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9 Cards in this Set

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Church Significance Overtime:

- Dark Ages all people would follow religious rule

- Modernity church and traditional institutions like public schools still hold on to strong values

Middle Class and NRM

- World Affirming New Religious Movements

- Middle class seek to fill spiritual void in their lives already content with their oen status

Working Class NRM

- World Rejecting

- Poorer more deprived people suffer from status frustration

- Believe in religions that are against societies norms

Heaven's Gate

- Charles Manson Sect

- Monopoly of truth


- Cultural Capital

- Lower class people have less access to more sophisticated institutions accessing church and school

Heelas (2003)

- The Kendal Project: 28,000 people 2 year longitudinal study

- 1970 Church Attendance 7.9% Decrease

- Growth in religious services 1970-2000

Bruce (1995)

- Middle class seek to find meaning in other areas of their lives

Theodicy of Disprivilege:

- Marxist criticism of religion

- People in poverty without privilege will be rewarded in heaven

Deprivation on Church Attendance:

- Inner city areas that are deprived have the highest church attendance