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30 Cards in this Set

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Charles Horton Cooley

Looking Glass Self

What is the Looking Glass Self?

The sense of self emerged from our interaction with other people

3 components of self-identity or self-concept

1. How we present ourselves to others

2. How we think and react to what we feel their view of that appearance must be

3. We develop our self based on what others see us

George Herbert Mead

Stages of Self

3 stages of self according to Mead

1. Preparation

2. Play

3. Game

Child imitates the actions of others


Child takes the role of a single other, as if he or she were the other


Child considers the roles of two or more others simultaneously


Erving Goffman

Dramturgical approach or All the world is a stage

Lev Vygotsky

Social Development Theory or Social Cognition or Children's Cognitive Development

Is the study of humans, human behavior and societies, past and present


4 subfields of anthropology

1. Archeology

2. Biological anthropology

3. Cultural anthropology

4. Linguistics anthropology

Analyzes human culture by studying things what people have, particularly from the past


Studies how humans adapt to various environments, the causes of diseases and early death, and how humans evolved from animals

Biological anthropology

Study how humans in various places live and make sense of the world around them

Cultural anthropology

Explore the varied methods of communication people use around the globe

Linguistics anthropology

Brian Morris

Self as a concept has been largely absent in anthropology

Marcel Mauss

Concept of self (moi) but was more to mean as a person (personne)

Clifford Geertz

Western concept of self as bounded, unique, more or less integrated motivational and cognitive universe, dynamic center of awareness, emotion, judgment, and action organized wholes against its social and natural background

Leon Festinger

The Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Is not a religion nor a philosophy


Is the central doctrine of Buddhism


Eternal, essential and absolute something

Soul, self or atman

4 noble truths

1. Life has inevitable suffering

2. There is a cause to our suffering

3. There is an end to sufferings

4. The End of suffering is contained in the eight-fold path

The Eight-fold Path

1. Right view

2. Right intentions

3. Right speech

4. Right action

5. Right livelihood

6. Right effort

7. Right concentration

8. Right mindfulness


The purpose of atman is to attain nirvana

5 basic virtues of confucianism

1. Ren/Jen (benevolence, humaneness)

2. Yi (righteousness or justice)

3. Li (proper rite)

4. Zhi or Chih (knowledge)

5. Xin (integrity)

Represents the Chinese counterculture


Expression of one's inner self is allowed in that area of life

Filipino self

3 main types of Filipino self

1. Type I

2. Type II

3. Type III