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77 Cards in this Set

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Based on characteristics (skin color)
PAST Q: By definition, racial groups are distinguished on the basis of
A: Physical Characteristics
Based on culture (religion, traditions)
The group with less power
The group with more power
PAST Q: T or F: Sociologically speaking, a group with the largest number of members in a society is a “majority group”
Attitudes or judgments (usually negative) about an entire category of people
Actions that treat a category of people unequally
Individual Discrimination
An act by an individual that harms others or property
Institutional Discrimination
Established practices that result in unequal treatment of a category of people. They can occur without conscious Bigotry
Identity Salience Hierarchy
A ranking of an individual’s various social identities in order of their importance Highly fluid and context dependent
Ethno-Racial Pentagon
A term signifying the robust presence of 5 major pan ethnic categories in the United States. American perceptions of racial and ethnic relations tend to focus on the relationships of these 5 categories. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native American
An ethnic category that contains multiple ethnic identities.
Disconnected Approval
People are more likely to approve interracial dating and marriage in general, while they tend to disapprove if it actually takes place within one’s family.
Double Jeopardy
When you have two “unappealing” characteristics. For example black/ female/ handicapped/ non-native speaker/ gay…
PAST Q: In Article #1 of How Race is Lived in America, Vanessa Burch stated about her daughter “I know that being black is one strike against us… and in the business world, where she is going to have to compete, being a woman is tow against her” (p.15). This illustrates a concept of:
Double Jeopardy
Triple Jeopardy
Three “unappealing” characteristics
Push Factor
A reason to emigrate
Pull Factor
A reason to immigrate
Cyber Racism
“Expression and dissemination of racial hatred through digital means”
Relative Deprivation
Gap between expectations and reality gets big enough to feel injustice.
Colonial Immigration
17th to early 19th century. Overwhelmingly English. Conflict between English and German
Old Immigration
1820 to 1890. Still from Northern and Western Europe. English, German continuously migrated. Irish increased especially since the 1840’s
PAST Q: The period of “Old Immigration” is characterized by the immigration of which ethnic group?
New Immigration
1890 to 1914 (or 1929). Almost 70% of immigrants were from southern & eastern Europe
1930 to 1965. Less number of new arrivals that tend to contribute to the sustenance of the hiatus culture in ethnic endures
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Banned Chinese Immigration
Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907)
U.S. agreed to no discriminate against the Japanese and Japan will stop Japanese immigration to the U.S.
PAST Q: Which of the following best describes the Gentleman’s Agreement of 1907
A: Japan and the U.S. reached an agreement that while the U.S. would end discrimination against the Japanese Americans, Japan would stop the flow of Japanese immigration to the United States
Immigration Act of 1924
Put a quota on a number of people from each country
Relative Satisfaction
Many were destitute in Ireland so the bottom is still better in the US. This didn’t threaten the dominant groups in the US
Bloc Voting
All of an ethnic group votes for the same person to get their way
Ethnic Ecological Succession
Expansion of opportunities for an ethnic group because the economy expands
13th Amendment
Abolished the legal institution of slavery in the United States
PAST Q: Which amendment officially abolished the legal institution of slavery in the United States?
A: 13th Amendment
14th Amendment
Equal protection of the law
15th Amendment
The right to vote
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Separate but equal
The Great Migration
in 1910 blacks went to the north once they were freed
PAST Q: T or F: In sociology of race and ethnicity, “the Great Migration” refers to the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans into the United States during the last decades of the 19th century and the first few decades of the 20th century
The Compromise of 1877
Gave Hayes (north) votes for presidency and in return the North removed their troops from the south
De Jure Segregation
racism by law
PAST Q: Segregation by law such as Jim Crow System of Segregation is called
A: De jure segregation
De Facto Segregation
racism by custom
Giving money to people whose ancestors were slaves
Process of shipping home illegal immigrants
Bracero Program
Mexicans brought to America, guaranteed wage, food, residence
Circular Migration
what Mexicans did. Immigrants can come and go for seasons
Model Minorities
Strictly based on having good education and economical status. Asian Americans for example
Immigration Act of 1965
Established a preference system based on family ties, special skills and refugee status
PAST Q: T or F: The 1965 Immigration Act established a preference system based on family ties, special skills and refugee status
What did Tiger Woods mean by calling himself "Cablinasian"?
Cablinasian: 12.5% Caucasian/ 25% Black/ 12.5% Native American/ 50% Asian
What is the key point of the video "Race: The Power of Illusion" on the issue of a biological basis of racial category?
Race has NO biological basis
What was the essence of Fredrick Hoffman's 1896 "extinction thesis"? What was the flaw of his idea?
Fredrick Hoffman’s 1896 “extinction thesis” said that black people would go extinct. His flaw was because he ignored the effects of poverty and social neglect of health.
What was the role of science in constructing and maintaining racial hierarchy?
By calling results scientific it makes it seem factual but it wasn’t legitimate because the tests were biased.
Understand "primordialist", "constructionist", and "instrumentalist" views of race and ethnicity.
a) Premordialist (Essentialist): Race and ethnicity are determined by birth & unchangeable
b) Constructionist: Race and ethnicity are situationally created or imposed, and thus changeable
c) Instrumentalist: Race and ethnicity are created & utilized strategically based on cost/benefit analysis
Understand William Cross' four stages of racial identity development. Then, consider how his theory applies to some of the descriptions of How Race is Lived in America.
William Cross’ 4 Theories
a) Pre Encounter- race means nothing to you
b) Encounter- racial incident (action or oral); tends to occur at schools; anger characterized this stage
c) Immerersion- Characterized by a strong desire to learn about one’s own history and to surround oneself with those who share it
d) Internalization- Characterized by a sense of security about one’s racial identity
What made Cubans angry (encounter) that made them want to surround themselves (immersion) then move close to each other (Internalization). BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE EACH FOR THE TEST.
What are the relationships between prejudice and discrimination?
Prejudice Discrimination
Bigot Yes Yes
Timid Bigot Yes No
FWF No Yes
Friend No No
Understand the following theory of prejudice: Cognitive theory, Social Learning Theory, and Conflict Theory
Conflict Theory: competition, exploitation

Social Learning Theory: socialization

Cognitive Theory: categorization, the aggrandizement of difference
In what sense does white racism differ from black racism?
White Racism- Superior feeling

Black Racism- Fight to Prevail
What are three major points emphasized regarding the video "The Hate Network"?
a) 1990’s was economic prosperity but racism still increased
b) Hate leaders had high level of education (raises the question of cognitive approach)
c) Senator Schumer states that “These people are almost deranged”, but are they? (sociologically it points to the issue of intensive interaction)
What is "Hate Speech"?
“A controversial term for speech intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other personal characteristics, or to incite violence or prejudicial action”
What are some strategies attempted to reduce prejudice and discrimination?
Educational Approach
a. Cognitive Approach
-the more education receive the less likely they are to accept ethnic stereotypes
b. Vicarious Experience Approach
-A program of intergroup education through the use of films, novels, and t.v. shows that present the members of different groups in a positive way.
c. Intergroup Contact
-Contact hypothesis: contact, particularly by chance and sustained contact, with members of different racial and ethnic groups promotes positive attitudes towards those groups.

Legal Approach
a. Social Busing
b. Affirmative Action
c. Discrimination Law suits

Political Approach
a. Consensus Approach
-electoral politics voting, lobbying, political parties, running for office
b. Conflict Approach
-Organized Social Protest
What are some characteristics of the Irish Americans that facilitated a high level of assimilation into the U.S.?
a) immigration wasn’t forced
b) familiar with Anglo-Saxon culture
c) Relative Satisfaction- poor in Ireland so ok being poor in US because it’s still better
d) Permanent commitment
e) Bloc Voting, asked for things in Gov’t all the time and got it
How do the characteristics of Italian Americans compare with those of the Irish?
a)Not forced immigration
b)Relative Satisfaction
c)Most were unskilled laborers or peasants
d)Mobilization of ethnic network politically & economically
e)Started and the bottom, upward mobility, increasing assimilation

a)Level of familiarity with Anglo- Saxon culture
b)Italians came without permanent commitment, less assimilation
c)Italians had negative reactions (guinea, mafia, white Chinese)
What social contexts were significant for the inclusion of new immigrants from Europe into a "white ethnic group"?
a) Economic Expansion
b) Great Depression
c) Intervention of machines (fear of displacement, need for voice, unionize)
d) Long Hiatus
How many slaves were there in the U.S. in 1790, 1830, 1860?
1790: 700,000
1830: 2 Million
1860: 3.9 Million
Why didn't slaves revolt against the system of slavery more?
a) system of slavery was extremely oppressive
b) system reduced human being to a subhuman condition
c) conditions of slavery generated extreme subversive & passivity among the slaves
How did Mississippi circumvent the 15th amendment in 1890?
a) Literacy test
b) Nomination to office restricted to whites
c) Grandfather Clause- only those whose grandfathers had been eligible to vote in 1860 could vote
When did Alabama officially eliminate its ban on mixed race marriages?
PAST Q: Which of the following descriptions about Irish and Italian immigrants is correct?
A: The Irish came to the U.S. with the intention to stay permanently, while most Italians came without such a commitment.
What were the effects of the Great Migration of blacks to the North?
a) Competition and conflict between races in the North
b) Enhancement of white identity
c) In the North, blacks had better (but not good) opportunities such as education than in the south, setting up the possibility of upward mobility for some.
What were the unintended consequences of the Bracero Program?
a) Animosity between Mexican Americans & Mexican workers
b) Increase in undocumented laborers
In general, Cuban Americans were more successful than other Hispanics. What explains the difference between Cuban Americans and other Hispanics such as Mexican Americans?
Cubans originally fled communism so the people who ran were the people who were wealthy. Therefore they had:
a) educational background
b) Socioeconomic background
c) America’s reception
Many Voters in the State of Washington claimed that "Washington has transcended race". What is their basis for this claim? Has Washington really transcended race?
We don't have an answer for this yet.
On what basis are Asian Americans labeled as the model minority? What effect did their perceived success have on 1) Asian Americans in general, and 2) on other minorities?
Asian Americans are labeled as the model minority because they have a high educational achievement and economic status. The consequences of this are that people have prejudice about Asians (they have to act a certain way) and prejudice about other minorities.
What is the population of each of the ethno-racial pentagon?
US population today: 312 million
American Indian: .9%
Asian American: 4.5%
Non-Hispanic white: 65%
African American: 12.4%
Hispanic: 15.8%
Jewish: 2%
Before the civil was black population was 11%