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7 Cards in this Set

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What is social class?
Social class is a system in society which categorises people in terms of waelth, upbringing, ethnicity and gender. The upper classes are those with more power, rights and oppourtunities.
Which sociologists have perspectives on social class?
Mike Savage et al - believes that social classes are becoming fragmented. Especially in the middle class. Believes it is difficult to categorise anyone, anymore because we now live in a scoiety of relative affluence and people are free to choose from a range of leisure activities and occupations.
John Scott - identified connections within the upper class such as the 'old boy network'. In which upper class children have connections to job opportunities beyond school.
Pierre Bourdieu - Believes firmly that there are still social classes and that each has its own distinct norms, values and leisure activities.
What evidence is there to support the theory that there is a class system?
- The ONS scale has been published by government which lists people in terms of occupation from class 1 to 8.
- The top 5% of the population own 72% of the UK's wealth.
- Each class still has its own distinct leisure activities.
- There are stereotypes of each class.
- Middle and working class children go to state schools and upper class children go to private schools.
What evidence is there to support the theory that social class is breaking down?
- Class mobility is frequent.
- The middle class is so large and diverse that it cannot be classified.
- Most people now refer to themselves as middle class.
- Mike Savage's studies concluded that most see themselves as 'outside class'.
What are the three main classifications within the upper class?
Landowning aristocrats - large land owners.
Entrepreneurs - members of the upper who have achieved their wealth through business, many having moved up from other classes.
Jet set - celebrities and other well-known personalities who have also achieved upward class mobility. Such as Elton John and Mick Jagger.
What are the three main classifications within the middle class according to Roberts (2001)?
Postmodern - such as artists, 'yuppies' and other diverse lifestyles.
Ascetic - modest wealth and accomodation but articulate and well read.
Managerial - managers and government officials, usually very conventional.
What are the typical leisure activities, norms and values of the three main social classes?
Upper class - exclusive events, hunting, shooting etc...
Middle class - diverse but usually take part in most sports, days trips and holidays.
Working class - various hobbies and recreational activities