. a higher std of living
3. more worker orgs
4. greater legal protections
blue-collar occupations
lower prestige jobs that involve mostly manual labor
white-collar jobs
higher prestige jobs that involve mostly mental activity
social stratification cause conflict in 3 dimensions of inequality
1. class position-econ inequality
2. status-social prestige
3. power
socioeconomic status
composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequality
and categories on continuum
marx thought eliminate social stratification by abolish private ownership
but weber say that would reduce econ diff but increase social inequality bc political figures become important
conspicuous consumption
buying and using products bc of the statement they make about social position
buy water bottles instead of fountain
kuznets curve
high income nations have less income equality
earnings from work or investments
total value of money and other assests minus outstanding debts
more unequal than income;
avg ppl wealth in cars and homea
rich ppl wealth in stocks and investments
upper- uppers
"blue bloods" or "society" includes less than 1% of US pop; member reault of birth (old money)
"working rich"; earn money rather than inherit (new rich)
above avg income and have high prestige jobs
work less prestigious white-collar jobs or high skill blue- collar jobs; small amount of wealth
working class; little to no wealth; jobs with continual supervision and less benefits
lower class
working poor; low prestige jobs with minimal income
20% of pop
"old rich"
family and under-stated manners and tastes
"new rich"
conspicuous consumption (jets, cars, homes)
rich vs poor
1.rich more tolerant than poor
2.rich conservative to econ and liberal to social
3. poor liberal to econ and conservative to social
4. rich more likely to vote
ex homosexuality
intragenerational social mobility
change in social position occurring during person's lifetime
intergenerational social mobility
upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents
shows long term changes in society that affect all
horizontal social mobility
changing jobs at the same class lvl
4 conclusions about mobility
1. social mobility over past century has been fairly high
2. within a single generation, social mobility is usually small
3. the long-term trend in social mobility has been upward
4. since 1970s, social mobility has been uneven
American dream not reality bc
1. for many workers, earnings have stalled
2. more jobs offer little income
3. young people are remaining at home longer
relative poverty
lack of resources of some people in relation to those who have more
absolute poverty
lack of resources that is life-threatening
all systems of social inequality have...
race and poverty
71% of poor are white BUT blacks 3 timea more likely to be poor
feminization of poverty
trand of women making up an increasing portion of the poor
increase in households headed by women
2 views of poverty
1. blame poor
2. blame society
culture of poverty
lower-class subculture that can destroy people's ambition to improve their lives
low income (near poor)
ppl with income less than twice the poverty rate
primary source of poverty
society bc the few available jabs offer only low wages
categories of people who face special barriers and limited opportunities already
women, colored, minorities
"new homeless"
ppl lose jobs, leave bc of domestic violence, kicked out bc cant pay rent, or cant meet payments
homeless= poverty
factors that contribute to homelessness
long-term structural changes in econ, cut backs in social service budgets, econ downturn
assortment of policies and programs designed to improve well-being of some low income ppl
hierarchical division of society
social stratification
society's system of ranking categories of people in a hierarchy
hierarchy accomplish
1. creates and perpetuates inequality
2. social location determines access
3. creates and perpetuates dominant and subordinate groups
system of beliefs ajd ideas that legitimize, rationalize, and justify the subordination of some groups of people and the elevation of others
all systems of stratification have...
a prevailing ideology
tertiart sector growth
aka service sector growth