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87 Cards in this Set

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formal instituion under the direction of specially trained teachers
The word school is from the Greek root that means...
There is not very much of it
All low income countries have 1 trait in common when it comes to schooling:
in the poorest nations only ________ of all children ever get to go to school; worldwide only _________ every ever get to secondary grades
% of India's people who cant read or write
1872; only privileged few attended
What year did mandatory schooling for Japan occur? Who got to go before industrialization?
Transmitting Japanese traditions
sense of obligation to family
cram schools
rigorous testing
Why is Japan's educational system superior?
mandatory education laws
By 1918 all states had passed ___________ requiring children to attend school until the age of 16 or completion of the 8th grade
When did the US reach a milestone of majority of US adults having a high school diploma?
4 out of 5; 1 out of 4
Today more than..... adults have high school diplomas and more than......have a 4 year college degree.
equal opportunity
Schoolin in the US also tries to promote......
practical learning
knowledge that prepares people for their future jobs, educational system that the US stresses
progessive learning
John Dewey called .......by which schools in the US generally try to make learning relvant to people's lives/
cultural innovation
social intergration
social placement
latent function
5 functions of schooling:
self fullfilling prophecy
people who expect other to act in certain ways often encourage that very behavior
Jane Elliot
Teacher who showed the harmful effects of stereotypes in her classroom using eye color of her students
as societies gain complex technology they turn to trained teachers to pass on specialized knowledge that adults will need for their jobs
cultural innovation
faculty at colleges invent culture as well as pass it along to students
social integration
schools mold a diverse population into one society sharing norms and values
social placement
schools identify talent and match instruction to ability
latent functions
schooling serves several less widely recognized functions...schools bring people together of marriageable age
social control
standardized testing
3 ways schools cause and perpetuates social inequality
social control
displays obedient and discipline and the importance of following orders
standardized testing
critics claim that the assessment test widely used by schools reflect our society's dominant culture, putting minorities at a disadvantage
despite controversy over standardized testing, most US schools use them for....
90% of the 54 million
Across the US __________________ primary and secondary school child attend state funded public schools.
parochial schools
schools operated by the Roman Catholic Church
A crucial factor affecting access to higher education is......
more affordable
special importance to minorites
serve local populations
top priority of faculty who work at large universities is typically research or teaching
Community colleges provide a number of specific benefits:
schooling transforms social privilege into personal merit
If attending college is a rite of passage for rich men and women as social conflict analysis suggest then...
rigid uniformity
numerical ratings
rigid expectations
little individual responsibility
5 ways buraucratic schools undermine education:
dropping out
quitting before earning even a high school dipolma
% of people between ages 16 and 24 are high school dropouts
functional illiteracy
a lack of reading and writing skills needed for everyday living
% of people in the US whose reading and writing skill is at the 8th grade level or below
grade inflation
the awarding of ever higher grades for average work
school choice
giving parents options about schooling their children might force all schools to do a better job
magnet schools
modest form of school choice; 2,000 of these schools offer special facilities and programs to promote educational excellence in a particular field, best suited for special talents and interests
charter schools
public schools that are given more freedom to try new policies and programs, 1/2 of students are minorities
schooling for profit
supporters of this plan say school systems can be operated more effciently by private profit making companies than by local government
2% or 1.1 million
% of children that are homeschooled
inclusive education
works best for physically impaired students who have no difficulty keeping up with the rest of the class
including students with disabilities in the overall educational program is called...
92 million
how many US adults were enrolled in some type of schooling in 2001?
advancing their career or train for new job
personal enrichment
why do adults return the the classroom?
low salaries, frustration, retirements, rising enrollments and class sizeq
what are some reasons for the teacher shortage
recruiting from abroad
what is a solution for the teacher shortage?
the social institution that focuses on fighting disease and improving health
state of complete physical, mental, and social well being
biological issue
This definition underscores the important fact that health is as much a social as....
cultural patterns define health
cultural standards of health change over time
a society's technology affects people's health
social inequality affects people's health
Society affects people's health in 4 major ways:
social epidemiology
study of how health and disease are distruuted throughout a society's population
age, gender, social class, and race
difference can be viewed in terms of....
infant mortality
the death rate among children under 1 year old
cigarette smoking
tops the list of preventable health hazards in the US
number of men and women who die prematurely each year as a direct result of cigarette smoking
eating disorder
intense type of dieting or other unhealthy method of weight control driven by the desire to be very thin
about 1/2
how many college women have engaged in eating disorders?
how many people are overweight in the US?
gonorrhea and syphilis
among the oldest known STDS, caused by microscopic organisms that are almost always transmitted through sexual contact
1 in 5
how many US adults does herpes affect?
the most serious of all sexually transmitted diseases
what country has the highest HIV infection rate and accounts for 64% of all world cases?
anal sex
sharing needles
use of any drug
specific behaviors the increase the risk of HIV
assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease
mercy killing
what is euthanasia also known as?
American Medical Association
founded in 1847 symbolized the growing acceptance of scentific model of medicine
holistic medicine
an approach to health care that emphasizes prevention of illness and takes into account a person's entire physical and social environment
has experimented with private medicine, but the government controls health care
Russian Federation
transforming a state dominated economy into more a market system; therefore this country's medical is in transition
has socialized medicine
socialized medicine
a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians
Great Britain
also established socialized medicine by creating a dual system of medical services
has had a single payer model of medical care that provides care to all citizens
operate privately, but a combination of government programs and private insurance pays medical costs
United States
has a direct fee system
direct fee system
a medical care system in which patients pay directly for the services of doctors and hospitals
private insurance costs
about 175 million people in the US received medical care benefits from a family member's employer or labor union
public insurance companies
Congress created medicare and medicaid
health maintenance organization
an organization that provides comprehensive medical care to subscribers for a fixed fee
Talcott Parsons
viewed medicine as society's strategy to keep its members healthy; came up with sick role and doctor role
sick role
patterns of behavior defined as appropriate for people who are ill
sick role
releases people from everyday obligations, looking the part of being sick
physician's role
doctor's orders; evaluating people's claims of sickness and help restore the sick to normal routines
pyschosmatic disorders
when state of mind guides physical sensations
47 million
how many people in the US do not have medical insurance?
access to medical care
effects of profit motive
politics of medicine
3 conflicts between health and social inequality