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62 Cards in this Set

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According to the Asian subcontinent to the Arctic and from Africa to the Americas (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007; Untied Nations Climate Change Conference 2009)
the planet is in peril, and the major part of this problem is the waste humans create.
is referring to salvaging items that can be reused, and is part of a social reform movement, the environmental movement.
Some have referred to as environmental racism
in which ethnic minorities are put at risk by the diseases and pollutants that recycling entailed, because many of the recycling plants and trash dumps are located in areas where poor people and minorities live.
Social change is
defined as variations or alterations over time in the structure, culture (norms and values), and behavior patterns of a society. And the change is inevitable and ubiquitous (omnipresent or pervasive).
Progress is a positive word in much of Australia and in other countries where change is seen as normal even desirable
the traditions, culture beliefs of a society and internal and external pressures all affect the degree and rate of change in society.
Terrorism refers
to "the use of indiscriminate violence to cause mass fear and panic to intimidate a population and advance one's political goals, whatever they may be. (Nolan 2002a: 1648)
Most modern terrorist organizations are not nations, they are ethnic, political, or religious subgroups
that have elicited passionate loyalty from followers, even to the point of suicide on behalf of the group and its ideology.
The core motivation for terrorists who commit horrific acts
are economic and political disruptions or ripple effects in one's society.
Not only do terrorist acts destabilize economics, but they change the kinds of jobs that are available
such as many jobs created in the security fields. And after 911, many health care institutions began to make plans for biological and chemical terrorist attacks, which it change the way how monies are allocated in the health care industry.
The attack of 911, was partially motivated by 19 young men who were intensely pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli. But none of them were from Palestine or Iraq
because they sympathized with those who had been displaced by the establishment of Israel. And the motivation of the act on 911(World Trade Center) is to strike our United States.
The date, 911 was a symbolic date for Palestinians
which is the date that Britain declared control of Palestine. Due to the declaration of U.N. granting the land to Jews to establish Israel. In addition, the Camp David Accords, which established Israel's right to exist in the Middle East, were singed on September 11, 1979.
The Kyoto Protocol on global warming requires commitment by nations to curb carbon dioxide and other emissions
but U.S. President Bush rejected it, because it "does not make economic sense".
As of 2009, 187 countries and the European Union have approved the treaty
the exceptions are the U.S., China, India and Brazil, the major polluters.
The two big quandaries for the policies that address the issues of a shared environmental crisis
are the costs and benefits to various nations of participating in a solutions, and the matter of time when the nations will response before it is too late to make a difference.
NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement), which was initiated in 1993 to establish a free trade area between Canada, the United States, and Mexico to facilitate trade in the region
there is some indication that tariffs are down and U.S. exports have increased. The treaty countries produced $15.3 billion in goods and services, and trade (in agricultural products) tripled between 1993 and 2007 to $903 billion.
A source of change known as strain
may come from within the organization and triggers a social change.
Stress, those pressures for change that come from the organization's external environment, can be traced to several sources
the natural environment and natural disasters, population dynamics, actions of leaders, new changing technologies, changes in other institutions, and major historical events.
Internal refugees, are those being displaced within their country
while external refugees, are those being displayed to other land. Such as the refugees from the conflict in the Darfur region in Sudan are fleeing to camps in the nearby country.
Population dynamics; birth and death rates, size of populations, age distribution, and migration patterns
can be important contributors to external stress on organizations.
The trigger event that actually started WWI
was the assassinations of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Which resulted in German invasion of several other countries and the beginning of the war.
Symbolic interactionists would see the effort to build a consensus about the social change mean and to implement change in a way that is not perceived as threatening to the members, as oppose to the Rational choice theories
change may not require a change in costs or rewards. it may be sufficient simply to change the people's perception of the advantages and disadvantages of certain action in the micro level.
The change of technology of the automobile in the 1930's by Owen G. Roberts in Ohio create
the change on how people socialized with each other, how they spend their times, how they courtship, the accessibility to the schools and churches, how people choose where to live (not congested area), and the creation of more gas station which indirectly caused the air being polluted, and the wealthy people (paid higher tax to support outstanding school) moved to up-scaled area which created socioeconomic and ethnic stratification between communities.
In recent versions of evolutionary theory, Nolan and Lenski (2008) discuses of five stages of progress in society of change
hunter-gatherer, horticultural, agrarian, industrial and post-industrial. In the stages of change is due to new technologies and more efficient harnessing of energy, and not as one stage is better than the others. And many modern cases do not fit this pattern because they skip step steps or are selective about what aspects of technology to adapt. Like the countries of India and China.
The use of the phrase "developing countries" has been controversial
many use the term Global South because poor countries are disproportionately south of the 20th latitude north whereas affluent nations are typically north of that lines. and the term is meant to avoid an assumption of inevitable evolution toward Western cultures.
Contemporary evolutionary are multilinear about the difference how change takes place
and the rapid spread of ideas and technologies means that societies today may move quickly from simple to complex, created modern states.
Such as the demand in Middle East of oil which created higher capital incomes in the world in Qatar ($179,000 per individual)
while other Middle East people still lives as nomads or herders in other villages, and earned their living from the desert, which indicated that not all the segments of society change at the same rate.
As the functionalist theories assume change can come from external or internal sources, from stresses in contact with other societies, or from strain within
when the change it's slow, non-disruptive as the societies become more complex, it appeared less threatened. Because sudden change is difficult to explain using functional theory while especially as dysfunctional and disruptive.
According to Karl Marx and Frederic Engels assume
the conflict between the owners (bourgeoisie) and the workers (proletariat), would be the central factor driving social change. (Economic class conflict)
While other conflict theories study the difference between gender, religion, political, and ethnic interest group problems
feel that these factors can also be the grounds for oppression of "we v.s they" difference. And some see the change is positive because it will bring forth better system in the societies, such as the health care reform in U.S.
The World (capitalist) system theory (focus on the historcial devekopment of the whole world and how that development has influenced individual countries today), which it divided into three main parts
the core areas are economically and politically powerful (G8) and New Zealand, Semi-peripheral countries (Brazil, Argentina, South Korea, India, the Philippines, Iran, and Mexico), and Peripheral countries (many poor African countries, Asian, and Latin American nations).
In one sense, world system theory
is a conflict theory that is global in nature, with core countries exploiting poor countries. Such as the core capitalist company exploiting the South African in mines business.
Today, the price that we pay at the gas pump
reflects the power of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to set prices, is due to the collective power of alliances by poor countries.
Collective behavior
refers to unplanned, spontaneous, unstructured, disorganized actions that often violate norms. A way that people coped with stressful situation.
Crowd behaviors
mobs, panics, riots, and demonstrations, are all forms of collective behavior in which a crowd acts, at least temporarily, as a unified group (supporting a just cause).
Mass behaviors
occurs when individual communicate or response in a similar manner to ambiguous or uncertain situations, often based on common information from the news or on the internet (public opinions, rumors, and fashions). It often lacks of ranking of authority and leadership.
Based on principles of rational choice theory, the mini-max strategy suggests
individuals try to minimize their loses or costs and maximize their benefits.
Emergent norm theory points out that
individuals in crowds (effected by ambiguous situation) have different emotions and attitudes that guide their decisions and behaviors than if they act alone.
Value-added theory
describes conditions for crowd behavior and social movements.
Collective behaviors emerges (Smelser 1963), with six factors
structural conduciveness (tension between religious and ethnic groups in Iraq), structural strain (the needs not meet at the societal level (Iraq government unable to control violence and provides basic services), spread of a generalized belief (the cause, effect, and the solution of the problem solve, develop and spread (U.S troops begin to leave, militias are killing members of other groups), precipitating factors a dramatic event (groups of men from different religious groups are kidnapped, bound, and shot), mobilization for action (citizens gather to protest the killings and angry spokespersons enrage the crowd), social control are weak (the civil war has erupted in Iraq because of a lack of a trained police force.)
Mobs (crowd behavior and often violent and spontaneous)
are emotional crowds that engage in violence against a specific target (lynchings, killings and hate crimes). Like the vigilantes group in the South, which was formed after the end of the U.S. civil war.
Riots (crowd behavior)
an outbreak of illegal violence committed by individuals expressing frustration or anger against people, property, or both, begin when certain conditions (hunger, poverty, poor housing, lack of jobs, discrimination, poor education, or an unresponsive or unfair judicial system) occur.
Panic (crowd behavior)
occurs when a large number of individuals become fearful or try to flee threatening situations that are beyond their control, sometimes putting their life in danger.
Rumors (part of the mass behavior, that is often less spontaneous and seldom violent)
are a form of mass behaviors in which unsupported or unproven reports about a problem, an issue, or a concern circulate widely throughout the public. (Urban legends, unsubstantiated stories become widely circulate)
Fads (mass behavior)
are temporary items or activities that spread rapidly and are copied enthusiastically by large numbers of people. (body modification like tattooing)
Fashions (mass behavior)
refers to social patterns favored by a large number of people for a limited period of time. (clothing styles, music genres, color schemes in home decor, types of automobiles, and architectural designs)
The closed system change modles
often called classical or mechanistic models, focus on the internal dynamics of the organization for its bureaucratic efficiency and effectiveness.
Open system change modles
combine both internal and external environment. The input of the raw materials, workers and feed backs, in result of outputs products that affect the larger society.
The several implication of open system modles
the process is ongoing, interdependent and linkage within the organization, and the change in one part often effected the others.
One huge issue causing conflict in the global South
is the availability of clean drinking water, through the assistance of Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Social movement
are consciously organized attempts outside of established institutions to enhance or resist change through group action.
The problem that leaded to social movement
often result from the way of resources, such as human rights, jobs, income, housing, money for education and health care. And as well as the environmental protection.
While Stonewall social movement (for gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual rights) that fought back police raid in New York city is a act of proactive social movement
while the act by James Dobson, that rallies against the acceptance of homosexuality or giving gay's equal status to heterosexual married relationship, is a act of reactive social movement.
Types of Social Movement
consist of expressive movements (focus on changing person's corrupted life style, mostly are religions movement); social reform movements ( seek to change some aspect of the society, social issues such as anti movement by the Sojourners community); revolutionary movements (attempts to transform society to bring about change and to overthrowing the existing power); resistance or regressive movement (attempts to protect the existing system); global transnational movements (seek change in global issues, such as status of women, global warming, disease pandemics).
The Sojourners Community (1970's) was theologically evangelical and conservative, but their faith are engaged in social crisis (civil right, poverty, and the Vietnam war), and is part of the Social Reform Movement (proactive)
which they advocate for a consistent pro-life policy (antiabortion, antiwar, and anti-death penalty), and is leaded by Jim Wallis. "the right gets it wrong, and the left doesn't get it." is one of famous quote by Wallis in 2005.
In 1994, Nelson Mandela's African National Congress succeeded in taking power in South Africa, by rewriting the constitution, and purging a racially segregated apartheid social system
is a form of Revolutionary Social Movement (proactive) that is non-violent.
Taliban religious movement in Afghanistan was a Regressive Social Movement (reactive) against modernization
that especially against the Western pattern of giving freedom and autonomy to women. And the movement was successful in gaining power in the 1990's, by imposing a harsh brand of Islamic law.
A example of Global transnational movement (proactive)
is Free the slaves, a global antislavery organization started by sociologist Keven Bales.
Sociologist William Ogburn, has argued that change of environment and technology is brought about through
three processes: discovery (started with individual ideas), invention (creation of new products), and diffusion (the spread of the invention worldwide).
is the systematic process of producing human knowledge, whether social, biological, or physical; science provides a systematic (empirical search method) way to approach the world and its mysteries.
Basic research designed to discover new knowledge that founded by University researchers and some government institutions
while the Applied research is to discover practical uses for existing knowledge, that is founded by Industry, Military and Department of Agriculture.
Scientific knowledge is usually cumulative
with each study adding to the existing body of research.
Generational digital divide
which means the younger generation have more technological competence knowledge than their elders.